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FFRPG Cliffnotes Version

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« on: July 03, 2013, 12:28:53 am »

The Final Fantasy Role Playing Game Third Edition: Cliff Notes Version!

Table of Contents
0. Introduction - This post!
1. Playguide -Post 2!-
   ○ Dice
   ○ Statistics
   ○ Skills
   ○ Task Checks
   ○ Scenes
   ○ Classes and Jobs
   ○ Combat
2. Character Creation -WIP-
   ○ Advancement
   ○ Experienced Characters
3. Races -WIP-
   ○ Human
   ○ Bangaa
   ○ Cremiere
   ○ Dwarf
   ○ Elf
   ○ Galka
   ○ Mithra
   ○ Moogle
   ○ Nu Mou
   ○ Qu
   ○ Ronso
   ○ Tarutaru
   ○ Varg
   ○ Viera
   ○ Yeti
   ○ Differentiating Races
4. Jobs -WIP-
   ○ Warrior Jobs
   ○ Expert Jobs
   ○ Mage Jobs
   ○ Adept Jobs
5. Skills -WIP-
   ○ Expanded Rules
   ○ Groupwork
   ○ Artistic Skills
   ○ General Skills
   ○ Scholastic Skills
   ○ Social Skills
   ○ Technical Skills
   ○ Thievery Skills
   ○ Weapon Skills
   ○ Wilderness Skills
6. Equipment -WIP-
   ○ Equipment Basics
   ○ Weapon Slot
   ○ Shield Slot
   ○ Body Slot
   ○ Head Slot
   ○ Hands Slot
   ○ Accessory Slot
   ○ Inventory Slot
   ○ Materials
7. Combat -WIP--
   ○ The Basics of Combat
   ○ The Initiative Phase
   ○ The Action Phase
   ○ The Status Phase
   ○ The Spoils of Battle
   ○ Special Circumstances
8. Magic -WIP-
   ○ Spell Classifications
   ○ Black Magic
   ○ White Magic
   ○ Time Magic
   ○ Red Magic
   ○ Blue Magic
   ○ Spellblade Magic
   ○ Intuitive Magic
9. Adventuring -WIP-
   ○ Rest and Recovery
   ○ Towns
   ○ On The Road
10. Gamemastering -WIP-
   ○ GM Basics
   ○ Building an Adventure
   ○ Building a Campaign
   ○ Creating New Races
   ○ Creating Equipment
Appendix I. Skill Supplement -WIP-
   ○ The Basics of Technical Skills
   ○ Invent
   ○ Gadgets
   ○ Repair
   ○ Crafting Weapons and Armor
   ○ Practical Crafting
   ○ Cooking
   ○ Explosives
   ○ Alchemy
   ○ Mix
Appendix II. Monster Creation System -WIP-
   ○ Monster Profile
   ○ Attributes and Statistics
   ○ Attacks
   ○ Action Abilities
   ○ Spells
   ○ Job Abilities
   ○ Movement Abilities
   ○ Support Abilities
   ○ Reaction Abilities
   ○ Field Effects
   ○ Boss Abilities
   ○ Rewards
   ○ Converting Monsters
Appendix III. Summoning -WIP-
   ○ The Basics of Summoning
   ○ Using Evocation Magic
   ○ Using Summon Magic
   ○ Summon Profiles
Appendix IV. Storytelling -WIP-
   ○ Key Points
   ○ Traits
   ○ Planning
Appendix V. Game Sheets -WIP-
Glossary -WIP-

-How to use!-
This Cliff Notes Version of FFRPG will be organized under one thread, broken into multiple posts by section. As this is the "first post", the Table of Contents and Introduction are going to go here. The second post will have the Playguide, and so on. All of which are going to be the Cliffnotes versions, which hopefully will be done well enough to not need to turn to the original PDF too often! That said, the entire Introduction from the original PDF will be replaced with campaign-specific details excepting a few common themes from Final Fantasy and how they will fit into the setting.

-Campaing Setting-
Still a Work In Progress, but the setting for this campaign of FFRPG is going to have signifigent Sci-Fi elements! Magic will still be prevalient, and many of the technologies at work will lean more towards Magitek than straight technology. More will be added later.

-Key Elements of Final Fantasy-
As the setting is going to be something a little original, the following are important concepts linked to the trends of Final Fantasy; Note that these do not particularly mean there wont be suprises, twists, or subversions regarding these things!

Mythos: Drawing inspiration and making references to various mythos and folklore. The specifics in this campaign are undecided, so feel free to make suggestions!

Keyword Is Fantasy: Magic and surreal objects, people, or places isn't rare in Final Fantasy, although the potency can certainly vary. Because of this, the setting will be grandiose and fantastical and not limit itself to the realms of real-world possiblity. It will still make sense internally, of course, but expect the unexpected! As with the previous, suggestions are more than welcome!

Summons: While Magic doesn't always involve summons, they are often as much a part of the setting as they are battle mechanics. As of now, the summons haven't been given an established role in the setting, so feel free to share ideas!

Airships: While it varies how common they are, and exactly what they are is yet to be defined for this setting, the party getting a nifty mode of transport is also a staple of Final Fantasy. Similarly is the link between Airships and a 'Cid' character, who is often a scientist or engineer.

Chocobo: They might as well be the mascot of the series, so we have to have them. Their specific role remains undefined, but they are often beasts of burden or war mounts.

World Crystals: These crystals embody elements of the world, and quite literally are what allow those things to function. Normally they consist of Fire, Earth, Water and Wind. Their precise role, function, and nature in the campaign has yet to be decided.

The Mook Duo: Biggs and Wedge, in some capacity, always appear. If Chocobo's, or perhaps Moogles, weren't Final Fantasy's mascot, it'd be these two clowns. Their role in the campaign, however small or large, is undefined.

The Big Bad: Be it small scale or large scale, those responsible for whatever evil or misdeeds being done is almost always a single person. While they can have a number of resources and mooks at their command, or even powerful allies who are bosses in their own right, there is always a Big Bad pulling all the strings. Sometimes it's not even who you think it is!
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 06:06:24 am by Xero » Report Spam   Logged

I'm on your side you fucking idiots! How many of you do I have to kill before you understand that?

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« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2013, 06:04:38 am »


FFRPG uses several kinds of dice: d6, d8, d10 & d12. Most situations in-game use a pair of d10. The other dice are used for determining damage and character gains.

Percentile Rolls are the most common type of roll used, the results called Percentile Dice or d%. The player rolls in a 1-100 range by rolling two d10. One d10 is the 'called die' and picked before the roll. The result of the 'called die' determines the tens digit, while the other die becomes the ones digit. Ex: Called d10 is 9, other is 3, so the result is 93. The goal is to roll equal to or under a target number called a Chance of Success (CoS). Harder tasks have a lower CoS.

Botches and Critical Successes are two types of special result that can occur. A Botch is whenever a d% comes up between 95-100 and a Critical Success is between 1-10. On a d% result, 10 is "0". Ex: Rolling two 10's is "0, 0" and a Botch (result 100), while 1 & 10/0 or 10/0 and 1 are Critical Successes (result 10 and 1 respectively). These mean the character acheives a spectactular result, failing or succeeding. Ex: Critical Success on an Etiquette check might impress nobles enough to obtain favors, while a Botch could be offensive enough to spark a Duel of Honor! The exact effects depend on context and the GM, but are usually within reason and not excessively dramatic.

The Rule of 10 prevents a CoS from lowering to the point of impossiblity, as rolling within a Critical Success range always allows a character to succeed. However, because of the difficulty of the task, it isn't treated like a Critical Success. Instead it is treated as an immensely impressive, barely pulled off feat despite the odds. The Rule of 10 does not apply in all situations, such as performing feats of strength that the GM declares outright impossible for a character. Ex: Hurling a castle at a monster.

Character abilities in FFRPG are in part measured by statistics or stats. These are called Attributes and Combat Statistics.

Attributes are the physical and mental caapbilities of a character in and out of combat. There are six Attributes:

Strength or STR governs physical vigor and muscle mass and helps determine how much damage a melee weapon such as a sword inflicts.

Vitality or VIT governs physical endurance and stamina and how resistant to damage, disease and fatigue a character is.

Agility or AGI governs physical dexterity and coordination and helps determine how much damage a ballistic weapon such as a crossbow inflicts, as well as Overall weapon accuracy.

Speed or SPD governs both physical quickness and reaction time.

Magic or MAG governs any mastery over a mystical force such as Chi, Mana, or the Elements and helps determine the effectiveness of spells and abilities.

Spirit or SPR governs both spiritual strength and mental fortitude and how resistant to magical damage and other effect a character is.

Attributes range between 1-30. The higher a character's score is, the better that character's abilities in that area are. This value is mainly used for damage calculation. Use of raw muscle, speed, or brainpower they use what is called an Attribute Rating. These range between 13-100 and have their own section below.

Combat Statistics determine a character's battle performance and include their ability to deal and receive damage. FFRPG characters have 7-11 combat statistics depending on their profession:

Hit Points or HP governs general physical condition and damage subtracts from this total, until reaching 0 and characters fall unconcious.

Magic Points or MP governs the general resevoir of mystical energy and use of spells and other magical powers reduces this total.

Evasion or EVA governs reflexes for dodging or parrying physical attacks.

Accuracy or ACC governs the basic ability for a character to land an attack.

Dexterity or DEX governs the accuracy of special agility-based attacks and is not a value every character uses.

Armor or ARM governs defense against physical damage and reduces how much damage is received.

Magic Evasion or M. EVA governs resistance to harmful magical energy.

Magic Accuracy or M. ACC governs accuracy in using mystical abilities and determines the effectiveness of magic.

Mind or MND governs the accuracy of magical special attacks and is not a value every character uses.

Magic Armor or M. ARM governs defense against magical damage and reduces how much damage is received.

Expertise or EXP governs skill at a specific profession and is not a value every character uses.

These Combat Statistics are mainly used reactively during play instead of directly in order to accomplish a task.

Skills are a variety of tasks and abilities a character can be capable of and how proficient they are at it. These values are called Skill Ratings and range between 1-100 wit higher value indicating greater skill. Rating and proficiency in skills is roughly as follows:

Skill Rating - Proficiency Level
   1-19      -     Untrained
   20-30     -      Novice
   31-50     -   Intermediate
   51-70     -     Advanced
   71-90     -      Expert
   91-100    -      Master

A skill belongs to one of eight groups based on usage. These groups are Artistic, General, Scholastic, Social, Technical, Thievery, Weapons, and Wilderness. Skills are discussed in more detail in their own section.

-Task Checks-
When a a character uses an Attribute or Skill to accomplish as task, this is called a Task Check. Which skil to use for a task should be obvious, while for Attributes it is usually a raw feat of ability. Examples include using STR for lifting heavy objects, VIT for fighting fatigue, AGI for dodging traps, SPD for running, MAG for solving a logic puzzle, and SPR for resisting mental torture. Task Checks are all based on the difficulty of a task, which is deermned by a Conditional Modifier ranging between +80 and -80. How this lines up is as follows:

Table 1-1: Conditional Modifiers
Elementary                 +80
Easy                       +40
Average                    +20
Problematic                 0
Challenging                -20
Formidable                 -40
Heroic                     -60
Impossible                 -80

A Conditional Modifier being assigned to a Task Check takes into account base difficulty and the context surrounding it. Ex: Climbing a mountain in pleasant weather  is easier than doing so in a storm without gear. After the Conditional Modifier is decided, it's added to the relevant Skill or Attribute Rating of the character performing the task. If the total is 100 or higher the character automatically succeeds without moving on to the Task Check itself. If it's less than 100, a character rolls a d% with a COS equal to the total of the Skill/Attribute Rating and the Conditional Modifier. Like a Percentile Roll, getting equal or under this number means you succeed and getting over means you fail. An especially complex task may require multiple rolls in order to succeed, with the Conditional Modifier reduced accordingly to account for this. Some tasks may be team efforts and require Task Checks from each character involved. Ex: The party defending itself during a trial hearing with the Negotiation Skill, the final verdict being determined by the number of successes and failures. Sometimes a successful character may assist or take over for another character in the given task.

Failure at a Task Check doesn't always mean you can just try again or sometimes results in putting the character or party in a worse situation than before and increasing the Conditional Modifier if they try again. This is reliant on context, as well as the amount of time spent attempting to accomplish a task. Ex: Something that takes 10 minutes is easier to try again than something that takes a full day of work.

Opposed Task Checks are when two or more characters use a Skill or Attribute Rating on each other. Sometimes these are the same Rating, while other times the characters will use a different one. Ex: A perceptive soldier in an Opposed Task Check against a spy's deceptive act about being royal emissaries. Opposed Task Checks function identically to regular Task Checks, though the CoS may either be the same for all characters involved or vary. Participants roll their d% at the same time, and everyone must roll even if they would normally be excepted because of a CoS of 100 or higher. Whoever scores the farthest below the Task Check CoS wins. Ex: A result of 26 on a CoS 40 Task Check will beat a result of 22 on a CoS 30 Task Check despite the latter being a lower result. A Botch or Failure removes a participant from the contest unless all participants also Botch or Fail, in which case all participants reroll unless one side forfeits. Similarly a Critical Success wins the contest unless other participants also get a Critical Success, in which case the lowest roll determines the winner.

In-game action in FFRPG is divided into Scenes that are composed of a varied and wide range of events and developments. Ex: Shopping in a town, confronting a villain, and an exploration of a dungeon are all Scenes. Each scene is composed of three phases: Initiative, Action and Status. These phases are often background elements that are only specifically brought up if needed. Scenes end with either a change of location or an adequate amount of time passes.

The Initiative Phase is used when the timing of actions is important in a scene. Ex: A character running to catch up to a departing airship. During this phase anyone involved in the scene rolls a d10 and adds the result to their SPD Attribute, the result being called their Initiative and determines who acts when. Once the lowest Initiative in the order has been reached, the phase moves into the Action Phase.

The Action Phase is where the timing of objects or other events is important and the GM assigns fixed Initiative to these things. Ex: The Airship will leave on Initiative Count 10. This phase is further divided into Turns. These are where participants carry out Actions, usually Task Checks. Turns are conducted in the previously established Initiative Order with the highest going first. Sometimes there will not be a preceding Initiative Phase and participants will discuss amongst themselves who takes the lead. During their Turns, participants may make one or more Action depending on context. If several sets of Actions are required then Initiative is generated again. Once the Action Phase has been resolved it moves into the Status Phase.

The Status Phase is the Conclusion of a Scene. Here characters discuss their situation and decide their next course of action provided they have the option to do so as well as the time in which Status Conditions come into play. Some Status Conditions are beneficial while others are harmful. Ex: Haste increases Reaction Speed while Poison decreases HP over time. Status Conditions are further discussed in their own section.

Most Status Conditions only have a limited duration called Timers and are always listed in bolded parentheses. Ex: Inflicts the Status Condition Sleep (6) means that effect has a Timer of 6. Most Timers are 2, 4, or 6 but some are (∞) and mean that effect has an Unlimited Timer. Once action has been resolved and the scene ends, the effects of Status Conditions are resolved and their Timers decreased according to the elased amount of between the end of the scene and the start of the next one. This is discussed in more detail in its own section. At times players may be allowed to treat Status Conditions and injuries during the Status Phase.

-Classes and Jobs-
Every character has a Class that determines their basic abilities broken up into Warriors, Experts, Mages, and Adepts. Each of these four Classes is further broken up by Subclasses known as Jobs. Ex: Mage Jobs include Black Mages and White Mages while Warriors include Monks and Dragoons.

Abilities are what distinguishes Jobs from each other and range from the ability to cast White or Black Magic or unleash powerful special attacks on enemies. All Jobs start with at least one Ability and gain more as they advance, the collection of abilities available to a Job being known as an Ability Set.

All Abilities are divided into one of Five groups: Fast, Slow, Reaction, Support, and Magic. Fast Abilities take place immediately while Slow abilities require preparation before they are used. This is represented by a Charge Time in bolded parentheses. Ex: Slow (4) means a Slow Ability has a Charge Time of 4. Charge Times and how they effect combat are discussed more in their own section. Reaction Abilities are used automatically when their trigger conditions are met and usually have a limited CoS. Reaction Abilities can trigger another Reaction Ability except when the two Reaction Abilities share the same trigger. Support Abilities are always in effect no matter what and do not need to be used. Magic Abilities use mystical energies and the most common of these is Spells, which use MP although not all Magic Abilities do so.

Almost all Abilities have a limited Area of Effect known as a Target, which is broken up into five basic types:

Self means the effect only applies to the caster.

Single means the effect only applies to one eligible target selected by the caster.

Group means the effect only applies to a formation of targets.

Party means the effect only applies to the caster and their allies in the immediate vicinity although in some cases the character using the Ability is exempted.

All means the effect applies to everyone indiscriminately.

Targeting is discussed more in it's own section.

Some abilities have a CoS that is listed in the Abilities description, with Reactions being the most common but techniques that inflict a Status Condition also frequently having one. The basic CoS formula is "(Base CoS + Modifier), EVA/M. EVA" with the latter being the defending Combat Statistic. Ex: "(M. ACC - 50), M. EVA" means the final CoS is modified by subtracting the target's M. EVA value from the d% result.

Sometimes a CoS is simply as a number, most commonly "30%" or "60%", known as a Flat CoS. A Flat CoS is never modified. Ex: A Flat CoS of 60% will always be a success on a roll of 60 or lower.

Some effects are given as bolded percentages such as "hits for +25% damage" or "is at -25%" with the ability itself explaining what is being modified. Ex: "Damage" alone indicates the Damage done by a basic Attack Action. Because of the number of possible modifiers there can be multiple percentages in one effect. If so they are added together before being applied.

All percentages are given in increments of 25% for ease of calculation:

25% - Halve the number in question, then halve it again.
50% - Halve the number in question.
75% - Calculate 25% and 50%, then add them together.
125% - Calculate 25%, then add it to the number in question.
150% - Calculate 50%, then add it to the number in question.
175% - Calculate 75%, then add it to the number in question.
200% - Double the number in question.
300% - Triple the number in question.

Always Round Down in FFRPG.

Battles are treated as Special Scenes that are further divided
into a smaller number of sequences called Rounds that contain their own Initiative, Action, and Status Phases. This is discussed further in it's own section. The goal of a Battle is to defeat ones opponents through various attacks and abilities, most of which have a limited chance of hitting an opponent and require Percentile Rolls against skills or a pre-determined CoS that is modified by subtracting the targets EVA or M. EVA. The most common Skills used in Battle are the Weapon Skills. A successful hit reduces the targets HP or MP after accounting for ARM and M. ARM.

Every attack has its own distinct Damage Code based on a Damage Scale or DS and a Damage Die. Ex: An attack with a Damage Code of "(3 x STR) + d10" has a DS of 3 and a Damage die of d10. Damage inflicted is determined by multiplying the DS and the Attribute in use and then rolling the Damage Die and adding it's result to the total. Having a characters Damage Code precalculated speeds up combat.

Attacks in FFRPG are either Physical or Magical with Physically attacks usually using STR or AGI Attributes to resolve damage and Magical attacks usually using the MAG Attribute. All Physical Damage is modified by the target's ARM Rating and is Guarded against by EVA while All Magical Damage is modified by the target's M. Arm Rating and Guarded against by M. EVA. In addition to this an attack can also be Elemental and inflict Elemental damage tied to one of nine Combat Elements: Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Lightning, Ice, Bio, Holy, and Shadow. These all have varying effects on the Target. Ex: Holy attacks burn demons and creatures of Shadow while Ice is extremely crippling to creatures of Fire. These special effects towards certain targets are called Weaknesses, Resistances, Immunities, and Absorbances. If a target has a Weakness (W) towards an Element then all attacks of that Element deal +50% Damage before modifying for ARM or M. ARM while if they have a Resistance (R) towards an Element it will deal -50% damage before modifying for ARM or M. ARM. Immuninty (I) means a target cannot be hurt by that Element and all damage is immediately reduced to 0 while Absorbance (A) means that Element instead heals them for the amount they would have been damaged after modifying for ARM or M. ARM. Combatants can have multiple Weaknesses, Resistances, Immunities, and Absorbances and they will often act in a complimentary fashion. Ex: A monster weak to Lightning may be resistant to water. This is further discussed in Appendix II. Physical and Magical attacks with no Element are simply "Physical Damage" and "Magical Damage" respectively.

There is a Damage Cap of 999 HP including modifiers for the Target's ARM or M. ARM Rating as well as Barrier Status Effects. This is important for dealing damage with effects based on the Target's HP as an attack that causes 50% Target HP Damage can still only deal a maximum of 999 HP removed. EX: Using a 50% Target HP Damage attack on a Target with 10,000 HP still only deals 999 Damage to their HP. This rule also applies to attacks that damage a targets MP. There are exceptions to the Damage Cap rule and attacks that do so will state this trait in their description. As a counterpart to the Damage Cap, damage done by an attack cannot be reduced to less than 1 HP by modifiers and is called the Rule of 1.

Once all of one side have been knocked out, fled, or otherwise dealt with, the battle is over. Whoever comes out on top is the victor and gains the rewards of the encounter. Encounter rewards typically include items, money, and Experience Points or XP. A character who aquires enough XP will advance a Level and gaining more strength and abilities. Characters may begin at Level 1 and can advance up to Level 99 if they manage to survive long enough. This is discussed further in its own section.


Ability: A special power possessed by a Job.

Ability Set: All Abilities available to a given Job or character.

Absorbance (A): Used to designate a combatant’s ability to absorb
a given category of Elemental damage.

Action Phase: Phase during which the participants act.

Attribute: One of a number of stats tracking a character’s physical and mental capabilities.

Attribute Rating: Number measuring a character’s ability in a given Attribute.

Botch: A critical failure on a Percentile Roll. Occurs on unmodified rolls of 95 to 100.

Charge Time: The delay between when a character decides to use
a Slow Ability and its activation.

Class: A generalised profession.

Combat Elements: The Elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice,
Lightning, Poison, Holy and Shadow.

Conditional Modifier: Modifier applied to Task Checks based on how
easy – or difficult – the task at hand is.

CoS: Short for ‘Chance of Success’. A target number for most task
resolution rolls in the FFRPG.

Critical Success: An unusually good result on a Percentile Roll.
Occurs on unmodified rolls of 1 to 10.

d%: A die roll using two ten-sided dice to generate a total

Damage Cap: Restriction limiting the amount of damage done by any one attack to 999 HP or MP.

Damage Die: Die – or dice – rolled and added to an attack’s

Damage Scale: Multiplier that gives an attack’s basic damage.

Elemental: Associated with the Combat Elements.

Fast Ability: An Ability that requires no preparation time.

Flat CoS: A chance of success that always remains the same.

Immunity (I): Used to designate a combatant’s immunity to a given
category of Elemental damage or Status Condition.

Initiative: Score that determines when actions are taken.

Initiative Phase: Phase during which the order of the participants’ actions is determined.

Job: A specialised profession.

Level: A reflection of a character's experience level. Based on the total number of XP that character possesses.

Magic Abilities: Spells and spell-like Abilities.

Magical: Magical damage not associated with a Combat Element.

Opposed Task Check: Task Check in which two or more
participants make a d% roll.

Percentile Roll: A roll made using a d%.

Phase: Segments of a Round. Most Rounds have three.

Reaction Ability: An Ability that only triggers under certain

Resistance (R): Used to designate a combatant’s resistance to a
given category of Elemental damage.

Round: Basic unit of time in FFRPG combat. A battle will often be
made up of multiple Rounds.

Rule of 1: Rule stating that the smallest amount of damage any
one attack can inflict is 1 HP.

Rule of 10: Rule stating that the lowest a CoS can be reduced to is 10 – making the roll under these circumstances is not a Critical Success, but an against-all-odds one.

Scene: Basic unit of time in the FFRPG. A scene ends with a
change in location or the passage of time.

Skill: A particular body of knowledge used by a character,
measured via a numerical rating.

Skill Rating: Number measuring a character’s proficiency in a given Skill.

Slow Ability: An Ability that requires preparation time.

Status Conditions: Special conditions – positive or negative –that
can affect a character’s capacities and abilities.

Status Phase: Phase during which book-keeping for Status
Conditions takes place.

Support Ability: An Ability that is always active.

Task Check: A Percentile Roll used to determine the success or
failure of a task using one of a character’s Skills or Abilities.

Timer: Expression used for the duration of a Status Condition or
special effect.

Weakness (W): Used to designate a combatant’s weakness to a
given category of Elemental damage.

XP: A measure of a character's growth in experience and personal
capabilities, increased by certain actions and achievements within
the game.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 06:56:18 am by Xero » Report Spam   Logged

I'm on your side you fucking idiots! How many of you do I have to kill before you understand that?

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