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Not So New Category / Character Archive / Re: Roi "The Encroaching Darkness" Isozaki
on: September 19, 2013, 11:47:11 pm
Alias: Shadow (AKA The Encroaching Darkness)
Total Karma: 00 Current Karma: 00
Street Cred: 0 Notoriety: 0 Public Awareness: 0
- Stun Damage Track - -1 [ ][ ][ ] -2 [ ][ ][ ] -3 [ ][ ][ ] -4 [ ][ ]
- Physical Damage Track - -1 [ ][ ][ ] -2 [ ][ ][ ] -3 [ ][ ][ ] -4 [ ][ ]
_ Overflow: { }{ }{ }{ }{ }{ }
-- Metatype -- Priority:? [E]
Name: Metatype: Human Age: 23 Sex: Male Tradition: Buddhist Path: Warrior Drain: Willpower + Body Height: 6’0” Weight: 179 lbs Home:
Appearance: Six feet and a little under an inch tall, Roi has definition, but isn't overly muscular. Because he almost always wears a hooded black cloak made up of shadow energy that covers up his face and, and all black elsewhere, not too many people know about his true appearance. He wears black gloves to hide his hands and skintight clothing and body armor that shows off his muscular definition, but for the purpose of better movement.
-- Attributes -- Priority:? [A] 24 Code: ------ Body: 6 (5) --- Agility: 5 (4) -- Reaction: 3 (2) +3 -- Strength: 5 (4) -- Charisma: 2 (10 Karma) - Intuition: 4 (3) ----- Logic: 3 (2) - Willpower: 5 (4)
------ Edge: 3 (1)
Initiative: 10+4d6
- Limits - Code: Physical: 7 _ Mental: 5 _ Social: 5
-- Magic And Resonance -- Priority: (B) Code: ___ Essence: 6 _____ Magic: 6 PowerPoints: 7 (Initiate grade) -Initiation: 1 (13 Karma)
- Qualities -
- Adept Powers -
Improved Reflexes (3) Cost: Cost 3.5 PP This power increases the speed at which you react, just like wired reflexes. For each level, you receive +1 to Reaction (this also affects Initiative) and +1D6 Initiative Die (to a maximum of 5D6). The maximum rating of Improved Reflexes is 3, and the increase cannot be combined with other technological or magical increases to Initiative.
Improved Skill (3) (Blades) Cost: 1.5 PP This power increases the Rating of a specific Combat, Physical, Social, Technical, or Vehicle skill per level of the power. You need to know the skill in order to buy this power for it, and you can’t buy it for skill groups. The maximum improvement possible is your current skill level x 1.5 (rounded up).
Improved Skill (3) (Sneaking) Cost: 1.5 PP This power increases the Rating of a specific Combat, Physical, Social, Technical, or Vehicle skill per level of the power. You need to know the skill in order to buy this power for it, and you can’t buy it for skill groups. The maximum improvement possible is your current skill level x 1.5 (rounded up).
Improved Potential (1) (Physical) Cost: 0.5 PP This power allows an adept to raise one of your inherent limits (Physical, Mental, or Social), specified when you buy the power, by 1. You may buy this power multiple times, once per inherent limit.
-- Skills -- Priority: (C) Code: - Active Skills -[---New---]
Skills Points 28 Groups 2
----------Blades: 6+3 (Sword) ---------Pistols: 4
---------Running: 2 ------Gymnastics: 4 (Free) --------Sneaking: 6+3 (Urban) ---------Palming: 3
------Perception: 3 ------Ettiquette: 3
-------Computers: 1
Skill Group (2) Outdoors Survival, Navigation, Tracking
- Knowledge Skills - (16 Free Points)
- Languages -
_ English: N _ Japanese: 6
--Resources-- Priority:? [D]
Sword 6 1 (8)P –2 5R 500¥
Fake SIN (Rating 6), Roi Isozaki, Male Human, Age 23, (15,000)
-Contacts- 1 Karma spent
Fixer (Connection 4/Loyalty 3)
Points spent
Attributes: (24) from Attributes, (1) from Karma
Magic: (6) 6 points from magic
Edge: (3) 1 from Edge, 2 from Metatype
25 base karma
13 Karma spent on magic stuff
10 Karma on positive Qualities
1 Karma on contacts
----------Blades: 9+5 14 --------Swords: 9+5+2 16 ---------Pistols: 4+5 9
---------Running: 2+5 7 ------Gymnastics: 4+5 9 --------Sneaking: 9+5 14 Urban Sneaking: 9+5+2 16 ---------Palming: 3+5 8
------Perception: 3+4 7 ------Ettiquette: 3+2 5
-------Computers: 1+3 4
Default Skills ----------------Body: 5 -------------Agility: 4 ------------Reaction: 5 ------------Strength: 4
------------Charisma: 1 -----------Intuition: 3 ---------------Logic: 2 -----------Willpower: 4
Not So New Category / Shadowrun / Honoka Mirielle Smith
on: July 18, 2013, 08:02:29 pm
New Helmet Alias: Zero-OneTotal Karma: 34 Current Karma: 25 Street Cred: 1 Notoriety: 1 Public Awareness: 1 - Stun Damage Track - -1 [ ][ ][ ] -2 [ ][ ][ ] -3 [ ][ ][ ] -4 [ ][ ] - Physical Damage Track - -1 [ ][ ][ ] -2 [ ][ ][ ] -3 [ ][ ][ ] _ Overflow: { }{ }{ } -- Metatype -- Priority: [C] Name: Honoka Mirielle Smith Metatype: Elf Age: 23 Sex: Female Lives in Everett Appearance: Honoka is mixed in both race and metatype; she has some clearly asian features, like almond shaped eyes and other facial structure and features, but her skin color would be referred to by some as "Mulatto". Also contrasting her asian features is her fuzzy, bouncy hair and green eyes. The daughter of a Japanese Human woman and a UCAS elven male of African descent, Honoka appears mostly human, but genetic markers identify her dominant metahuman type to be Elf. She usually wears a round, black helmet over her head when using her dual identity, the Shadowrunner "Zero-One", as well as a light brown trench coat over men's business casual, including a white dress shirt, a black tie, and black pants. Icon: Honoka's living persona icon is a fully-cyborg version of her decked out in red and black armor. She has a secondary form as a trench-coat wearing caucasian man who bears little resemblance to her actual body. Her marks appear in the form of slash marks from some sort of energy sword, or binary that glows with an eerie green light. This is an icon that she has only begun using as a runner, and would not be immediately recognized as her by anyone who knows her. -- Attributes -- Priority: [c] ------ Body: 2 (Used 10 karma) --- Agility: 2 -- Reaction: 2 (Used 10 karma) -- Strength: 2 (Used 10 Karma) -- Charisma: 6 - Intuition: 5 ----- Logic: 5 - Willpower: 6
------ Edge: 1
Matrix --D. Rating: 6
-----Attack: 6 -----Sleaze: 5 -Processing: 5 ---Firewall: 6
Meat Initiative: 7+1d6 Matrix Initiative: 10+4d6 - Limits -Physical: 3 _ Mental: 7 _ Social: 8
-- Magic And Resonance -- Priority: (A) ___ Essence: 6 _ Resonance: 6
- Qualities - ___ Bilingual: (5 karma) A character with this quality reads, writes, and speaks a second language fluently. ___ Corporate Limited SIN: (+15 karma) SINner ___ Day Job: (+3 Karma) Model. 3,000 income. 2,400 when modified for taxes ___ Dependents: (+3 Karma) Father. (Increases time it takes to learn a skill by 50%. Any long term projects as well. Increases lifestyle costs by 10%.) ___ Famous (5 Karma): Local ___ Common Sense (5 Karma) Any time such a character is about to do something the gamemaster deems foolish, the gamemaster must act as the proverbial inner voice of reason and warn the player: "Something tells you that’s a bad idea.・
- Spells/Complex Forms - PuppeteerTarget: Device Duration: I Fading: L+4 You push Resonance commands into a target, forcing it to perform a Matrix action. Pick a target and a Matrix action for it to perform. Make a Software + Resonance [Level] v. Willpower + Firewall test with a threshold based on the type of action: 1 for a Free Action, 2 for Simple, and 3 for Complex. If you succeed, the target performs that Matrix action as its next available action. Resonance SpikeTarget: Device Duration: I FV: L + 0 You send a spike of raw destructive Resonance into the target, causing errors and mayhem. Make a Software + Resonance [Level] v. Willpower + Firewall test. Your target takes 1 box of Matrix damage per net hit, with no chance to resist. Diffusion of FirewallTarget: Device Duration: S Fading: L+1 This complex form entry is shorthand for four different complex forms, one for each Matrix attribute. Make an Opposed Software + Resonance [Level] v. Willpower + Firewall test. If you win, the target’s attribute is reduced by your net hits. You can’t reduce an attribute to less than 1. Resonance ChannelTarget: Device Duration: S FV: L + 1 Instead of using Matrix channels, you communicate through a Resonance channel. Make a Simple Software + Resonance [Level] test. For each net hit, reduce the noise due to distance from the target device by 1. Infusion of FirewallTarget: Device Duration: S FV: L + 1 This complex form entry is shorthand for four different complex forms, one for each Matrix attribute. Resonance floods the target device, boosting the specified attribute. The Level of the complex form must equal or exceed the value of the attribute being affected. The attribute is increased by the number of hits scored, up to twice the target’s normal rating (any hits that would increase the attribute beyond this maximum are ignored). Each attribute can only be affected by a single Infusion at a time. If an attribute boosted by this spell is swapped in a Reconfigure action, this complex form ends. -- Skills -- Priority: (B) - Active Skills -[---New---]
Skills Points 36
----------Computer: 6 ----------Software: 6 (Spec: Diffusion of Firewall) ---------Compiling: 5+1 (Spec: Crack Sprite) -------Registering: 5+1 (Spec: Crack Sprite)
----------Disguise: 3 -----------Palming: 3 --------Perception: 3 ----------Sneaking: 3
----------Longarms: 2
-------Negotiation: 1 --------Ettiquette: 1 -------Performance: 1 ---------------Con: 1 -----Impersonation: 1
Skill Groups 5
Cracking (5) -------Cybercombat: 5 Electronic Warfare: 5 -----------Hacking: 5
- Knowledge Skills - (20 Free Points)
Interests ---Operating Systems: 1 Matrix Security (IC): 5 ----------The Matrix: 1 ------------Mega Man: 1
Street --------------Deckers:3 ---------Corporations:2 ---------------Fixers:1
- Languages -
_ English: N _ Japanese: N _ Sperethiel: 6
--Resources-- Priority: [E] Nuyen: 27689 (Spent 30 on cab fare) -Gear- Hermes Ikon commlink (Device 5, Encryption Program installed), Clothing, AR Gloves, Medkit (Device 3) Subvocal Microphone (Voice Changer Device 4) Disguise Kit -Vehicles- Dodge Scoot (With Manual Handling) -Weapons- Short Barrel Defiance T-250 [Shotgun, Acc 4(6), 11P, AP +4, SS/SA, RC 2(3), Ammo 5(m) w/39 Flechette rounds] -Armor- -SINs- Corporate Limited (Real) Fake SIN (Rating 4), Thomasina Anderson, Female, 25, Mixed-race Human -Lifestyles- Low Lifestyle (1 month) -Contacts- 18 Free points Corporate Wageslave (Raymond Smith; Connection 1/Loyalty 6) Mirielle's father. Fixer (Tyrone "Fast Track" Williams; Connection 5/Loyalty 1) A local fixer. Human. Met when she moved to Seattle. After getting to know her a bit and hearing about her situation, he shared a bit of information about his occupation with her and has been filling her in about shadowrunning in general. Company Man (Tamura, Shinji Connection 3/Loyalty 2) Honoka's uncle through her mother. Despite familial complications, he's always had a soft spot for her, and she him. He is a businessman first and foremost however. Lived and worked in Seattle before Mirielle moved there. After hearing about her father's situation he decided he could help her... if she allowed him to make use of her talents. Smuggler (Cloudman Connection 7/Loyalty 1) Met in Hell's Kitchen. Mr. Johnson (Dead Nails Connection 6/Loyalty 2) Recieved work. Bartender (Molly Ramsey Connection 2 / Loyalty 4 ) [Mirielle Only] Scott Koontz (Firewatch Connection 5 / Loyalty 1 ) --Notes--Bio: The daughter of a Japanese Mitsuhama Corp Exec and her longtime UCAS Elven Secretary, Honoka grew up with a quality of life higher than most other runners would have. For a number of years she and her parents lived together in youthful bliss, but then came a time when her mother was forced to choose between her public standing and career, and her family... and after much painful deliberation, she chose her career. The woman left Honoka and her father behind, even going as far as to seek out a Japanese, human husband and starting an entirely new family to show how serious she was about changing the direction of her life. When her father reached that age when corporations would rather you weren't with them any longer, he was unceremoniously released from his position and left without work. Having paid for Honoka's way through Mitsuhama's private university (where she learned her computer related skills), he was already saddled with a mountain of debt (which was, of course, to Mitsuhama). This put him in a deseperate situation of getting any job as soon as possible. Because of that, he had to move to Seattle, where he was able to get a job as a janitor for some Mitsuhama corporate building. Honoka followed. While her computer skills were learned in school, her... less savory talents were taught by relatives and family friends that had connections to the yakuza. Honoka's main goal in joining with the shadows is to earn enough cash to pay off her father's staggering debt. But she also wants to get back at her mother for having abandoned her father despite his longtime service and loyalty... and for having never been a real mother to her. After his termination, Honoka has begun going by her middle name, Mirielle, out of disgust of her connection to her mother. Like other Technomancers, Mirielle has kept her abilities secret, but being under the watchful gaze of the Mitsuhama Megacorp, she is especially paranoid and doesn't even openly socialize with other technomancers. All of her Complex Forms were learned by analyzing existing ones she came across in the matrix rather than from a compiled source. Points spent Attributes: (19) 16 points from Attributes, 3 from karma Resonance: (6) 6 points from Resonance, Edge: (1) 1 from Edge 25 base karma +21 karma from negative qualities 20 Karma on Attributes 10 karma on nuyen 15 karma on positive qualities 1 Karma Left over 22 Earned Karma 10 on Attributes (Strength) 13 Karma (Spending to submerge [Echo: Signal Scrub]) Nuyen: business casual 100 (long sleeved white button down dress shirt, black tie, slacks, dress shoes) other outfits 110 Shotgun 450 Flechetes(40) 290 Choker Style Subvocal Microphone 550 Voice Changer 2000 comm 3000 Encryption 80 Car 3000 Manual handling 500 Fake sin(4) 10,000 Medkit(3) 750 Disguise Kit (500) Lifestyle 2200 Has a Registered Level 5 Crack Sprite. (2 Tasks) Shopping listLined Coat (900) 4 Nonconductivity 3(750) 6 Insulation 3 (750) 6 Fire Resistance 3 (750) 6 Helmet (100) -- +6+1+2+1 (9 Total) Thermographic Vision (500) +6 Flare compensation (250) +1 Vision Magnification (250) +2 Vision Enhancement (500) +1 Single Sensor; Ultrasound (100) 5 Single Sensor; Directional Microphone (100) 5 Flashlight (25) Total 4950 Nuyen Common Dicepools -------Resist Fading: 6+6 12
------------Computer: 6+5 11 -Matrix Perception: 6+5+2 13 ------------Software: 6+6 12 --Firewall Diffusion: 8+6 14 -----------Compiling: 6+6 12 ---------Registering: 6+6 12 --------Crack Sprite: 8+6 14 (Compiling or Registering)
-------------Disguise: 3+5 8 --------------Palming: 3+2 5 -----------Perception: 3+5 8 -------------Sneaking: 3+2 5
Full MatrixDefense: 6+6+5 17 Full Meat Defense: 2+6+5 13
-------------Longarms: 2+2 4
----------Negotiation: 1+6 7 -----------Ettiquette: 1+6 7 ----------Performance: 1+6 7 ------------------Con: 1+6 7 --------Impersonation: 1+6 7
Skill Groups 5
Cracking (5) ---------Cybercombat: 5+5 10 --Electronic Warfare: 5+5 10 -------------Hacking: 5+5 10
Default Skills ----------------Body: 1 -------------Agility: 1 ------------Reaction: 1 ------------Strength: 1
------------Charisma: 5 -----------Intuition: 4 ---------------Logic: 4 -----------Willpower: 5
General / The Lounge / Shadowrun: Vaneira
on: July 14, 2013, 06:26:45 am
Total Karma: 35 Current Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0 Notoriety: 0 Public Awareness: 0
- Stun Damage Track - -1 [ ][ ][ ] -2 [ ][ ][ ] -3 [ ][ ][ ] -4 [ ][ ][ ]
- Physical Damage Track - -1 [ ][ ][ ] -2 [ ][ ][ ] -3 [ ][ ][ ] -4 [ ]
_ Overflow: { }{ }{ }
Attributes: A Metatype: E Resources: D Skills: B Magic/Resonance: C
-- Metatype -- Priority: E [Human (1)]
Name: Vaneira Serilor Metatype: Human Age: 13 Sex: Female
-- Attributes -- Priority: A [24] Code:
______ Body: 3 ___ Agility: 5 __ Reaction: 4 __ Strength: 2 __ Charisma: 3 _ Intuition: 4 _____ Logic: 4 _ Willpower: 7
______ Edge: 2
Device Rating: 4
Attack: 3 Sleaze: 4 Data Proc: 4 Firewall: 7
Initiative: 8 +1d6 MatrixInit: 8 +4d6
- Limits - Code:
Physical: 4 _ Mental: 7 _ Social: 7
-- Magic And Resonance -- Priority: C [-] Code:
___ Essence: 6 __Resonance: 4 __ Submerge: 1 (29 Karma) Mind over Machine (1), Resonance Signal Scrub (1)
- Qualities - Code:
___ Natural Hardening: (10 Karma) ___ Exceptional Willpower: (14 Karma)
- Spells/Complex Forms -
Puppeteer Fading: L+3 Software+Resonance vs threshold 1 Free 2 simple 3 complex
-- Skills -- Priority: B [36/5] Code:
- Active Skills -
---------Gunnery: 6 (Spec: Sniper Rifle) --------Longarms: 6 (Spec: Shotgun)
--------Hardware: 4 ---------Armorer: 4
--Pilot Aircraft: 4 --------Computer: 4 PilotGroundcraft: 4
--------Software: 2
Engineering Skill Group [5] Aeronautics Mechanic Automotice Mechanic Industrial Mechanic Nautical Mechanic
- Knowledge Skills - (22 Free Points)
- Languages -
_ English: N
--Resources -- Priority: D [50,000 nuyen] +45,000 + 6,000 (3 Karma)
Nuyen: 101,000 - 99,970 = 1030 + Starting
Transys Avalon 6 12 5,000¥ [Master]
GMC Bulldog (35,000) [Slave] Rigger Interface (1,000) Amenities [High] (1,000) (two seats have been converted into a bed; fridge and cooking unit add-on, hidden storage compartment for the drone and weapons) Morphing License Plate (1,000) MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone (10,000) (Total 36,950) [Slave] "Gor" Rigger Interface (1,000) Armor [20] (4,000) Chameleon Coating (Body*1,000=4,000) Standard weapon mount 8F 2,500¥ Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR 6 12P –3 SA / BF (1) 20 (c) 12F 10,300¥ Standard weapon mount 8F 2,500¥ Ares Alpha 5 (7) 11P –2 SA / BF / FA 2 42 (c) 11F 2,650¥ Grenade Launcher 4 (6) — — SS — 6 (c) — —
Horizon Flying Eye (2,000) [Slave] Chameleon Coating (Body*1,000=1,000) Rigger Interface (1,000)
Enfield AS-7 (1,100) [Slave] 1 APDS Drum (24*120) (2,880)
Cavalier Ammo 1 APDS Clips (2400) 2 Ammo Clips (800)
Alpha Ammo 1 Ammo Clip (840)
Alpha Grenades 1 High Explosive Clip (600)
Armor Jacket (1,000)
Helmet (100)
Alma Rugria (Rating 2 Fake Sin) (5,000)
Technomancer License (Rating 4) 800
Squatter (500) [lives in GMC Bulldog]
-Contacts- 9 points
Kuriki, Tachi (Fixer, Connection 4/Loyalty 3)
Lucile (Street Doc, Connection 1/Loyalty 1)
General / The Lounge / Improved weapon finesse?
on: June 19, 2013, 05:21:40 pm
Xero wants to homebrew this feat for his monk:
Improved Weapon Finesse Prequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse. Benefit: When using any weapon compatible with the Weapon Finesse feat, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier for melee damage rolls.
Because he wants to deal damage on his fists using his dex mod
So let's see how this feat checks out in terms of balance.
Stoneplate armor grants you +9 AC 35% arcane spell failure chance at 1,800 gold This costs 1,830 golds
so armor grants +13 AC for 1,830 golds to a str based fighter, or +9 for 1,800
a strength based fighter with 22 (+6) str and 7 dex (-2) has 11 extra AC
With a longsword, attacks for d20+6, deals 1d8+6 (average 10) at 21 AC
with a greatsword, attacks for d20+6, deals 2d6+9 (average 16) at 17 AC
With a fullblade (via one feat), attacks for d20+6 deals 2d8+9 (average 17) at 17 AC
this costs 1 feat
On the other hand
another fighter has 22 dex and 7 str
rosewood armor grants +2 ac at max +6 dex bonus and costs 50 gp
thus automatically has 18 AC, 10% arcane spell failure chance. 50 golds for this.
at 7 str she can carry up to a fullblade, but you can't finesse that so it's moot. however...
with a longsword (via one feat), attacks for d20+6, deals 1d8+6 (averaging 10), at 18 AC
with a shortsword (no feats), attacks for d20+6, deals 1d6+6 (averaging 8), at 18 AC
two shortswords, attacks for d20+2, d20-2, deals 2d6+12, (average 19), at 18 AC (no feats)
at the cost of three feats, our dex fighter can put out with two shortswords, attacks for d20+4, d20+4, deals 2d6+12 (average 19), at 18 AC.
at the same time, our str fighter can: Use a fullblade (EWP), Increase attack rolls by 1 (focus), increase damage rolls by 2 (specilaization) With a fullblade, attacks for d20+7 deals 2d8+11 (average 19) at 17 AC
So the dex fighter is less likely to deal full damage, but more likely to get at least some in, as he gets two chances to hit while the str fighter only gets one, and more likely to get hit. the same amount of feats, for a slightly less potent character in terms of damage output.
damage output tie
our dex fighter is slightly less likely to get hit. dex fighter wins
dex fighter kit costs significantly less. dex fighter wins
Our dex fighter has +6 init, while our str fighter has -2. The dex fighter averages at 16, while the str at 8. dex fighter wins big time
the Str fighter automatically gets +6 on 2 skills the Dex fighter automatically gets +6 on 7 skills dex fighter wins big time, again
carrying capacity str fighter wins, but the dex fighter doesn't need to win here because everything he needs for combat (2 short swords, armor) is still under his light load. so it doesn't matter
in conclusion: for fighters, this feat (improved weapon finesse) is balanced slightly in favor of the dex fighter... if you exclude initiative and skills entirely, in which case it becomes totally in favor of the dex fighter
but, let's see what happens when someone other than fighters gets this feat
a sorcerer. let's say, elle, perhaps
at 22 dex and 7 strength (which Elle has), a sorcerer is already beyond fine, as they don't use either of these to deal damage, and she gets a really nice AC bonus (+6)
but suddenly with weapon finesse and improved weapon finesse, she also makes melee attacks for 1d20+6 dealing 1d6+6
with the Hand of the Psion bloodline ability this is at a range of 30 feet, 7 times a day. this AUTOMATICALLY deals more damage (at least 7) than magic missile can put out at first, which she can only use 5 times a day. there is exchange in the fact MM auto-hits, but at the cost of 3 feats our sorcerer is only a slightly less effective a melee fighter than our dex fighter (given less HP), who can also attack for half damage at range 7 times a day, but 10% arcane spell chance failure (rosewood armor) and a need to drop one weapon to do spells with somatic parts, but this is fixed by using still spell.
sooo let's make it a combat feat perhaps?
can monks take combat feats?
General / The Lounge / Science-Fantasy Story Setting
on: May 02, 2013, 04:05:29 am
I was bored and did this as a creativity exercise. A setting for a science-fantasy story. It was originally to be a FFRPG campaign setting, but I realized that very little of it was Final Fantasy specific and just got rid of what was. With a little finagling, this could easily be the setting for a DnD or FFRPG game, or even an original story of its own.
In the Hades system, Tartarus is the fourth planet from its sun. Tartarus has no moons, but instead a wide ring orbits the planet. It is inhabited by races of varying intelligence. The planet is divided up by four massive empires that have long since absorbed their neighboring nations through various means, be it conquest, or peaceful integration. There is also an area inhabited by primal people, and where powerful monsters roam. After centuries of being separated by these badlands and other natural obstacles, they have finally begun to make contact with their neighbors – at nearly the same time. Confounded by the discovery of their neighbors, they managed to establish peaceful relations for a time.
Styx – An empire populated by powerful magi. The people of Styx have made more progress in magic than science; their society is a feudal one, and their technology is iron-age at best. Though all are loyal to the reigning Emperess, Styx still bears the remnants of cultures foreign to the original kingdom’s. Lords, Daimyo, Khans and more all swear fealty to the Imperial Crown, which has absorbed every other royal line, be them Kings, Emperors, Sultans, Tennou, Huangdi, or Pharoahs – either by peace or by force – that once existed in the area. The current empress can trace her lineage to every major dynasty that once existed in the region, and is a concentration of royal blood unlike any ever before seen in the world. She (and her family) are considered to be sacred by the people of the nation, and are greatly revered by their loyal servants and vassals. Government: Absolute Monarchy Leader(s): Emperor (Inherited)
Acheron – An empire populated by those who have combined steam-era tech with the wonders of magic. A mercantile nation led by merchants that compete vehemently in domestic issues, but work together as stalwart allies when faced with outside threats. Their culture has mostly normalized, with only minute differences left from region to region. Their cities are lined with great towers of brick, burgeoning factories and growing populations leaving farms for work. The wealthy are the elite, and they spend much of their time making more money at the cost of the poor. Cities are actually owned by companies, whose policies are law, and citizens their patrons. Though there are three major companies that own the majority of the cities, there are many others, some of similar size, others much smaller and consisting of only one city. Government: Plutocracy Leader(s): Presidents of Companies (Appointed)
Lethe – A country where oil-based combustion technology is common. Science and magic have prospered here, but are not as integrated as with Acheron. The concept of free knowledge has begun to spread, but plagued with corruption rooted deep in the government. A republic. Government: Republic Leader(s): Senators (Appointed)
Cocytus – A country that has reached a technological event horizon. However, magic has long been outlawed, with magic-based technologies used instead, and only available to properly licensed people. Government: Democratic Scientocracy Leader(s): Grand Mediator (Elected)
Phlegethos – The badlands, where primal tribes and monsters powerful beyond imagination roam free. Their cultures vary greatly, especially between the different races, given varying natural tendencies. Government: Tribal Leader(s): Individual chieftains
Important Concepts –
Tartarus is a planet whose surface is 60% water, and 40% land, only half of which is habitable. The planet’s rotation is such that each day lasts the equivalent of 36 hours. Its orbital period around the local star is 243 days. Every three years, it is 244 days.
Beyond the boundaries of each nation, one finds only the Badlands and its nightmarishly powerful creatures, and the primal tribes that somehow manage to survive alongside them. Even the skies above the badlands are plagued with flying monsters the size of mountains and with gullets to match. Because of this, the people of this world had not even seen oceans until they reached space; the largest bodies of water were lakes and perhaps small inland oceans within a single continent. Thus, large scale aquatic travel was never even viable.
Monsters roam the lands of the countries as well, but are less dangerous in general. They aren’t harmless by far, but even the strongest of them would be easy prey for the beasts of the Badlands.
Space Travel
All of the developed nations have mastered a method of rising above the atmosphere. It is through this that they can travel to other places on the planet, bypassing the badlands entirely. Whether it is on the backs of magical creatures in the case of Styx, Airships in the case of Acheron, Rockets in the case of Lethe, or Anti-Gravity Engines in the case of Cocytus, all four of the empires have begun expanding into space. Platforms and satellites orbit the planet now, some shared, some belonging to one nation or another.
Planetary Ring – The Sky Arc
The ring of space dust and rocks that stretches around the planet has existed since time immemorial. By reflecting the local star’s rays, the Sky Arc extends daylight by two hours in each direction.
Power Balance
The balance of military power on Tartarus is surprisingly even. Each country has developed its own strengths.
Even though they are only iron-age in terms of technology, the people of Styx have mastered magic to the point of being capable of spells that rival fusion bombs, and can enchant regular steel to be as hard as diamond, let alone powerful metals like mythril or adamantine (or actual diamond for that matter). They ride on the backs of creatures and magical objects, some sentient, some not. From horses to dragons, magic brooms and carpets to floating fortresses, they have mastered the arcane on a level that other nations can only envy.
Acheron uses technological devices that draw out the powers of magical artifacts and raw magical energy. While in Styx, a wizard may spend years of study before becoming capable of using powerful magic spells, in Acheron spells can be reproduced by machinery and used by anyone. This, coupled with their steam era technology, gives them the power to stand on even ground with the powerful magi of Styx and the more technologically competent nations of Lethe and Cocytus.
Lethe uses modern weaponry, including firearms and explosives. Magic is also used here, but the magi of Lethe have not discovered as many arcane secrets as those of Styx. Most individual soldiers are capable of weak magic, however, including healing magic, to supplement their weapons and training. There are some powerful wizards and sorcerers as well, but they are quite rare.
Cocytus has developed high powered weaponry far superior to even that of Lethe, such as rail guns and lasers, but their knowledge of magic and the arcane is almost nonexistent. All private citizens are outlawed from practicing magic, since it is deemed highly unpredictable. What little magic exists, is used by the state alone, in the form of magic enabled technology, similar to Acheron, but not to the same extent. Their technology is nothing short of amazing, however, on almost every front. From microbiology to computing science and to physics, the limits of technological ability have been relentlessly tested and surpassed. Common, everyday people enjoy personal anti-gravity vehicles, intelligent android servants, genetic and cybernetic enhancements, and an overall high quality of life.
It has been ten years since contact was first established between all five of the major nations. Without any land borders to contest and space travel having just entered the realm of possibility for each country, relations have been largely peaceful. Ideas, technology, and spells have begun to be traded amongst them. Cultures influence one another, and tourists and academics travel from one land to another, learning what they can of the other nations. There are those who have begun to happily intermix with others, leading to romance and international alliances and even corporate presence.
But there are also those who wish for less peaceful integration…
Not So New Category / Storyline / Chapter One - The Road - Kobz the Strong
on: May 02, 2013, 12:01:37 am
And so, the group readies themselves for a day of tracking down their enemies. While several of them return to the scene of the first battle the previous day, others stay back to guard the village against any possible goblin raids.
When they arrive, they find that the goblins they killed the day before are still there. Rotting corpses, some partially eaten, and some - namely those destroyed by Eglath - not even recognizable as goblins anymore. A halfling woman can be seen standing in the middle of it all, staring at the carnage in awe, when suddenly, with a fearsome battle cry, more goblins rush out to attack her.
"Revenge!" They yelled. "Revenge!"
"Hey, thats my line!"
Rosaly shouted back, taken aback not by the charge of hostile and murderous goblins but by their battlecry. She'd come to beat up these goblins when she heard about the trouble they were causing. Shrugging, she started to bounce back and forth on the balls of her feet. Even for such a small girl, she seemed to barely weigh anything at all and hardly seemed to even connect with the ground when her slippered feet touched down on it. A vague memory tickled the back of her mind, and she called out a question.
"Did I leave one of you hogtied to a tree somewhere?"
The goblins only snarl and yell at Rosaly's question, with clenched teeth and drool hanging from their mouths.
Initiative, Round 1
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 11
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 8
Roll: 1d20+6 (Rosaly) Result: 20
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 21
The moment they arrive at the scene, Tae glances over at Blythe.
"I can make your attacks more effective if I use my magic to make you bigger like with Master Eglath yesterday," she said. "However, you might have some trouble aiming at the smaller seeming goblins. Do you want me to use my spell?"
Blythe shrugs. "Sure."
Embra drops her backpack and moves forward.
Rosaly continued to hop back and forth from foot to foot, taking the distance between herself and the angry green raiders or bandits or whatever they considered themselves to ponder if she should wait for them to reach her or not. There weren't that many of them, after all... That'd be a little less fun, though. Maybe she could try taking one, or even two down before the others could catch up? An energetic smile and a twinkle of determination lit her eye as she landed on the ball of her foot, shifting into a sudden run towards two of the goblins.
The goblins in the rear begin to close in on the halfling woman, their weapons held at the ready.
The female goblin facing Rosaly readies a javelin and throws it at the halfling, her face contorted with rage!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 10 ====
But the javelin misses. Rosaly makes a jeering sound at the goblin, taunting it.
Blythe shrugs off their pack and draws their bow, taking a step toward Tae and nodding to her to cast the spell.
The goblin next to the other one also readies and throws a javelin at Rosaly.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 10 ====
But misses just as badly. Rosaly jeers again, working up a fighting spirit at their inability to hit her so far. The goblins snarl and glare at her.
Tae begins chanting her spell.
Initiative, Round 2
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 19
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 18
Roll: 1d20+6 (Rosaly) Result: 9
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 17
Tae moves closer to Blythe as she casts her spell, "Arcane energies, heed my command! Grant this warrior the girth of a giant!" With the incantation and several mystical gestures, she makes Blythe grow! She then readies her crossbow and moves to join the battle.
Meanwhile, another one of the goblins approaches Rosaly and throws a javelin from behind!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 10 ==== And misses equally as badly as its companions did. Rosaly gives a jeer behind her as another Javelin goes sailing past, one of the goblins having tried to get her from behind. Honestly she wasn't even trying to dodge these! This was going to be a little disappointing if they didn't try harder.
Blythe takes a shaky step forward as they draw what is now a small spear and lets fly at the goblin approaching the spunky-but-tiny figure, then shoots another at the farther goblin as well.
==== Five-Foot Step, Full Attack
Attack Roll: 1d20+2 (Target; Goblin 1) Result: 14
Attack Roll: 1d20+2 (Target; Goblin 2) Result: 22
Confirm Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 3
Damage Roll: 2d6 Result: 9 ====
The first large arrow misses, but the second large arrow slams into its target, its size similar to the javelin in the creature's own hand. The force of the arrow carries it back a few feet. After a brief cry of pain and surprise, it lays there, unmoving.
"Good work," Tae calls back to Blythe.
Embra moves forward, slowly flanking the goblins.
One of the goblin turns to look at Embra, surprised by her sudden appearance, and reflexively throws a javelin at her!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 15
Damage Roll: 1d4 Result:4 ====
It hits! Embra is Disabled!
Tae shakes her head and sighs heavily.
Rosaly's eyes widen as someone, she had no idea who, suddenly caught the attention of one of the goblins and got what looked like a pretty bad injury from the javelin. She winced in sympathy briefly, steeling her focus on the goblins.
"Hey! You're playing with me right now, remember?" She yelled, hoping to keep them from attacking the person any further, and sprang forward the remaining distance. Putting herself somewhat between the goblins and the injured person, she lashed out with one of her tiny feet at the goblin.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 7 ====
But the goblin dodges with an angry snarl and she misses. Rosaly stumbles slightly, giving the goblin a glare.
The injured Goblin bleeds from his arrow wound. Meanwhile, the female goblin readies her mace and moves to attack Rosaly!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 12 ====
But her swing misses!
Initiative, Round 3
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 7
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 9
Roll: 1d20+6 (Rosaly) Result: 15
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 12
Rosaly, having dodged the mace blow, attempted to kick the goblin in the head in retaliation.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 3 ====
The goblin snorted derisively when her kick missed quite badly.
Embra grunts in pain, holding her wound quickly moving back away from the Goblins.
The female goblin takes a step and swings her mace at Rosaly again!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 19
Damage Roll: 1d6 Result:2 ====
She roars as she swings her weapon at the halfling! Rosaly winced as the mace glanced off a shoulder, catching her far more than she would have liked.
The other goblin readies his mace and moves into position, attacking the halfling as well!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 4
Damage Roll: 1d3 Result:1 ====
Learning from her mistake with the other goblin, Rosaly gave the mace a wide distance between her and itself, almost cracking up laughing when the unfortunate goblin ended up striking his companion. The gobliness cries out in pain and confusion.
"Why you hit me!?" The girl goblin cries out, confused. "Hit her!"
Blythe takes another step forward and launches a couple more arrows at the now-farthest goblin.
==== Five-Foot Step, Full Attack
Attack Roll: 1d20+2 (Target; Goblin 1) Result: 9
Attack Roll: 1d20+2 (Target; Goblin 2) Result: 16
Damage Roll: 2d6 Result: 8 ====
The first arrow misses, but the second one is picked off like his companion and lets out a surprised cry as it is knocked off of its feet by the force of the comparatively massive arrow.
"No!" The remaining male goblin cried out. "Narg!" He roared. "You'll pay!"
Tae winces as she takes aim at the male goblin. With the ridiculously bright sun in her eyes, and the halfling engaged with it, she's not quite sure if she wants to take the shot. 'How can these people get by with such a bright -thing- hanging over them all the time,' She wonders as she raises her crossbow and takes a step closer to better her aim.
==== Five foot step, Standard Attack
Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 9 ==== She lets fly the bolt, but it misses, and she curses.
Initiative, Round 4
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 24
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 10
Roll: 1d20+6 (Rosaly) Result: 20
Embra retreats from the battle, moving to watch from a safe distance
Tae fires again, hoping this time she scores a hit.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 5 ====
But the bolt flies off in a completely different direction. She grits her teeth and bites back a growl.
"This bow is definitely defective," she growls.
Rosaly furrows her brow, intensely focused. She had no idea what was up with these goblins, but with someone hurt she couldn't afford to mess around too long. She had to make sure they were okay, after all! She grit her teeth, making a mental note to step up her training, before lashing out at the male goblin that had missed her before.
==== Flurry of Blows
Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 18
Damage Roll: 1d4-2 Result: 2
Attack Roll: 1d20-3 Result: 17
Damage Roll: 1d4-2 Result: 1 ====
Rosaly slammed her fist into the goblins face, earning a loud "Oof!", then brought her other elbow around to strike him on the side of the head before landing on her feet, eliciting another painful "Ow!" from him.
The female goblin looks on in horror. "No... Kobz!"
The goblin grunts.
"I... keep going!" He growled. "Revenge! For Grebble!"
Kobz swings his mace!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 23
Damage Roll: 1d6 Result:3 ====
The determined Kobz lands a blow on Rosaly!
Rosaly let out her own grunt of pain as the goblin managed to land a solid blow across her stomach, having recovered from her admittedly weak blows faster than she expected.
The female goblin joins in with a shout of her own.
"For Grebble!"
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 9 ====
But she misses, as Rosaly managed to stumble aside with a wheeze, thankful that the goblins didn't have that great of aim despite surrounding her.
Blythe takes another step forward and looses a pair of arrows at the apparently-skilled Kobz, hoping to save the impressive little person.
==== Five-Foot Step, Full Attack
Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 13
Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 9 ====
Unfortunately both arrows miss.
Initiative, Round 5
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 24
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 12
Roll: 1d20+6 (Rosaly) Result: 8
Tae takes another shot at Kobz.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 7 ====
Annnnd she misses yet again.
'I knew it,' She thought angrily. 'I bought a defective bow! That lying, cheating... if I get back down there, I am going to fire it right in his face! And maybe even that will miss!'
Rosaly takes a deep breath, ignoring the her aches and bruises, and musters up her strength for another volley to finish the goblin off
==== Flurry of Blows
Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 6
Attack Roll: 1d20-3 Result: 6 ====
Rosaly winced as her blows fell too slowly to catch the goblin. She really needed to step up her training once she was healed up from this!
Noting the need for additional accuracy, Blythe runs up closer, nocking an arrow as they go, and lets it fly at Kobz.
==== Move, Attack
Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 21
Damage Roll: 2d6 Result: 11 ====
The large arrow hits Kobz dead on, knocking him off of his feet and carrying him several feet away with a loud shriek of pain. The female goblin looks hysterical as Kobz's body hits the grass.
Kobz reaches out at her weakly.
"Doz...Run... little ones... needs their mother..."
His arm then limply falls to his side and she cries out.
"Noooo!! Kobz!"
Kobz bleeds, but there is no way he could have survived the massive wound. He immediately stops breathing.
Doz grits her teeth and looks at Blythe in rage, but decides to heed Kobz's words. She begins to run away.
Initiative, Round 6
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 17
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 10
Roll: 1d20+6 (Rosaly) Result: 10
"You're not escaping!" Tae shouts as she runs after the little goblin.
"Halt!" Blythe drops their bow and sprints toward the goblin, bellowing, "You'd better stop if you know what's good for you!"
Rosaly squinted at the fleeing goblins form, followed by some weird elfy lady. She considered giving chase to help out... But the ache in her ribs and her admittedly slower pace as a rule made it unlikely she'd be able to help catch them. Instead she gave a big sigh of relief, plopping down on the ground, and cast her gaze towards the endlessly helpful archer that had aided her when things turned sour there. Cupping her hands over her mouth, she gave a shout their way.
"Hey, is that person who got hurt earlier ok?"
"I'm still feeling slightly javelin'd." Embra said, grimacing from her sitting position. The small javelin was impaled through her belly.
Blythe ran around the comparatively tiny goblin, making sure not to go too close, and stopped in her path, a massive roadblock.
Doz looks up at the towering Blythe in horror.
"N-no! Don't... don't kill me! Please!"
Rosaly whistled in appreciation as the person with the bow, who was FAR larger than she at first realized, lumbered past. That certainly made her feel better about not chasing after the goblin, they had it plenty covered from the looks of it!
The goblin attempts to run in the other direction, and Blythe tries to grab her as she runs. The frantic goblin tries to swing her mace at them in panicked retaliation!
==== Opportunity Attack
Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 4
Dexterity check: 1d20+1 Result: 2 ====
Her eyes full of tears and her body wracked with anguish at losing Kobz, Doz can barely react properly at all. She swings her mace desperately, but misses so badly that she stumbles and falls down to the ground, prone.
Blythe grabs at her as she falls.
==== Grapple
Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 22 ====
Blythe is successful in the attempt.
==== Grapple
Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 22
Opposed check
Grapple Roll: 1d20+7 (Blythe) Result: 16
Grapple Roll: 1d20-4 (Doz) Result: 4 ====
The goblin struggles against Blythe's grip, but fails to escape. Blythe is able to immediately pin her due to her incredible ineptitude.
(The battle is over, 100 EXP to everyone, +50 to Blythe for quick thinking and capturing the goblin so well)
"Oh, no you don't. You're staying right here."
"Let me go! Let me go!"
Tae smirks as she approaches.
"Very nicely done!"
Blythe nods. "Yes. Now we just need to tie her up."
"I have some rope in my pack, if you don't mind."
"I could do it, but spears..." Embra whined.
Rosaly gave a hooting cheer, pumping a fist, and hops to her feet and jogs over.
"I haven't seen someone scoop someone up that easy since some of my old masters!" She comments, untying one of her sashes from her outfit and giving it a few tugs to test its strength. "Want me to wrap her up for you?"
"If you don't mind. Will that hold?"
"Oh yeah, these are made of some tough stuff!" Rosaly nodded, deftly moving in to bind the goblins hands and legs.
==== Use Rope Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 22
Escape Artist: 1d20+1 Result: 4 ====
Doz is successfully tied up. The goblin flails uselessly. After a moment she stops and begins to cry.
"P-please don't kill..."
Rosaly gives the knots one last check-tug before nodding, turning to the tall archer. "Done and done!"
"If we were going to kill you, would we tie you up? Don't worry, we just want to ask you some questions."
==== Diplomacy Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 1-1 ====
Blythe's attempt at a comforting smile comes out as more of a manic grin.
The goblin shrieks in terror.
"You're lying! You're gonna kill me!"
Rosaly pauses to squint at the bowman, who was admittedly still far taller than her. "Weren't you taller?"
Blythe recoils from the high sound, wincing slightly, then turns to the halfling. "I was. My friend here used a spell to make me so for a short while." Changing gears, they turn back to the goblin. "Actually, yes. Yes, we are going to kiill you. Unless... you answer our questions." (intimidate)
==== Intimidate Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 14 ====
Disinterested with the interrogation of the goblin, rosaly shrugs at the archers response and turns her attention to the wounded person. With a cheery smile, she walks over and raises a hand up to give them a pat on the torso. "Glad to see you're still kicking!"
"I'm gettin' pretty tired of being hurt by dumb Goblins and their dumb sticks."
Rosaly patted her own side with a wince and a light laugh. "I think I know the feeling, oof."
Tae chuckles as Blythe quickly changes their approach. She hadn't needed to step in.
"N-no, please! Don't kill!" The goblin repeated.
"Then tell us. Why the sudden raids on the village? You were so peaceful before."
Doz grit her teeth.
"Why attack?" She snarled. "Stupid baby dragon attack us and eats some young ones! Force us to steal shinies or eats more children!"
"Ah." Blythe ponders that information. "If we defeat the dragon, will you cease the raids on the townsfolk?"
"If you defeat dragon..." The goblin looks up at you in awe for a moment, but then frowns. "No, is lie. You can no defeat dragon, even baby."
Rosaly curiously peers at the javelin in the wounded person, reaching a hand up to lightly give it a flick. "Think you can just tug it out?"
Embra looked down at the Javelin and frowned.
"You've seen what we can do. We have several more friends back in town. And if your tribe help us as well, there's no way we can lose!"
The gobliness grimaces.
"No... even with friends, you no win. Leader ..." She struggled to find the words. "New leader of tribe kill old leader when baby dragon come," She explained. "Use dragon as excuse to take power. Stupid Urtarr thinking can use baby dragon to become more powerful tribe," She spat. "But dragon just want shinies and young ones for food!"
"So we need to deal with the new leader as well?"
Tae raises an eyebrow.
'So we weren't completely wrong...' She thought.
The gobliness winced.
"No... no kill Urtarr... Urtarr Doz friend. Just stupid," she growled. "Kill dragon! Tie Urtarr up like Doz and kill dragon! If can do that... Doz help you!"
"So if we kill the dragon, you can convince Urtarr not to try to fnd another?"
"Find dragon? Urtarr not THAT stupid," The goblin snorts.
Embra attempts to pull the Javelin out and heal herself.
==== Heal Check: 1d20-2 Result: 4 ====
Embra rips the Javelin out and screams in pain as blood begins to leak out of the hole.
"Half-Orc!" Embra yelped out.
Tae turns to look at Embra.
Rosaly's eyes go wide in surprise, giving a loud whistle. "Ooooh, that looks like it hurts!"
"What is it now?" She demands.
Blythe jumps to their feet and glances back.
"Don't let Doz escape." They say over their shoulder to Tae before sprinting back toward Embra.
Tae blinks, but then looks down at Doz with narrowed eyes.
"You're not going anywhere."
==== Intimidate Check: 1d20+5 Result: 17 ====
Doz cringes back.
"Doz not go anywhere," she grumbled.
Tae then turns and watches the proceedings.
"That one, always making a scene..." She grumbles with a frown.
Rosaly quickly moves to Embra, mumbling to herself trying to remember her limited healing skills. "Ok, hold on let me think..."
==== Heal Check: 1d20+1 Result: 18 ====
Rosaly pats the wound down one last time, giving a sigh of relief that her attempts seemed to have helped. It wasn't the best healing work ever, but it'd keep the girl from bleeding out.
Blythe runs up, panting, as the halfling finishes binding the wound. They glance at it and nod approvingly at the little person, commenting, "Stupid girl should have waited for help with that. Thanks for your good work, though."
Rosaly gave a sheepish laugh and nod. "Yeah probably! I never did pay too much attention to the healing parts of my training, but I didn't know if anyone knew any more than me so..."
Blythe gives an approving pat on her shoulder and jogs back towards Doz. On their way back, Blythe thinks to check on the other goblins and does so. They find that like Kobz, who immediately sustained too massive an injury to live at all, the other two have stopped breathing. Blythe lets out a small sigh and trots back to Doz.
Tae looks down at Doz.
"So, you're going to help us defeat the dragon if we can do it without killing Urtarr," She asked.
The goblin frowns, but nods.
"You killed Grebble, and Narg and... K-Kobz..." She sniffed. "And lots of Doz's friends... but dragon need dead." She nods again. "Doz help... but if hurt Urtarr, Doz fight back," She warned.
"So if we can kill the dragon without hurting more of your friends, you'll help us free your tribe?"
Doz nods.
Tae crosses her arms and brings a hand to her chin.
"Are there any other dissidents that may help us?"
Doz narrows her eyes in consideration.
"Darax... Darax help. Darax Urtarr's mate," She explained. "Darax smart wizard. No like dragon. Think Dragon too dangerous."
"You said the dragon ate some of your children? Might their parents help us as well?"
The goblin winced.
"All others whose young ones eaten die trying fight dragon... Only Darax help. Others follow Urtarr," She said. "Doz follow Urtarr too because too scared to fight dragon alone..." She sniffles. "K-Kobz... K-Kobz too... Want to fight dragon with Doz, but... too scared..."
Blythe winces and drops their eyes.
Tae however nods.
"So, we get your help, and the assistance of a wizard, if we agree not to hurt this Urtarr person," She said.
The goblin nodded.
"Urtarr only thinking whats best for tribe," she said. "Thinking can use dragon as weapon, but price too much!"
Rosaly gives the newly-patched up warrior a glance over, raising her finger as if she has an important thought to express, and speaking aloud to nobody. "Have you considered trying to dodge things? That armor of yours isn't too great by the looks of it!"
"Right. Tae, do you suppose we can take Doz back with us to meet the others and work out a plan? On one hand the villagers do think the goblins are their enemies, but on the other they haven't been that way for long so maybe they'll believe she's an ally."
Tae nods slowly.
"Yes, that does sound best. We should think of ways in which we can use our... ally, on the way back."
Doz struggles against her bindings.
"Doz... want to see Kobz one more times," She said, sullen.
Blythe pauses, "If you run away, it'll make it harder for us to save your tribe from the dragon." They then reach down and untie her.
Doz doesn't even think about running away, and instead runs over to the dead Kobz.
Blythe waits at a distance, giving Doz space and a semblance of privacy.
Tae watches with narrowed eyes as the goblin mourns
"We'll kill the dragon then," She announced. "But we're going to need a plan. We can ask her all of the relevant details,"
"What type it is, for instance, the layout of the lair..."
"Can you think of anything else?" She asks, turning to face Blythe.
==== Knowledge (Monsters) Check: 1d20+2 Result: 9 ====
"Uh... where the weak spot on its belly is?"
==== Knowledge (Monsters) Check: 1d20+2 Result: 14 ====
"I can see you haven't heard much of dragons," she began. "They do not have such convenient weak spots."
"Oh." Blythe looks crestfallen. "The stories always mentioned them. So what is true about them? Enlighten me."
She frowned.
"Dragons are legendary creatures for a reason," She began. "They have powerful energy breath, that varies between types, including Acid breath, Fire, Cold, and Lightning, and can fly on majestic wings," She said. "Even a wyrmling dragon - which may be what we're dealing with since she said it was a baby - could prove to be a challenge for us. It has an entire goblin tribe hostage, after all."
"Hm. Are there particular defenses that work better against each type? Like a magical fireproofing... spell... thing?"
This message has been removed.
==== Knowledge (Arcana) Check: 1d20+6 Result: 10 ====
She nodded.
"I believe there are spells that grant protection from certain types of damage, but unfortunately I am not familiar with them. I have just begun to master the arcane myself, and even so, I do it intuitively," She said. "I could study to learn how to do such spells, but it would not help as much as if I simply learn whatever new magic comes to me naturally,"
"Ah. Are there potions or oils or... priestly blessings? Or are we just relying on dodging behind rocks and shields?"
==== Knowledge (Untrained) Check: 1d20+2 Result: 5 ====
She shakes her head.
"That much, I do not know."
Not So New Category / Storyline / Chapter One - Edgeville
on: April 29, 2013, 05:45:40 am
Blythe turns to the merchant. "Who did you say we could talk to about the goblins? And does your town have any healers?" ==== Craft Check: Roll 1d20+5 Result: 17 ==== Nefele successfully knit a shawl on their way to town. She grins, pleased with her work. She presents the finished garment to Blythe. "Give this to Tae, yes?" Blythe cocks their head, puzzled. "Why don't you?" "Because it is from you! If you are quick, she will not notice I gave it to you, and then she will like you." She pats his hands and nods sagely. Blythe blinks, but shrugs. They take the shawl, approach Tae, and hold it out awkwardly. "This is... for you?" Tae stares uncomprehendingly. Blythe regains some measure of poise. "It's a gift. As a gesture." They falter again slightly. "Of... amicability." She frowned. In the Underdark, gifts were all but nonexistent. You gave gifts to people to put them in your debt, when you knew they couldn't refuse, or when the gift itself was rigged to kill or otherwise bring misfortune upon them. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand," She said, letting her confusion show on her face. "That's not mine. Are you mistaken?" "...It wasn't yours. But now it is. That's how gifts work." She raises an eyebrow. "Oh? I see, you want to make a trade," She said. "Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer." "Er... It's sort of in return for interacting peacefully with me? That's why I said it was a friendly gesture. I guess what happens is I give you a thing and you don't have to give me anything in return. That makes you feel better about me and then we can get along better and that will be beneficial to both of us. It's hopefully the beginning of a continuing back-and-forth exhange of goods and services that will please us both. That's friendship, I guess." Nefele watches the two in oblivious excitement. Tae blinked. Surely this was something of an uneven trade? After all, she had already betrayed his trust by attempting to take the coins she'd discovered. If anything, she was technically still in his debt for being allowed to live when he could easily have put an arrow in her. Was this some kind of trick, or... Suddenly her eyes widened. 'My father once did something similar...' She recalled. She considered the... person's words. She stared hesitatingly at them, then shook her head. "I... I do not think I can accept your...friend...ship... just yet," she said. "Before that... Allow me to make up for my earlier mistake." She simply couldn't shake the feeling that she would be in his debt if she accepted his...her? offer. Nefele frowns loudly. Blythe nods and places the shawl over Tae's shoulders. "Consider it a loan until then." 'So -that's- what he's after.' She closed her eyes. A -loan-! And he would later attempt to retrieve the shawl with interest later on. And since she couldn't guarantee that she would be able to keep it in the current condition it was in, she would probably be made to pay for it in gold! It was clever. Very clever. He... she? Had almost gotten this one by her. She smiled. Her level of respect for the crafty fellow raised again. But... Tilduran was proving to be a very cold place, and the shawl was quite warm. "I'm afraid I'm not willing to sign any sort of contracts at the moment," She said. "If you like, I can pay you for it here and now. Unrelatedly, I'm afraid my powers of observation seem to be failing me, but I can't quite discern your sex." Blythe blinks. "Contracts? No, no. I just meant... You can use it for now, since you're not ready to accept it as a gift. You can have it at any time; I just don't want to force you into something you're not comfortable with, and you're obviously uncertain about friendship." Tae stares at him, now more confused than ever. "Just... use it? Even though it's not mine?" She glanced down at the thing, uncertain. Their other traveling companion was also some sort of spell caster. Was it cursed? There was an easy way to tell. "Yes. Just use it." Blythe struggles to word it in a way that the woman will understand. "I want to know that you are warm. Does the shawl help you stay warm?" She was caught off guard by his question. "I... yes, it does, but..." She trailed off and began murmuring an incantation. After a moment she closed her eyes. and then when she re-opened them, they glowed with bright arcane light. She could see the magical auras of the items she'd found on the dead goblin that were being held by the sheep girl. However, when she looked down at the shawl, she saw nothing out of order. The confidence that had been building in her heart at her attempts to understand his motives was shattered once again. She could only stare down at it, befuddled and dumbstruck. "Well you may use my shawl in return for allowing me knowledge that you are warm. This way we both get something from the trade. Is that suitable?" She looked back up at him, speechless. “I don't understand..." She murmured. She shook her head. "Enough. I... will accept your gift. And yes, it is quite warm. Thank you." She felt awkward after having said that, and still very confused by the humans' actions. At least, she was reasonably certain the person was a human. 'Father had a special relationship with me from the moment I was born... how could someone I attempted to mislead... want to do this for me?' She frowned. Was he like this with everyone he met? She suddenly found herself wondering just how often this person was conned by repeat offenders. "I'm glad it is warm." Blythe turns back to the merchant. "Well?" The merchant, blinks, having been captivated by your interactions. "Oh, I'm sorry, what was it?" "First, does your town have a healer? Second, who do we talk to about the goblins?" "Oh! Yes, yes, we've a healer," She said. "We do indeed have a healer. A nice young lady, yes," The merchant said. "She's... a little strange, though. As for the goblins... well, I could only imagine that the town's leaders would be the ones..." She murmurs. "You'd want Ness. She runs the inn and tavern here," She said. "She's a very respectable woman. If anyone had a runner put up a bounty in Imperia for this mess, it'd be her." She glances back at the wounded Embra. "I'm not sure if our healer would be available right now, we can try the temple if you like. Otherwise we should head to the center of the village." "Let's try the temple, please. I'd like to get Embra back on her feet as soon as possible." The woman nods. "And I'd like for my companions to be healed as well," She agrees. Blythe follows her to the temple As they walk, Tae contemplates her interaction with Blythe. 'That person is highly unstable - threatening to kill someone, and then giving them gifts later?' She frowned. 'Such inconsistency... this person may just be more dangerous than any Drow I've ever encountered. At least you know for certain that another Drow -is- going to try and stab you in the back at some point. A madman's actions aren't even predictable by the person in question. Unless there was some ulterior motive that I simply cannot discern... and even then, that implies an intelligence beyond my own ken, which is just as dangerous...' She watched Blythe carefully as they made their way to the temple, regarding them with a warm - if nervous - smile whenever they looked her way. It would simply not do to be caught by surprise by a lunatic. She was beginning to think that the stark raving mad Elf-woman might be sane by comparison. They stop before a large building. Its unpainted exterior shows it to be recent construction. Outside, the carved wooden symbols of many gods await their first coat of paint and identify it as a place of worship. Few others can be seen in the area. Blythe gently lifts Embra from the wagon and carries her up to the building, not thinking to knock before filling their arms. Tae retrieves her hooded cloak from her backpack and shrugs it on, then follows the person inside, keeping an eye on them the whole time. The main entrance to the temple is wide open. After they enter, they immediately come upon a large room with shrines honoring different gods spaced evenly along the walls. Rows of benches fill the open space, and brightly colored carpets adorn the floor. A woman with short brown hair and garbed in light green robes can be seen, kneeling in prayer before a shrine with a pink lotus symbol. She turns and looks up at them in surprise upon their entrance into the temple. "Ah, hello. Are you the healer?" Blythe asks. "I am a healer," She said, rising to her feet. "Let me see her." Blythe approaches and holds Embra, uncertain if or where to lay her down. The woman looks around, also unsure, but it only lasts a moment. The benches were simply too narrow. "Lay her on the carpet," She said, gesturing a nearby carpet as she walked over to it. Blythe does so and steps back, allowing the healer to work. The woman mutters an incantation and kneels down beside the fallen Embra, placing a hand on her stomach. ==== Cure Light Wounds: Roll 1d8+1 Result: 2 ==== She restores one HP to Embra, bringing her up to 0. Embra is still unconscious. The healer frowns. "Oh no... did I do it wrong?" She murmured, confused. She began murmuring again and repeated the motion. ==== Cure Light Wounds: Roll 1d8+1 Result: 7 ==== This time Embra is roused from her unconsciousness. Blythe lets out a slight sigh of relief, while Tae simply watches with indifference. The woman glanced up at Blythe, then looked down at Embra. "She should be waking up soon," She said. Blythe nods. "Thank you. Do you... Can you do more healing right now? I'm afraid I've never quite grasped why magic is sometimes available and not other times." She nods. "I can afford one more healing spell of that strength, but a few more..." She trails off, then her eyes widen, and then she frowns. "Oh, no! I did it again!" She cries out, distraught. "What's wrong? What did you do?" Blythe asks. She looks at Blythe sheepishly. "Ah... I'm supposed to charge money for healing..." She said, wincing. "The temple needs its upkeep, after all. But I keep forgetting..." She said with a sigh. "I didn't tell you, so I won't make you pay me, but... if you want me to heal someone else, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for compensation..." "How much is it?" The bow user asked. "The more powerful one is ten gold pieces," She explained. "The lesser one is five. This also goes for any other spells you need me to cast," "I don't have a lot of money at the moment.” Blythe said. “We're actually here to earn some, after all. You said it's about temple upkeep, though? Is there anything I can do to help out in return for her healing and perhaps some additional for me?" "We have money," Tae reminded, looking over at them. "The money we found on that goblin." "True, but I wasn't going to distribute that until the end. I guess we could just keep track of it and take it out of my share..." She shakes her head. "I'll cover this," She says, retrieving a platinum coin from her wallet. "Consider it a gesture of... amicability." She walked over to the healer and handed the coin over to her. The woman blinked down at it, then looked up at Blythe. "You're hurt?" She asked. Blythe winces as they struggle out of their armor and pull up their sleeve, revealing a horrid burn. "Magic. Didn't even touch the armor." She pockets the coin and quickly takes a step over Embra to Blythe. She takes a quick look at the wound, then nods, and closes her eyes, mumuring an incantation once more. ==== Cure Light Wounds: Roll 1d8+1 Result: 3 ==== After her chant, she presses a hand to the wound. A dim green light flows out of her hand and into the other person's arm. It heals somewhat. Tae kneels down over Embra and stares at her. Blythe flexes their arm a bit and winces. "Thanks. That should be back to normal in a day or two. I believe there's a merchant outside who's interested in paying for healing for her guards." They kneel down and look at Embra. "Looks like she's still affected by that alcohol. Strong stuff." They pick her up. "Thanks again!" Tae stands up as well, and looks over at the healer. "Merchant? Two guards?" The woman asked, confused. "There's more? Just what happened to... wait, did you say goblins a bit ago?" Blythe glances back at her. "Yeah. If I understand correctly, your town put up a bounty for some goblins. I think we ran into some of them on the way here. That's why we needed healing." The woman's eyes widened. "You're here for the bounty on the goblins?" She suddenly looked as if a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "Praise the gods! Our prayers have been answered!" She closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. "Oh, Great Mother, thank you!" Tae began walking towards the door. "The gods had nothing to do with our arrival," She declared. "We were simply drawn together by a mutual need for funds. Now, one of our companions and this person here managed to stabilize the warriors earlier, but they are still gravely wounded. It would probably be best if you were to heal them sooner than later." Blythe carries Embra back out and places her on the wagon, nodding to Nef. They then glance up at the merchant as they prepare to pick up one of the guards. "I assume you're willing to pay the fee for healing?" The merchant glanced down at them as Tae and the healer followed them out the temple. "Of course," She said solemnly. "They defended me with their lives, and lost two of their comrades, on a job that was supposed to be easy. It's... the least I can do to repay them." "Linda?" The healer asked. "So you're the one they're talking about?" The merchant woman nodded. "Yes... and I'm glad to be back. I only wish the circumstances were better," She said with a forlorn look. The healer spotted the two dead and immediately closed her eyes, bringing her hands together in a meaningful gesture and murmuring a short prayer. "Just what exactly is going on, Aneira?" Linda asked as the other woman prayed. "The -one- safe road through the area was suddenly rife with goblins! If it wasn't for these brave people and their giant companion showing up, I'd be dead right now! It was a -nightmare-, I tell you! I'd just about soiled my pantaloons when these heroes charged in and turned it around in an instant. And after that they protected me from some kind of goblin -sorcerer- of all things!" Aneira boarded the wagon and began surveying the wounded. "It began a couple of months ago," The woman began. "The goblins just started raiding nearby travelers out of nowhere. I heard from Ness that everyone knew about them when the place was settled, but they were a surprisingly peaceful lot - for goblins, anyway - and minded their own business, but they suddenly changed, almost overnight, while you were away." "You knew about the goblins? Does that mean you know where their camp is? That'll save us some time." Blythe said. Aneira glanced up at them. "Ah, erm... I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you," She said. "Ness might know, though." She sighed. "But, things have gotten worse," She said. "It's gone even beyond the goblins. Now that that strange fog has appeared to the south, I fear we won't get many travelers... we'll be able to hold our own, but if the haze spreads up here, who knows what could happen..." Linda frowned. "That's right, I heard about that too, even up in Imperia," She said. "They say no man's ever come out that's gone in?" Aneira nodded. "Between that and the goblins, I'd thought this place finished, right when the temple was nearing completion, too... but, at least we can count on one of those problems disappearing soon." She said, with some hope. "Tell me more about this haze. I'm new to the area." "Would that I could, but all we know is that it just suddenly appeared out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago, and that no man has ever returned from going inside," Aneira said, holding her hand over the wounded warrior. With a whispered incantation, a dim green light appeared over her hand. Linda looked over at them. "I heard from a traveler that claimed to have seen it that any who even go near it fall mysteriously ill." She said. Blythe frowns. "That's not good. Not good at all. Who's Ness? Where can I speak to them?" Tae frowns at the redundant statement, while Linda looks down at him from the wagon. "She runs the inn in the middle of town," She says. "My shop is right next door to it. I can show you the way while Aneira tends to the wounded." She glanced down at Embra. "Is your friend alright? She had a bit of Tindharian Ale, so she may be out of it for a while yet, but are her wounds okay?" "Her wounds seem fine. She should wake up in a bit. And yes, please do show me to the inn, then." Blythe nods and follows Linda. Linda climbs down from the wagon. "Then, I'll lead you there," She says. "Let's leave Aneira to her work, I can come back and get my wagon and belongings with some help later." "Alright. Nefele, please stay here and keep watch over Embra." Blythe follows Linda. Tae glances back at Nefele, and follows Blythe and the Merchant, adjusting her cloak's hood to keep her head hidden. Linda nods, then leads them through the hamlet of Edgeville on foot. Sprawling farmland can be seen surrounding the small settlement. They pass by a blacksmith and a stable as they make their way along the hamlets dirt roads. As they walk, they can't help but notice a small one story buildingpainted bright purple with golden stars spangling the exterior, a sign reading "Mysticality" hanging over it. Soon they stop before a two story building with its own sign reading "Edgeville Inn" on it, and artificial light spilling from the windows. Next to it is a smaller building. Little can be seen of the original cabin, as numerous additions jut off all sides and up one level. What had been a front porch now serves as a glassed-in display area, and equipment of all description fills the many shelves and cases visible through the display windows, including lanterns, torches, bolts of cotton, bags of seed, adn more. Linda opens the door to the inn and steps inside, revealing a tavern on the first level. The interior of the inn feels warm and hospitable, the scent of stew and fresh baked bread wafting from a kitchen. A portly woman bustles about, pouring drinks and serving food. She turns her head on hearing the door open and her eyes widen. "Linda! You're back!" The merchant nods and walks in. "Thanks to these people and their companions," She says. "They came out of nowhere and fought off two goblin attacks on the way here." The woman spots the two adventurers and looks at them. "Oh? You fought goblins?" She asks, interest piqued. Tae nodded. "Yes, we have, and we've come in response to a call for aid." She said. She glanced at Blythe. "Right?" "Correct. And a corresponding bounty. Are you Ness?" Blythe holds out their hand. The woman smiles as she approaches them. "That I am," She says, shaking their hand. "Ness Butterworth. It's a pleasure to meet you, m'am. I hope you don't mind putting down a few more of the critters for us." "That's why we're here. I'm told you know where their camp is?" She releases their hand and shakes her head, stepping back. "Unfortunately, no," She said. "They were commonly sighted when the place was settled years ago, but the exact location of their cave is a mystery. They weren't violent until just recently." She sighs. "My husband went out with a few others to seek them out and negotiate peace when the attacks started, but... it seems they're determined to be our enemies." "Did they return safely?" Blythe asked. She closed her eyes. "A few of them returned with wounds. Gregor wasn't with them." Blythe nods slowly. "I'm sorry to hear that. Can I speak to one of the ones who returned?" She considers it for a moment. "I suppose you could, but I don't know what good it'd do you..." She says. "They never actually found the goblins' lair." "We could at least learn where the fight took place and track the goblins from there." Blythe suggested. Tae raised an eyebrow. "It would be easier for us to track them from the road we were ambushed on today. I believe the madam said that her husband went out when the attacks started, so... over a month ago, yes?" The woman nodded. "That's right, two months." "Oh. Yes, that makes sense. I suppose we could still learn where their cave isn't, but that's less useful. Do the attacks come from any particular direction?" She shook her head slowly. "They just ambush people out on the road, any road in the area," She said. It was then that the doors opened and a man walked in. He was wearing clothing more expensive than anything a peasant could get their hands on. He had graying hair, was of medium build, and wore a contemptuous frown. "I heard strangers were sighted in town," The man said. "Has our call for aid -finally- been answered by those cads in Imperia?" Blythe raises an eyebrow. "Were I indeed from Imperia, I might well take offense at being called a cad upon arrival. And considering your rather low pay, I don't recommend insulting your help as soon as it arrives." The man turned his gaze on Blythe. "You misunderstand, sir. I was referring to the lackadaisical manner in which the Imperian adventurer's guilds handled our request." He walked further into the tavern. "I imagine it was filtered down to the most worthless guild possible, where it languished in wait until just yesterday." Tae turned to look at him as well. "Begging your pardon, but it wasn't exactly the most gracefully written request, ser." The man turned to look at Ness, who blushed. "Indeed, it was not." "Ahem," The innkeep cleared her throat in an attempt to gather their attention. "That man is the town's moneylender, Argus Duncan. He's putting out a good portion of the reward," She said. "That is correct," Argus said, walking to stand before Blythe. "Eighty percent, as a matter of fact. I know that not everyone has time to learn their numbers properly, so let me clarify that I am paying -most- of the reward." His frown deepened. "I thought it prudent to inspect the prospective mercenaries if it was indeed them come to town, and they immediately insult us by insisting our pay is low." He looked over at Ness. "I pay four times what the rest of this hamlet scrapes together after working so hard, and it is 'low pay'? Perhaps you are used to bathing in more coin than a hardworking man or woman will ever see in their life, then, mercenary. In that case, I would think it best that your reward be lessons in ettiquette rather than 'mere' gold." "If you don't want our services, we can be on our way. But when merely getting here involves sufficient injury to cost almost a tenth of the pay, well, I think it can be reasonably considered low. Perhaps you should be glad we're here at all." "We want your services, m'am," Ness said, before the money lender could answer. "We want your services very much. You can call us poor all you like, it's the truth. We don't care," she said. "Just please kill the goblins. Or at least stop the attacks." Tae looked from one speaker to the other. "My colleage didn't mean to imply that you were poor," She said. "But rather that the amount of risk for the reward is, perhaps... somewhat skewed. The goblins are capable of wielding magic, after all." She looked at Blythe. "You are still healing from that terrible burn, are you not?" "And will be for another day or two." Tae nodded. "So, you see, already the problem has increased from simple goblins to magic wielding foes. Would it truly be wrong of us to ask for at least a minor increase in the pay?" ==== Diplomacy Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 21 ==== The Merchant woman, Linda, frowned. "I owe you all my life," She said. "I wasn't here when they made their request, so I couldn't be counted in. Like I said, I'll give you each a hundred gold's worth of equipment at my shop - your choice, for your earlier assistance. But if you manage to solve the whole problem, I'll add a hundred gold pieces to your reward." Blythe nods. "That's very kind of you. Unless any of you have a better way to find the goblins than by tracking them, we should probably head out while the tracks are fresh. If you don't mind, though, ma'am," they say, turning to Linda, "could you open up briefly before we head out? It may be your credit will be of immediate aid." Linda turned to look at Blythe. "Yes, if you need to leave in a hurry, I suppose I could," She said. "Most of my goods are still on the wagon, though, so I can just give you whatever you need there." Tae nods at Linda. "Then let us return to the wagon at once." She spared a look for Argus and Ness. "Sir, Madam, we shall endeavor to end your goblin problem once and for all." Argus snorted. "I'd expect no less. And if you want the coin, you'd better not dissapoint." Tae nodded and turned to leave, glancing at Blythe. "Let us rejoin our companions, and see if they are as fit as either of us to continue activities today." She suggested. ===Nefele, Embra=== Elsewhere, Nefele looks at Embra's still body and cocks her head to the side, wiggling her ears. She then moves to sit on the elf's stomach daintily and retrieves some needles with which to knit to pass the time. Embra was roused almost immediately from her slumber as the weight of an entire sheep youkai settled on her already highly unsettled stomach. Roused only slightly less immediately was dinner the night before, and the Tindharian Ale from mere hours before, both of which soon covered the unfortunately positioned Nefele. Nefele shrieks and stands, disgusted, and wrings her hands. "That is not very nice." Embra blinks repeatedly, a horrible taste in her mouth and a familiar pounding in her head, "Wha?", she managed. "Look at this!" Nefele yelps, gesturing down her side, "Look at what you did!" "Huh?" "You made a mess!" Nef warbles, dismayed, "You made a mess and you made it all over me!" Embra continued to stare, vacant expression on her face. She continues to whine, bleating occasionally in distress, and begins to peel the vomit covered poncho from her body, and then the sweater underneath, and then another turtle-necked sweater. She stands shivering in what must be yet another layer of clothing, and glowers childishly at the elf. "You made a mess." ===Herp, Eglath=== And so, Herp and Eglath continued on, following the path that they had been going on earlier. Eventually they came upon a dead goblin and a similarly dead wolf in the road, a puddle of blood gathered in the dirt around the two corpses. After some hours of travel, they came upon a small hamlet. It was surrounded by lush farmland, and the beginnings of a wooden wall could be seen on the small settlement's perimeter. Further in town they could see homes, as well as a moderately sized inn, a small cabin that had been modified into a shop next to it, a building painted purple with golden stars spangling the exterior, a temple, and some others. Also, the sun is setting. ==== Spot Checks 1d20-1 (Embra) Result: 12 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 12 1d20 (Eglath) Result: 8 1d20+3 (Herp) Result: 21 ==== Neither Embra nor Nefele can see the others. Eglath can only see townsfolk, who are increasingly wary of him. Eglath turns to his companion. "Well, champion of Kord, I can only imagine our friends are here somewhere. Let us see if we can find them?" But Herp can see a large wagon near the temple, and Embra and Nefele, who are on/near it. "I found them. Somehow." Herp said, pointing to the two he knew was part of their original party. "They are over there. Eglath nodded. "Good eye, friend. Let us go make certain they aren't harmed." Embra continued to stare vacantly at Nefele, and after an incredibly substantial, painfully awkward period of time responded with, "Huh?" And so Eglath and Herp made their way over to the temple in time to see and hear this declaration of Embra's. They also note that Nefele is holding several sweaters and the like which are covered in foul smelling vomit. "I don't know what happened here. And you know what? I'd rather not know. Call me when we are moving on." Herp then walked somewhere else, all for the purpose of ignoring the putrid smell of something very awful. "Blech." "Hello dwarf!" Embra said drearily, "I think I need a bath...", she muttered looking down at herself and the smaller proportion of vomit that had ended up on her. And so Tae followed Linda back to the wagon, making sure to take Blythe along, where she was surprised to see Eglath and Herp waiting for them. "Ah, Eglath, Herp," She said. "I see you've caught up." "Yeah, they just got here..." Embra said, drooping over the side of the wagon, and slowly sliding out. She turned to look at Eglath. "Then, I shall share what we've learned so far." She cleared her throat. "The goblins began attacking around two months ago, and their attempts at making peace were met with further violence. None of them know where the goblins are, but Blythe here believes we may be able to track them from where we first ran into them and our merchant friend." She gestured towards Linda with her head. The woman had walked over to the wagon and was conversing with Aneira. "She's also agreed to give us a hundred gold pieces worth of equipment each, and added a hundred to the final payout of our reward." "In retrospect,” Blythe began, “I rather wish we'd revived that goblin rather than letting her bleed out. Likely interrogating her would have been easier than tracking her steps. But, since we are where we are, let us equip ourselves quickly and move out before the trail gets any colder." Blythe inspects the goods on the wagon. Nefele drops the soiled clothing on the ground and pouts loudly. Tae spots the soiled clothing, then notices Embra, and shakes her head. Herp, tired of aching from the bruises and wounds he got from the goblin duo, decides it's probably a good idea to heal. If there was a healer in this hamlet, it would be best to use their services. So he looks around specifically to find a healer. ==== Spot Check: Roll 1d20-1 Result: 18 ==== He sees a woman in priestly garb on the wagon, and the temple that they are near, but nothing to indicate there might be any other healers in Edgeville The temple is a large building. Its unpainted exterior shows it to be recent construction. Outside, the carved wooden symbols of many gods await their first coat of paint and identify it as a place of worship. Only a small number of townsfolk can be seen in the area. Herp decides to head into the temple, to see if he can find anything of help. Given the state of the wagon, and the healer there, he probably wouldn't have any luck there. The main entrance to the temple is wide open. After he enters, he immediately comes upon a large room with shrines honoring different gods - Kord among them - spaced evenly along the walls. Rows of benches fill the open space, and brightly colored carpets adorn the floor. No one else is inside. Seing that there was an idol of Kord, the Cleric of Kord kneeled down in front of it, and began to pray. He thanked his god for the battle he had won that day, and for any more battles to go well. He prayed that he would show honor and bravery in front of his companions, and that they would follow suit. And then he ended his prayer, by stating out loud the dogma of Kord. “The strong and fit should lead the weaker. Bravery is the greatest quality in any ruler. Scorn cowardice.” With that said, he got up and cast a healing spell on himself. Kord would definitely approve, as it was so he could fight more battles. ==== Cure Light Wounds: Roll 1d8+1 Result: 3 ==== And again. ==== Cure Light Wounds: Roll 1d8+1 Result: 7 ==== Herp's earlier wounds from the day are completely healed. With that done, The half-orc left the temple, to meet back with his group. Blythe gathers up a few things and shows them to the merchant. "Will this do?" ==== Two belt pouches (2) Four sunrods ( Three flasks of acid (30) Three flasks of alchemist's fire (60) ==== Linda goes over what the young archer has gathered, and after counting it up, she nods. "It's yours, then. I hope it's useful against the goblins," She said. "Thank you very much." Blythe steps off to the side and affixes the pouches to their belt, placing the flasks inside, and slips the sunrods into their pack. "Are we all ready to go?" they ask, looking around at the group. Nefele whines noisily. "We cannot go yet!" She clops her hooves irritably. "Who is going to watch out for Embra? I myself need a bath somewhere, and I want to wash my clothes out. It is cold without them." She cocks her head over to the pile of clothing she'd discarded and shivers for emphasis. "And, and! I am almost out of spells. Wouldn't it be better to take the night here in this safe village than to head out while we are already at risk?" "Well let's go wash out your clothes quickly and then we can go. And we can dunk Embra's head in the cold water to sober her up while we're at it. And why are you out of spells? Haven't you been here resting all this time?" "I was sitting guard, like you asked!" she complained, "And as soon as I sat down she--" she gestures frantically, "--she... made a mess! Everywhere! All over me! Mess!!" "I already said we can wash out your clothes. How long will it take to get your spells back? Do any of the rest of you need to re-spell yourselves?" Tae shook her head. "I've still quite a bit left in me," She said. "And... I prefer to act at night, honestly." Nef pouted and retreated into herself a bit, clasping her hands in front of her nervously. "I-In the morning," she mumbled, "It will be until in the morning that I am useful again." “Hm. Does anyone else have an opinion?" Blythe asked. Herp Derpington, half-orc with a strange name, did not offer a response. He didn't particularly care whether or not they went now. Sure, he'd probably be better off if they waited. However, he believed that Kord would guide his blade, and that Kord would make the correct choice for his next battle. If that battle was meant to happen tomorrow, then so be it. He was not going to influence them himself. Tae looked over at Linda. "Where could we find some cold water to dunk our colleague in?" "There should be some back at the inn," the merchant said. Tae nodded. "Alright then." She started walking over towards the wagon and inspected it. 'Hmm...what to take...' "I'm schleepy..." Embra muttered, "And drunky..." Tae retrieved two vials of Antitoxin, which she held up for the merchant to see. The woman nodded, and Tae stuffed the vials into her backpack. She stepped away from the wagon and looked her companions over. She was still trying to understand how the people on the surface lived. So far, every single person she had run into was so radically different from the Drow she had lived with her entire life. She was having trouble understanding most of their actions, and she couldn't even begin to understand their motivations. Embra seemed to be an honest fool and nothing more, but that could easily have been a practiced role, a mask that she wore like a second skin. It was definitely worth keeping an eye on her. Blythe was either mad or a genius schemer, possibly both. Though their appearance was somewhat androgynous, given their authoritative disposition, it was likely she was female. Nefele was extremely passive, apparently content to simply observe until she was caught up in something. It was unnerving to the extent with which the sheep youkai was able to blend into the background. If Tae didn't learn anything about her that she could use against her, she would be at a total disadvantage. The other two were warriors first and last. She didn't quite understand the concept of honor, but she had a basic grasp of it from their conversation earlier in the morning. As they were males, they had probably taken up martial careers because they didn't have potential anywhere else. 'Perhaps I ought to start some conversations... learn what I can about their histories, maybe get them to spill some useful information...' And then another idea occurred to her. '...and perhaps learn about the surface world in general.' That decided, she sidled over to Herp, who seemed content to wait for the group to come to their decision. "So, Herp... may I call you that? Do you prefer any sort of title?" Herp glanced at the elf, raising an eyebrow. "Herp is just fine. Only people who earn titles should be addressed with such. I have not earned one yet." She nods. "Very well," She says. "Might I ask what it is that drives you to take such work as this, Herp?" Herp didn't even think before responding. "For the glory of battle, of course. I need to teach the right way. And the best way to do that is through example." She blinked. "The glory of... battle, you say?" She repeated. "I see. And where do you hail from?" Herp nodded, crossing his arms over his armored chest. "Yes, the glory of battle. And I hail from Verifold, up north." She turned her head about, but failed to figure out where North was from their current position. "North of here," She said with another nod. "What is it like there? And what is the name of this land you hail from?" The half-orc scratched his head. "I can't really tell you all that much what Verifold was like. I was in a temple for most of my life. Or rather, most of what I could remember. Everything else was pretty much a blur of rage." She blinked. "A blur of rage?" It was then that she recalled his orcish features. "Ah. I see." Orcs were common slaves in the Underdark. Their good stamina and strength made them good laborers, but their lack of intelligence meant they were useless at anything else (and made it easy to keep them as slaves). It seemed Herp was as much a simpleton as his orcish ancestors. Perhaps he would be easy to manipulate. At any rate, a battle hungry orc male wasn't likely to make for much conversation. Still, she was wary about engaging Blythe, Embra was still less than sober, and Eglath was ocupied with the merchant's goods. Nef totters over to Embra and pets her hair, teeth chattering. "Blythe," she calls, "Might you know where the inn is?" "I don't, actually." Blythe turns to Linda "Can you point us to the inn?" Linda turned to look at him...her? "We just went there," She said, confused. "Did you already forget the way?" "Oh, right. I suppose it didn't register as the inn because I didn't do anything related to inns while I was there. Pardon." They lift Embra and turn back to Nef, "Follow me." "Urhkl" Embra grunts uncomfortably, not looking pleased. Nef gives a distant smile and wraps her hoof-fingers daintily around the crook of their elbow, allowing them to lead the way. Blythe heads back to the inn, looking around outside to look for a well. Tae glances over at Herp. "Well then, I'm going to go make sure they don't accidentally fall into the well," Tae said with a polite nod. "If you'll excuse me." Blythe finds the well. Blythe sets Embra down next to the well and slowly pulls up a bucket of water. They then pull the bucket out and unceremoniously dump it over Embra's head before turning to Nef. "How do you want to wash them? Do you have a tub or something?" Embra opened her eyes slowly and grimaced, "Why? Why Half-Orc, why?!" Embra asked, pulling herself up and grasping at the alleged half-orc's collar. "Ah, good, looks like you're a bit more conscious. We'll need you up and about when we head out to fight goblins." Nef turns up her nose a bit at Blythe's completely unromantic display and makes a mental note to knit them both a sweater. "There is a tub in the inn, yes? Embra will need a bath as well." Embra looked at Blythe, eyes half lidded and a dull glaze on her face, "But I'm still droonkl..." "Oh." Blythe drops the bucket back in the well and begins drawing up another bucketful Nef grabs Embra's cheeks and wiggles her face around, bleating, "Wake up, Embraa-aah-ahh!" "S-stop it!" Embra shrieked, slapping away Nefele, "You can't drunk a slap away with slaps!" Nefele imitates Embra's shrieking noise for fun. Blythe dumps a second bucket of water on Embra's face, turning the last few words into burbles. "..." said Embra, looking like a drowned and very displeased cat. Nef reaches over and punches Blythe's arm. "You stop this!" Blythe sighs. "...Fine. Go inside and see if there's a tub you two can use." Tae walks up to the scene to find them as they are, and stares. Blythe reaches down and pick up Embra, following after Nefele. "Ah-ah-ah!" Nef titters, easing Embra to lean across her front. "I will take her. Your punishment for being so cruel is to bring us all the water we need!" "I'm not being cruel, I'm trying to get our job done before it's impossible." "You're being a great big dumby head!" Embra said, flailing her arms around, "I'm droonk and sclepsy and the dumb goblings aren't gonna go nowheres for one night!" "The goblins won't but their tracks will, especially with the weather around here. Come on inside and get ready to go." "Auuugh!" Embra groaned, "Who cares! Glooblins are easy peasy squeasy to track around to their dumb mud huts, you just gots to be sneaksy and know what doing things to dos." Tae sighs and walks over to join the menagerie. "Perhaps we should let her rest. I don't want her to stab herself again. It wouldn't be tactically sound." "Ugh, you're right. I just hope we can still find them. C'mon, Embra. You still need to get cleaned up and Nefele still needs to wash her clothes." Tae nods, glad that an understanding could be reached, but still upset over the lost time. Nef snarls at Blythe, and makes a mental note to never knit those two a sweater again, supporting Embra as she blathers drunkly. Blythe watches as Nef and Embra make their way inside, then sighs lightly and turns back to draw the first of many buckets of water for their washing. Tae looked over at Blythe. "So," she began, "Blythe... Redlock, was it? What brought you to Imperia? Did your house matron send you on an extended mission or something similar? Or are you native to Imperia?" "Redlock, yes. My home is currently in the possession of a hostile force and I am thus a fugitive." === Nef eases Embra onto the floor of one of the private rooms, after a bit of consultation with the woman in the tavern, and places the soiled clothes on a small stool she finds off to the side. She looks over her shoulder nervously, to confirm they are alone, and huffs, focusing deeply and pulling her body rigid before raising her fists and, with a tiny shout, erupting into smoke. In the wake stands a pale girl with gingery curls and a spattering of freckles across her face. Devoid of horns and ears, she begins to remove the clothing that now hangs loosely around her thin frame with ease, despite her shaking hands. Once bare, and trembling harder now against the cold, she kneels down to Embra's side to work her clothes off with nimbler fingers. A knock comes on the door as Blythe arrives with the first bucket. Nef's eyes go wide and she shucks one of her shawls over her shoulders in a meager attempt to cover the brand spanning her shoulders. "J-Just a second!" She stands suddenly and walks over, pulling the door open only slightly. "Who is it?" she mumbles. Blythe waves slightly as Nef's face peers through the door. "I'm terribly sorry, I must have the wrong room." "Blythe?" She perks up a bit and pulls the door open further, exposing herself. She reaches out blindly and bats at their face. "Blythe Redlock?" "I- ah- yes. I've brought some water for my friends. Are they there?" Tae looks over Blythe's shoulder, also confused. She'd decided to follow her around since there wasn't much else to do in the hamlet, and the townsfolk were likely to get suspicious of a 'subhuman' that was loitering around. "Ah, you must not recognize me," she mumbles, hanging her head and touching her face, "And I cannot see you..." She reaches out and gropes at Blythe's chest, mapping out their shoulders and arms and curling her fingers around their hand which holds the bucket. She tilts her head up a bit after an awkward pause. "Hello. We met before. I am Nefele Metous, the shepherd?" "Oh! I'm terribly sorry. I didn't recognise you, yes." Blythe hands her the bucket. "Dump that in the tub and I'll go get more." Nef thanks them and takes the bucket, stooping over and stepping back out into the room, causing her shawl to slip from her shoulders. She huffs and reaches out with her spare hand before bumping her shin against the metal of the tub and whining. After pouring the water in, she repeats the same process back to the door, grabbing Blythe by the chin this time before shoving the bucket into their chest. "Bless you." "Certainly." Blythe glances back at Tae, opens their mouth, then thinks better of it and goes back outside to fetch more water. They had considered asking her to take care of the blind and drunk girls, but upon remembering her inability to understand altruism, decided that she wouldn't make the best mother figure. Not yet, at least. Nef settles at the base of the tub and paws around for the satchel, from which she draws her flint and steel. She fumbles around under the tub in search of something to light and, finding nothing, tosses them across the room irritably. Tae followed Blythe out, crossing her arms beneath the shawl he'd given her. "What kind of hostile force has occupied your home?" She asked, hoping to gain some insight on their behavior. "Bandits. The king refused our call for aid and they eventually wore us down. I only barely escaped." Tae blinked. "King?" she asked. She'd heard about kings, they were the monarchs of surface countries, the de-facto heads of state. But there was something odd about that statement. As kings were male, and thus consorts, they couldn't possibly have the political power to answer a call for help. "You don't mean queen?" Blythe continues ferrying water as the conversation continues. "Well, I mean, the queen didn't help either. But the request was sent to the king." She frowned. "Why would it be sent to the king? A simple consort couldn't possibly have control over the military, unless your queen is daft." Blythe cocks their head slightly and pauses. "No, Verifold is ruled by a king." Tae stopped walking for a moment, caught off guard by that revelation. She quickly recovered however, and continued following. "I see," She asked. "I suppose that's... fairly normal then, yes?" "It's not uncommon, I suppose, but there are other methods. I hear the elves are ruled by a god directly... is that true?" ==== Knowledge (untrained) Roll: d20+2 Result: 18 ==== Tae shook her head. "I've never been there, but my father told me that in Tindharia, the people live with their goddess in harmony," She said. "Supposedly she frowns on rank and status." "Ah. Where is your home, then?" "I'm afraid I couldn't tell you that," She said with a chuckle. "When I set out, I just followed someone else without really paying attention to where we were going. I just knew I wanted to leave." "I meant what's it called? Or do you not know that either? Do you want to go back now?" "The city in which I lived was called T'lindhet," She said. "As for going back, I'd really rather not. It was an unpleasant place. That is the reason I left." "Do you have a new place to call home or are you a wanderer like I am?" "I am hoping to find my way to Tindharia, particularly a town called Taneh." She said. "It is my father's homeland. Unfortunately, the road is apparently blocked by the haze that suddenly appeared recently, and I am gathering funds in the hopes that I can buy the services of a knowledgeable druid or ranger to guide me there around the roads." She tilts her head. "What about you? Do you have any idea how to go about expelling the bandits? And how did mere thugs overtake your military?" "I'm not sure. I'll need some powerful allies to even have a chance at going back. It was a surprisingly large force that attacked suddenly and, like I said, we had no help from the military because the king never responded. It was just the city guard and we didn't last long." She frowned. "A surprisingly large force of bandits?" She asked. "How large do you mean? If it was simple thugs, they couldn't possibly be so organized... unless the bandits of your country are different from what I know?" "Well... that's why it was surprising." She blinked. "Oh. Of course." She tilted her head. "Do you seek the assistance of Imperia's qu... king, then?" "Eh? No, certainly not. There's no reason for Tilduran to aid Verifold and no reason for anyone to listen to me. I have no notable rank or standing. No, I just want to increase my own skill and perhaps find a small group of friends to aid me so we can free my hometown of Trifton. The rest of the country can take care of itself; they certainly didn't aid us." She nodded. That made sense. She didn't know how surface countries worked, but if the same thing had happened in the Underdark, it would be every city for itself, if not every Drow for herself. And the Drow would certainly prevail. They always did. "Your hometown must be precious to you, then." She said. "It's partially that, partially the ability to be reunited with my- family, and partially vengeance." Vengeance. Now there was a motive she could understand. "I see. I hope you find what you're looking for, then." She said. "Thank you. And the same for you." "Thank you." After a pause, she continued. "In the meantime, can you tell me anything about goblins? My knowledge about them is rather limited." 'Other than that they make poor slaves because their tiny, frail bodies can't do the hard labor that is required of them.'"A bit. They like to exploit whatever advantages they have, and they like to attack in large numbers. They favor ambushes, overwhelming odds, and dirty tricks. They have a poor grasp of strategy and are cowards at heart." She nodded. That sounded like them. "I see... do you have any idea why a peaceful goblin tribe would suddenly go violent?" "To be perfectly honest, I can't tell why a goblin tribe would be peaceful in the first place. All the ones I dealt with were ones I was fighting off." She frowned. "I see. That is somewhat confusing..." She hmm'd for a bit. "So, what would make a normally violent people be peaceful to begin with..." She shook her head. "It seems we lack some vital information..." "True. Perhaps they had an unusually peaceful leader who rececntly died of old age?" She raised an eyebrow. "Old age?" In the Underdark, no one died of old age. No one. "Yes, it's possible they were killed," she murmured. That had been what she'd meant, right? "In order to be that peaceful toward the villagers, I'm assuming they'd need to also be fairly peaceful among themselves." Even the Drow were 'peaceful' amongst themselves, if only because they wanted their underlings to be alive and capable of being used/knew that the only way to get up in society and have underlings to begin with was to not kill everyone. "I suppose." She crossed her arms and brought a hand up to her chin as she considered it. "There could be something external influencing them? Perhaps a sudden change in the amount of food they have... maybe it's need based?" She furrowed her brow. "Exactly why are they waylaying people? What -do- they do when they attack? Perhaps we can ask someone?" "Perhaps we can! Maybe Ness would know. Or Linda." She shook her head. "Linda had no idea the goblins were even attacking until today," she reminded her. "Ness is our only option." "Right, yes. Ness, then." nd so the two sought out Ness, who was somewhat nearby. "Excuse us, madam," Tae began. "But we were wondering exactly what it is that the goblins do when they attack people. Other than killing, I mean. We may be able to derive their motivations from this." The rotund middle-aged woman tilted her head. "Oh? Hm... I see..." She trailed off. "Well, in that case, I can tell you this: whenever they attack, they loot like regular bandits," She said. "They pinch everything that shines and then make for the hills." "That sounds about standard for goblins, yeah. Do you know of any reason they'd suddenly be short of resources?" The woman slowly shook her head. "We didn't exactly keep tabs on 'em," She said. "Heck, if we had, we might know where they are now. I'm starting to regret that," She grumbled. Blythe turns to Tae, "Any other thoughts?" She considered what they'd heard. "I can't really imagine why they'd want to steal money," She said. "It's goblins. They don't exactly trade with people, do they? I'd thought maybe it was food they were after." The woman shook her head. "Nope. If it glitters, it's good as gold to them," She said. "Anything else, they leave." "Perhaps they're working for someone who does use gold and they're just not good at differentiating?" Tae chuckled. That sounded about right, goblins weren't known for their intelligence. Ness could only shrug. "Is that all you wanted to know?" She asked. Blythe shrugs. "I can't think of anything else. If you think of anythng that might help us find them, please let us know." The woman nodded. "I will. Since you're helping out with the goblins, I'll let you use some of my rooms," She said. "Don't worry about paying. You're doing the whole town a service, and there ain't too many other travelers out here right now anyways, so it's not a bother." "Thank you very much. We'll be on our way first thing in the morning. I hope." Tae nodded. "Indeed. Thank you."
Not So New Category / Storyline / Chapter One - The Road - Day of Battle
on: April 29, 2013, 04:42:08 am
The woman frowns in confusion at Embra's words, but then nods and climbs out from under the wagon after Eglath speaks.
"I... I am a merchant," She begins. She suddenly notices something. "I... I never thought I'd be saved by sub..." She trails off for a moment, then shakes her head. "I am truly grateful to you all." She looks around the battlefield. "Are... Are the others alright?"
Tae stands up from her place kneeling over the injured warrior woman.
"I believe so. Could you answer his question, though?"
The woman is relieved by the news, then recalls with surprise the Goliath's question.
"Ah, yes. My appologies." She sighs. "Well, we were returning to our hamlet of Edgeville from a market where I was buying and trading for goods to restock my store back home... and then they just attacked us, out of nowhere!" She said. "And we went to all the trouble to avoid the dangerous roads too. This one was a particularly out of the way..." She shook her head. "We used to use it all the time, but now this? Why?" She muttered the last bit to herself, but it was still audible.
"Ma'am, is Edgeville the place that put up the bounty on goblins??" Blythe asked.
Tae walked over towards the woman while waiting for the reply.
"Bounty? On goblins? I haven't heard anything about that," She said. "I've been out of town on my trip, so I wouldn't know." She turns around to look at her upturned wagon. Barrels and crates have fallen out but they are not destroyed.
Eglath looked back over the road with concern.
“There is a chance our traveling companion has also fallen victim to a goblin ambush,” He began. “I shall head back to check on his progress. Excuse me.”
As the goliath walked away, the merchant turned to look at the remaining crew.
"I'm truly grateful to you all - I am - and I hate to be a bother, but do you think you could help me flip my wagon back over?"
"You should have asked before our mountain shrank back down and left, but sure." Blythe walks over and braces their shoulder against the wagon, waiting for others to help.
Tae simply crossed her arms, certain that her help won't be neccesary.
"Half-orcs are notoriously good wagon flippers, but I guess I'll help out anyway." Embra chirped, walking over to the wagon.
"Oh, well if I'm such a good wagon flipper, on three. One, two, three" Blythe grunts the last word as they push against the wagon.
==== Strength Check
Roll: 1d20+1 (Blythe) Result: 14
Roll: 1d20+1 (Embra) Result: 6 ====
They fail to move the wagon at all; Blythe can't even feel any kind of assistance from Embra.
"Are you even helping? Put your back into it! One, two, three!"
"Shut up and push harder Half-Orc!"
==== Strength Check Roll: 1d20+1 (Blythe) Result: 18
Aid Another Roll: 1d20+1 (Embra) Result: 5 ====
Blythe almost gets it up, but it falls back down. Once again Embra's assistance is practically nonexistent.
"Maybe I should use both hands..." Embra wonders.
Blythe turns to the elf, hands on their hips. "Do you plan to help or not?"
==== Strength Check Roll: 1d20+1 (Blythe) Result: 15
Aid Another Roll: 1d20+1 (Embra) Result: 7 ====
Their results aren't even as good as before; and Embra's help as always does nothing.
"Okay, look, we'll get it rocking in time. Just pretend your arms are your jaw. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three"
"I'm trying!" Embra whined.
==== Strength Check Roll: 1d20+1 (Embra) Result: 15
Aid Another Roll: 1d20+1 (Blythe) Result: 4 ====
This time embra does most of the work, and Blythe's help can't even be noticed.
"Darn it half-orc! All that talk and now you don't even help! Come on, we gotta get this wagon up!" Embra said, and after a moment seemed to finally realize something, "Why isn't anyone else helping?" Embra looks at the wounded guards. "You! Dying guards! Stop being so lazy and help us push this wagon!"
Blythe sighs softly.
"One, two, three!"
==== Strength Check Roll: 1d20+1 (Blythe) Result: 5
Aid Another Roll: 1d20+1 (Embra) Result: 2 ====
They fail to move the wagon at all.
While trying to use all of her strength to try and help lift the wagon, Embra falls face first into a small cask, smashing it and splattering its liquid contents everywhere.
The merchant looks horrified.
"No! My Tindharian Ale!" She gasps. "Th... that cask alone cost me 100... 100 gold coins!"
Blythe looks up at her. "Oh, gee. How tragic. If only someone else had been helping. It's too bad you're unable to move your arms. At least Embra's attempting to help. I think."
==== Fortitude Check Roll: 1d20 Result: 3
Roll: 1d3 Result: 3
Roll: 1d3 Result: 3 ====
Embra temporarily loses 3 wis and 3 dex after accidentally taking a swig of Tindharian Ale, a drink that she might well be familiar with as she is from Tindharia.
"I... I'm not good at physical work, I'd only get in the way," The merchant said with a grimace.
Embra giggles, "This izt some good schtuff.", she says from her position on the ground.
"Well help or don't, but if someone is doing your work for you for free, maybe don't just stand there and complain."
Blythe walks over to the merchant and looks at her, finishing very softly "Maybe even if they don't happen to be the same race as you."
Embra burps and picks herself up out of the mud, swinging one arm around exaggeratedly, "I'm gon' give it 'nother try."
The woman grits her teeth.
"How dare you! Do you really think I'm so shallow a person that I..." She looked away as she continued speaking,
"I don't have gold, I can't just pay you off. I'm not so indecent a person that I could just accept your help without rewarding you. I was planning to give you all credit in my store, but I don't have so many goods that I can afford to keep my shop running if I give you everything." She sighs.
On seeing Embra's renewed efforts, she bites her lip.
"I was just thinking maybe I shouldn't give her credit since she broke the cask, that's all. But she's still trying," she said, before turning to glare at Blythe. "Unlike some self-righteous, patronizing jerks."
Tae sighed and walked over to assist Embra, not caring to listen to the spiel.
"Better than not trying at all." Blythe sneers and turns their back on the merchant, walking over to resume helping with the wagon.
The woman grits her teeth again and follows after.
==== Strength Check Roll: 1d20+1 (Embra) Result: 18
Aid Another Roll: 1d20+1 (Blythe) Result: 17
Aid Another Roll: 1d20+1 (Tae) Result: 17
Aid Another Roll: 1d20 (Merchant) Result: 15
End Result: 18+6=24 ====
With one great push, they all manage to right the fallen wagon. The woman sighs in great relief and leans on the upright wagon, recovering her strength.
Blythe steps back, panting, and rests their hands on their knees.
"Yaaay!" Embra cheers, bobbing up and down happily and clapping her hands. She wraps her arms awkwardly around Tae, "Elf power!"
Tae looks down at the other elf and frowns.
"You're sticky and wet and reek of alcohol. Please stop touching me."
The merchant sighs and looks over at Blythe.
"Sir... I appologize for my reaction. I just saw the cask getting broken and that was what came out of me. I didn't mean nothin pointed about it."
Blythe nods and shrugs noncommittally, then turns to the others. "Like I said, though, we need to be cautious as we proceed. I doubt this is the last of the goblins."
"If we can get the wounded warriors into the wagon, we can move on," She said. "I'd like to get into town tonight. It'd be bad luck to be out here at night if goblins are running about," She said.
"Replax, we've gots a gozzingblin on our sides," Embra said, pointing lazily at nothing as she wobbled back and forth, "And plus I've got mah swords!", she said triumphantly pulling out her Rapier and holding it out.
==== Dexterity Check Roll: 1d20 Result: 2 ====
Embra tripped.
Despite her drunken antics the group works together to get all the goods back in order and the dead or wounded human warriors into the wagon. The horses are able to pull the wagon despite having lost some of their friends, but it is slow going.
"When we get into town, I'll help you find the village's leaders, and we can get to the bottom of this whole goblin situation," The merchant said.
As they walk, however, suddenly a wild-looking goblin breaks from the dense woods and charges at them. She holds a spear in one hand while the other burns with bright flame, a vicious looking wolf by her side!
Initiative, Round 1
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 23
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 20
Roll: 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 8
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 4
Tae moves to get a better view of their attacker while readying her crossbow.
Blythe takes a step forward and shoots a couple arrows at the crazy goblin.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 21 Damage Roll: 1d8+1 Result: 4
Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 10 ====
The goblin is hit by the first arrow and grunts in pain, but the second one misses entirely.
The wolf charges at Blythe with a fierce scowl!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 6 ====
It attempts to bite the human but misses! It was so caught up in the charge that it left itself open to attack!
Blythe doesn't have their sword ready, but attempts to take advantage of the opening with a swift kick.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20-3 Result: 6 ====
Blythe misses the wolf.
The goblin runs at Blythe and attacks with the burning flame hand!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 19 Damage Roll: 1d6+1 Result: 6 ====
The goblin lands their flaming blow on Blythe with a furious yell! Blythe yelps in pain.
Nefele peers around the side of the wagon and whistles sharply to draw the wolf's attention to her. She gives an unusally sinister grin before drawing the frizzy locks obscuring her face to the side. Her wide, inhuman eyes glare out piercingly, a firey-hot amber, and her slitted pupils dilate.
==== Will Save: 1d20+1 Result: 19 ====
The wolf is surprised and confused by her actions, and feels slightly weakened by her hex.
Embra draws her sword, takes a step forward and swings at the Goblin.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+1 Result: 4 ====
Embra's drunken swing misses horribly.
Initiative, Round 2
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 13
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 22
Roll: 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 7
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 21
Blythe takes a step back and shoots the goblin again.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 13
Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 7 ====
Unfortunately Blythe misses both times.
Embra giggles, "Nice aim halfie!"
Embra swings drunkenly at the Goblin again.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+1 Result: 15 Damage Roll: 1d6+1 Result: 7 ====
Amazingly, Embra's swing hits the goblin, who was likely distracted by her erratic movements. The goblin cries out in pain as her blood is spilled all over the grass, but remains standing.
The wolf savagely attempts to bite Embra!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+1 Result: 12 ====
It misses, however, and takes a single step to her side.
The goblin attacks Embra with its mighty spear!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 14 ====
But misses, and takes a step to Embra's side.
Tae loads her crossbow, then narrows her eyes as she takes aim at the wolf.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 2-1 ====
She curses as the bolt flies far off into the trees.
Nef grits her teeth and thusts out her crook with both hands before spinning it effortlessly like a baton. She draws it back and shoves it forward with a cry, pointing the curve of it at the goblin and willing ill fortune upon her.
==== Will Save: 1d20+4 Result: 24 ====
The goblin doesn't notice your actions.
Initiative, Round 3
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 24
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 14
Roll: 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 7
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 7
Tae loads another bolt into the crossbow and fires at the wolf yet again.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 8 ====
She seethes as she misses once more.
Meanwhile, the goblin attacks Embra with her spear again, using her pet wolf as support!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 12 ====
And still somehow misses!
"Halfie, kill that wolfie for me, pleeeeaaase" Embra says, fluttering her eyelashes drunkenly and slurring her words.
Blythe doesn’t quite understand what she says, but does their best to oblige.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 17 Damage Roll: 1d8+1 Result: 8
Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 7 ====
The first arrow hits the goblin dead on. She cries out in pain as she falls down to the ground. The goblin weakly reaches towards the wolf, but then falls motionless. The other arrow flies off somewhere.
"I said the wolf! Dang it Halfie! Wolfie not, whatever."
The wolf is angered by its master's falling, and tries to bite Embra once more!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 7 ====
Its sloppy attack misses, but it doesn't do much else.
Embra swings at the wolf.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+1 Result: 2
Damage Roll: 1d6+1 Result: 3 ====
With her drunken swing, she accidentally stabs herself.
The wolf looks confused by her action.
Tae sighs and groans.
"What are you doing!?" The merchant cries out.
"I think I'm... hurt."
"Dang it Embra! Wolfie not, whatever." Blythe chips in.
Embra looks back at the wolf, then tries to run away. The wolf attacks as she tries to run!
Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 21
Damage Roll: 1d6+1 Result: 2
It bites her and she falls to the ground with a loud slump, drunk and incapacitated thanks to her buffoonery.
Tae facepalms and shakes her head.
"There is no way we are of the same race..." She mutters.
Frustrated at her failing magic, Nefele snarls, and whips her arm out to point at the wolf. "Kill it!" she screams to Blythe, and turns her attention to the fallen rogue. Despite the distance, she draws her hands out curtly, and bleats in an attempt to stabilize her.
Initiative, Round 3
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 18
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 14
Roll: 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 6
'Why couldn't you let her bleed out,' Tae thinks with a sigh as she loads her crossbow. "Oh well. At least I don't have to worry about shooting her anymore."
Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 3
Tae watches with annoyance as her bow misses yet again.
"This weapon must be defective," She growls.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 25
Confirm Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 8
Damage Roll: 1d8+1 Result: 9
Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 16
Damage Roll: 1d8+1 Result: 8 ====
Both arrows hit the wolf dead on. Though it hadn't even bit hit once yet, it yelps in pain and immediately falls over. The animal weakly crawls over towards its master, around the injured Embra, and whines once before licking the goblin's head and finally falling completely motionless.
(The battle is over. Everyone gets 75 EXP)
Tae's eyebrow twitches in annoyance.
'Ah, well. We won.'
She puts away her crossbow.
"Nicely done." She says as she approaches the fallen animal and master.
Blythe runs over to Embra to check on her status.
Embra is under a bleeding wolf.
Blythe roughly shoves the wolf aside and checks Embra's wounds.
Nefele, still shaking, steps over to Blythe's side and adjusts her hair.
Tae walks over to check the goblin over.
"It's still alive. If we resuscitate it, we may be able to interrogate it."
Nef looks up to Tae but does not budge, instead turning her attention to the wolf at her feet. She raises her staff above her head stoically, letting it linger in the air before bringing it down.
Coup de Grace: 2d6 Result: 6
The wolf is killed by her savage attack.
Tae looks back at her approvingly.
"Good job," She says.
The merchant on the other hand winces and looks away just before impact.
"Was... was that really neccesary..." She murmurs.
Blythe notices that Embra isn't bleeding and also looks up at Nef in approval. "Nice magic there!"
Nefele stares blankly before stirring from her reverie, and turning with a smile to Blythe. She squats down on her hind legs at pats the elf's head, crooning gently.
Tae searches the heavily wounded goblin's body. She finds a rolled up scroll and two wands. She frowns when she notices that the goblin is no longer breathing.
She continues to search the now-corpse.
"I don't think we'll be able to interrogate this one,"
Blythe drags the wolf off to the side of the road, then returns for the goblin, waiting patiently until Tae is finished in her search.
Tae finds 10 pp and 10 gp, which she surreptitiously pockets.
==== Sleight of hand: 1d20 Result: 1 ====
Unfortunately she spills them all over the place.
"Oh, my wallet spilled."
==== Bluff: 1d20+7 Result: 16 ====
"Were you going to pay her for services rendered?" Blythe asked.
==== Sense Motive: 1d20 Result: 17 ====
"No, it just happened to be looser than I had intended..." She says as she tries to scrounge up the money.
Blythe scowls. "Then why is it still fastened onto your belt? Just split the money and stop making yourself look bad."
Tae glances down at her belt. She pockets what she has.
"No one else took the initiative."
The merchant sighs and shakes her head at the rather transparent lie.
"You were exactly no help in the fight! I don't care that you tried to keep it, but I do care that you attempted to deceive the people you're supposed to be fighting alongside! I, for one, have no interest in having you behind me while I'm fighting if you're willing to step over a fallen comerade and lie to me, all for a little cash. As far as I'm concerned, you can keep the money, but if I see you again I'll treat you as an enemy because obviously I can't treat you as a friend."
Tae winced.
"I see. Understood."
Blythe strings an arrow. "You have thirty seconds."
Tae raises an eyebrow.
"I assumed you meant you wouldn't grant me assistance."
"I am in a hostile environment and cannot turn my back on you. If you insist on hanging around, I'll have to treat you as a spy or enemy. Twenty."
Tae crosses her arms.
"I admit, I made a mistake.” She began, ‘In being so clumsy with the coins, that is…’ She continued with, “However, this is neither the time nor place to fight amongst ourselves. Twice have goblins ambushed people on a road once thought to be safe." She grabs her crossbow - taking extra care not to aim it at Blythe - and holds it out towards them. "If you truly believe me to be a threat, then hold this for me while we move. But for now, our priority is getting to a safe place."
Nefele touches Blythe's arm gently, trying to draw their attention away from her.
Blythe turns their head slightly and raises an eyebrow, keeping an eye on Tae.
"Do you not think you have wasted enough arrows, Blythe? You will cease this, yes?"
Blythe squints slightly. "You may be right." They put away the arrow. "But I won't fight alongside this person again."
Nefele bleats quietly and claps her hands together. "I did the thing."
Tae raises an eyebrow.
Blythe shakes their head slightly and doesn't take the crossbow. "If we're to remain together due to ambushes, I can't deprive you of your weapon. But you'll give everything you pick up - and everything you have picked up - in the care of another to be distributed once we return to the tavern where we started, and I will take up the rear from now on." They turn their head to the level-headed sheep-girl. "Nefele, would you be willing to hold the spoils until they can be properly divided?"
Nefele gives her sunniest grin, splaying her hoof-fingers, and cocks her head to the side. "I get to hold the things!"
Tae makes no reaction at his conditions, and instead replaces her bow, then empties her wallet of the 10 PP and 10 GP that she found, which she gives to the sheep girl.
She also gives her the two wands and the scroll.
Nef stumbles and drops some of the coins. "That is too many things at once!" She stoops to retrieve them and burrows her hands into her shawl to pocket them all.
Tae steps away, uncertain of if she should try to help or not given their newfound mistrust.
Blythe nods slightly at Tae once she hands over the things. "Thank you." They then kneel and retrieve their arrows from the goblin.
'That was clumsy of me,' She thinks, watching the redhead. 'I had taken them all for fools because of that elven woman... but that one is no fool.' She walks over to the downed Embra and carefully picks her up, then places her in the wagon. She looks up at the merchant. "So how long until we reach town?"
The merchant considers it.
"If we keep going at the pace we had before, we should reach town by nightfall," She says.
"Nefele, can you heal Embra?" Blythe asks.
Nefele shakes her head. "I can stand guard if you'd like."
"No, we should keep moving. Let's try to get to town before dark. I do hope the others catch up..." They look back along the road.
Tae also looks back, having been thinking the same.
'There's no way we could complete this mission with that elven woman as our front line,' She thinks. "If that's everything, we should get moving."
"Indeed." Blythe takes up the rear, arrow at the ready.
Tae looks over at Blythe with a newfound respect, but takes point, walking with her crossbow out and ready to attack, and glancing back over her shoulder every once in a while.
Blythe winces at they begin walking and their adrenaline wears off, allowing them to become acutely aware that their arm is blistered and raw.
Nefele reaches into her many layers to retrieve a small carrier bag, from which she draws a lantern and a flint and steel. She strikes the lantern to life and hangs it from the hook of her cane, which she then tucks into her elbow, to where it hangs over her shoulder. She assumes her place a bit behind Tae, and then retrieves a pair of knitting needles, pulling one of her many curls out and twisting it into a strand which she hooks around the head, and begins to knit quietly.
And so the group, continues on like this until nightfall. Elsewhere, when Eglath doubled back to find their missing companion, he was quickly rewarded with the sight of the half-orc walking along the road, none the worse for the wear. As they had only parted long enough for the 20 second battle and some talking to take place, it hadn't been very long since they'd seen each other. However, even as the two caught sight of one another, there was a sudden rustling from the bushes!
A large bugbear ran out into the road, anticipation written clear on his face. He pointed at Eglath.
"You! You have the bearing of a true warrior! We must do battle at once!"
Immediately two smaller goblins ran out after him.
"You fool!" One of them cried. "This is not how ambushes work!"
Eglath smiled broadly. Who would have guessed he would have met such a noble spirit among such wretched curs.
"I accept your challenge, worthy adversary! Let us join in battle and let the Gods choose the victor!"
(Eglath uses Knight's Challenge: Fighter's Challenge - Gain +1 Will save, +1 attack and +1 dam vs challenged enemy for 7 rounds)
Initiative, Round 1
Roll: 1d20+3 (Eglath) Result: 21
Roll: 1d20-6 (Herp) Result: 7-6
Eglath roars in challenge and breaks out in to a full charge, swinging his weapon mightily as he closes the distance.
Attack Roll: 1d20+8 Result: 22
Damage Roll: 2d8+5 Result: 16
The bugbear tried to block the attack with his shield, but failed and cried out in surprise on taking Eglath's powerful strike. However, he remained standing, if just barely.
Eglath let out a cheer. "Stand fast, my foe! I would not this fight be over so quickly."
The goblin nearest them growled and moved to throw his javelin at Eglath.
"What?! Do not interfere in my battle, whelp!" The bugbear cried out, to no avail.
Attack Roll: 1d20-1 Result: 9
But he misses.
The bugbear snorts.
"I guess it don't matter if gnats help out or not," He grunts as he swings his mace at Eglath.
Attack Roll: 1d20+7 Result: 13
Damage Roll: 1d8+4 Result: 6
The bugbear smirks as he lands his attack on the other warrior.
"I'll be the one to fell you!"
Meanwhile, the other goblin moves to throw his javelin at Herp!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 7 ====
Unfortunately (for the goblin) he misses entirely.
Herp looked surprised when the javelin landed somewhat closeby. He was being generous of course, that goblin threw that way off course, if Herp was the target. And since there was no one else in this direction, he probably had to be. And he was too busy admiring the bushes. Damn.
"Only the foulest of the foul would attack while the other wasn't looking. That was dishonorable, and you will be punished." Herp stated, before charging the creature with his drawn greatsword.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 3 ====
Not only does Herp's reckless charge miss as the goblin side-steps, but the small creature manages to trip him as he runs by! Herp falls prone!
Initiative, Round 2
Roll: 1d20+3 (Eglath) Result: 15
Roll: 1d20-4 (Herp) Result: 10
The bugbear snarls as he attacks Eglath once more with a furious swing of his mace!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+7 Result: 10 ====
But he misses the taller warrior!
The Goliath steps to the side, avoiding the heavy swing. With a grin, he rubbed his shoulder above his shield, his arm being too unbalanced from his charge to catch the wild attack in time.
"You have spirt, and honor, my noble adversary. I bear you no ill will."
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+6 Result: 15 ====
The bugbear snorts as he catches Eglath’s attack on his light wooden shield.
"I care not for honor. I seek only the heat of battle! These swine would have me attack from behind. There is no challenge, no sport in such foolishness!"
Meanwhile, Herp frowned, pushing himself up. "I see, so you like to fight dirty. Not that it matters to me." With that, he stood up.
The goblin growled as it attacked with a mace while he was standing up.
Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 23
Confirm Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 6
Damage Roll: 1d6 Result: 2
Herp is hit by the small creature's attack.
The Cleric of Kord flinches a bit at the mace hits him, before striking back with his weapon.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 14 ====
The small goblin dodges Herp's swing. It then attacks with its mace once more.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 4 ====
The goblin's swing fails so spectacularly that he leaves himself open to attack! Seeing the opening, Herp tries his luck again.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 2 ====
However, he misses.
The other goblin glares at the bugbear, and decides to help his friend instead, throwing a javelin at Herp before retrieving his mace.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 22
Damage Roll: 1d4 Result: 3 ====
The small javelin stabs Herp from behind!
Initiative, Round 3
Roll: 1d20+3 (Eglath) Result: 2
Roll: 1d20-4 (Herp) Result: 5
Eglath attacks the bugbear.
Attack Roll: 1d20+6 Result: 26
Confirm Roll: 1d20+6 Result: 7
Damage Roll: 3d8+5 Result: 10
The bugbear cried out as Eglath's powerful attack cut into his large frame!
"I'd rather die... in battle... than as a coward..." The bugbear groaned as he fell off his feet, bleeding from his massive wound.
Eglath frowned at the downed Bugbear. "Battle simply for battles sake is little more than mindless slaughter," he muttered silently. "Perhaps we were not so much alike after all."
His peace said, he turned his attention to the next Goblin. "Who else will face me?"
The goblin facing herp swung his mace once more, not quite noticing the results of the other battle.
Attack Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 23
Confirm Roll: 1d20+3 Result: 17
Damage Roll: 2d6 Result: 2 ====
Herp was now rather angry. This goblin had dodged every one of his attacks, and then had the gall to hit him in the face. He would destroy this goblin even if it killed him.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 12 ====
But he missed again.
The other goblin turns his attention back to the bugbear and Eglath.
"See! Fool! This is what your idiocy gets you!" The creature growled. It began running towards Herp, and swung its mace.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+7 Result: 12 ====
But it misses.
Initiative, Round 4
Roll: 1d20+3 (Eglath) Result: 5
Roll: 1d20-4 (Herp) Result: 9
The goblin that has been antagonizing Herp the entire time swings his mace once more!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 10 ====
But misses!
The other goblin also attacks!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 23
Damage Roll: 1d6 Result: 4 ====
And lands a staggering blow on the cleric of Kord!
And Herp continues to do what he does best, continues fighting.
Attack Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 21
Confirm Roll: 1d20+2 Result: 5
Damage Roll: 2d6+3 Result: 8 ====
The goblin screams out in pain as Herp's great weapon cleaves a deep wound!
It falls down, unconscious.
Notably slowed, having to step over his felled, bleeding opponent, Eglath surges across the field to aid his friend.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 Result: 7 ====
Initiative, Round 5
Roll: 1d20+3 (Eglath) Result: 15
Roll: 1d20-4 (Herp) Result: 5
The goblin loses quite a lot of his bravery the moment his friend is defeated, and looks from foe to foe, his legs shaking. Seeing an enemy on either side (either one with a massive sword), he knows escape is impossible and does the only thing he can think to.
He immediately drops his weapon and bows down to Eglath.
"I surrender! I surrender! Please don't kill me!"
Herp scoffs, ignoring his bleeding face. "What a coward. Attacking one man in a group, and then giving up when your partner falls."
Eglath snarls before bringing his foot down on the haft of teh Goblins mace, shattering the weapon into ruin.
"Your cowardice sickens me, but I'll not strike an unarmed man. However, I advise you go back to the mountains, for this I swear." Leaning forward, the Goliath loomed over the Goblin, bathing him in shadow. "If ever I see you with weapon in hand again, I shall crush the life from you with my bare hands, surrender or no."
The goblin squeals and shudders at the threat, cringing away from Eglath.
"Y-yes sir! Th-thank you sir! C, could you, f-find it in your heart to allow me to s-save my friend," He stutters. "Or at least take his body h-home..."
At that, Eglath nodded, somewhat surprised at the gesture.
"Very well. Save them if you can, but leave all of your weapons. My oath holds, even now."
The goblin nodded and kicked away his weapons then crawled over to the bleeding goblin, whose weapon he also kicked away as hard as he could.
(The battle is over. Herp and Eglath gain 150 Exp each!)
Not So New Category / Storyline / Chapter One - The Road - A short battle
on: April 18, 2013, 11:33:32 pm
As they leave Imperia, the road turns from cobblestone to mud, and once far enough, dry dirt. It shows signs of regular use; there are few weeds and fresh grooves show the frequent passage of wagons. The road winds through moderately forested land, and Tilduran's trademark fog is thinner than usual, allowing them clear sight. The air is cold and the sky cloudy.
Herp excuses himself to the side of the road in order to attend to... personal matters, promising to meet up with the rest of the group.
(Everyone roll a listen check.)
Listen DC: 10
Roll: 1d20+3 (Tae) Result: 20
Roll: 1d20 (Blythe) Result: 14
Roll: 1d20 (Eglath) Result: 8
Roll: 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 5
Roll: 1d20 (Embra) Result: 7
An unnatural silence has descended upon the group. Where once were the sounds of forest creatures, is now only a void.
Blythe and Tae can hear the sounds of a battle in the distance ahead. It's low, but distinct.
"Hold up." Blythe whispers urgently. "There's something happening up there."
Tae narrows her eyes as they wait, straining her ears.
"Indeed. I hear the sounds of combat."
"I wonder if they knew we were coming? Are we going to a surprise party?!" Embra gasped, turning toward the rest of the party and ceasing her merry skipping.
Tae favors the other elf with an odd stare, not sure how to react to such an absurd notion, having never encountered such an individual in the Underdark.
"Shall we investigate?" She asks, looking from person to person.
"Why not? Let us go." Eglath rumbled.
"Someone should scout ahead," Blythe suggested.
"But then wouldn't we be ruining the surprise?" Embra seemed to wonder, worriedly.
Nef clutches her staff close and looks around blearily. "What?"
"The surprise party! The ones that the Goblins are throwing for us! Obviously we aren't supposed ta' know about it yet!" Embra said, matter of factly as she looked toward the sheep girl.
Tae gave the other elf a half-lidded stare.
"Are you sane?"
Embra blinked, looking momentarily confused. Then she pointed at herself and said simply, "No, I'm Embra."
Tae nods.
"I see."
"They're throwing us a party?" Nefele asked.
Blythe rolls their eyes and steps into the underbrush on the side of the road, slowly moving on south.
Tae turns and follows after.
Nef looks over her shoulder worriedly and, no longer seeing anyone behind her, hurries along.
Eglath shrugs and follows as everyone else moves ahead of him.
==== Move Silently
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 12
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 20 ====
As they crest a rise in the road, you see a fight raging ahead. A merchant's wagon lies on its side, its horses dead or scattered. Several humans and goblins lay dead, while a few of each continue to battle.
Initiative, Round One
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 20
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 15
Roll: 1d20+3 (Eglath) Result: 19
Roll: 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 5
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 4
"This is the worst party I've seen since my seventy third birthday." Embra says, a sour look on her face.
Tae spares her a glance but says nothing as she watches the battle unfold. She moves closer to the battle while readying her light crossbow.
The goblin furthest from the group, a male, attacks the last standing human warrior by throwing his javelin at her.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 (Goblin) Result: 18 Damage Roll: 1d4 Result: 1 ====
The woman cries out in pain as she falls over, defeated. The goblin warriors cheer in their horrendous sounding native tongue as her attacker approaches the fallen body.
Eglath charges forward, drawing his weapon as he closes the distance.
Blythe shrugs off their pack and moves up.
The goblin nearest the group hears their noisy approach and immediately notices them. She shouts and points, alerting the others, as she readies a javelin.
The last goblin looks away from their downed prey and notices the group as well, and moves to join her ally.
Nefele readies her staff and walks forward a bit timidly.
Embra pulls her pack off and drops it to the ground, then moves forward.
Initiative, Round 2
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 18
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 18
Roll: 1d20+3 (Eglath) Result: 9
Roll: 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 9
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 9
"Step not before the avalanche, comrades!" Eglath called out in warning.
Tae began muttering an incantation as she prepares a spell.
Blythe draws their bow and lets loose an arrow at the nearest goblin.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 16 Damage Roll: 1d8 Result: 3 ====
The goblin takes an arrow to the knee and cries out in pain, but remains standing.
The other two goblins move into position behind the overturned wagon.
As Eglath charges forward, he bellows a challenge at the largest of the Goblin's, demanding the cowardly creature to face him. (Fighting Challenge, Eglath gains +1 will save, attack roll and damage roll against that opponent for 8 rounds)
The challenged goblin snarls,
"You think Grebble a coward? Grebble prove you wrong!"
One of the other goblins groans and shakes her head, grumbling, "Stupid male..."
The other goblin looks confused, however, and speaks in their goblinoid tongue to the other female, as if inquiring.
Nef chases ahead a bit, and hides behind the goliath.
The third goblin moves, albeit awkwardly thanks to the wound, to hide with the others.
"Master Eglath, I'm going to cast a spell that will allow you to better defend us," Tae called out. "Can you handle it?"
"If it is to help you all, then I can bear your enchantments!"
Embra moves forward and unsheathes her rapier.
Initiative, Round 3
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 6
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 11
Roll: 1d20+3 (Eglath) Result: 5
Roll: 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 21
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 16
Nefele hesitates, trembling on her hooves.
One of the goblins suddenly runs out from behind the wagon and throws her Javelin at Embra!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 (Goblin) Result: 10 ====
However, it misses.
Embra moves up to the Goblin and takes a swing at it.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+1 (Embra) Result: 7 ====
But she misses.
Nefele then ceases her hesitation, and shouts and smacks the butt of her staff against the ground to draw the attention of the goblin engaged with Embra. Once noticed, she gives a giddy little grin, and presses a finger to her lips before reaching out with her open palm to coax the goblin down into sleep.
Unfortunately, it did not work.
Another of the goblins runs out from behind the wagon, and throws her javelin at Embra!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 (Goblin) Result: 7 ====
But it too misses.
Tae frowns, "You crazy woman, keep back or they'll turn you into a pin-cushion!"
Blythe quickly fires an arrow at the wounded goblin, following it with another.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 23 Damage Roll: 1d8 Result: 6
Attack Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 8 ====
The goblin screams a pitiful shrill as it falls from the first arrow. Though the second one misses, it's already on the ground and bleeding profusely, soaking the green grass beneath in crimson.
"Yay Half-Orc!" Embra cheers, looking back and waving her rapier merrily in the air.
The last goblin, the self-named Grebble, runs out with an enraged roar and throws his javelin at Embra!
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+3 (Goblin) Result: 12 ====
And like the others, he misses!
Tae moves closer to Eglath as she casts her spell, "Arcane energies, heed my command! Grant this warrior the girth of a giant!"
As Eglath grows, Nefele is forced to move a couple of steps back to make way.
Eglath boggles as he is suddenly towering above all present (even moreso than normal!), but shakes off his surprise quickly. Moving forward, he steps on the fallen goblin. Her tiny frame is utterly destroyed by his new 2560 lb weight with a noisy squelching sound and blood and ichor spray out of her. Eglath steps gingerly over Embra's head he lashes out at the challenged Goblin, shouting in fury.
Blythe winces. So much for those arrows.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+4 (Eglath) Result: 22 Damage Roll: 3d8+6 Result: 19 ====
Grebble is hit by the full power of Eglath's swing and is bisected from above.
The last goblin looks up at 15 foot tall goliath in total and complete, unabashed terror.
Initiative, Round 4
Roll: 1d20+5 (Tae) Result: 17
Roll: 1d20+4 (Blythe) Result: 9
Roll: 1d20+3 (Eglath) Result: 15
Roll: 1d20+1 (Nefele) Result: 18
Roll: 1d20+2 (Embra) Result: 18
The goblin turns and runs, screaming in terror. Unfortunately for it, Eglath was able to react in time thanks to the new length of his limbs.
==== Attack Roll: 1d20+5 (Eglath) Result: 23 Damage Roll: 3d8+5 Result: 23 ====
The enourmous Eglath snarled at the cowardly retreat of his opponent, and lashed out with all of his might.
Swinging upwards in a mighty arc, his blade tore through the earth with ease, sending sod and soil flying before colliding with the unfortunate Goblin's back. In a spray of gore, the fragments of Goblin were sent exploding outwards, raining down on the dirt beyond.
"Ew", Embra said.
(There are no more enemies. Everyone gets 60 EXP.)
There are numerous bodies scattered around the area. The horses seem alarmed by Eglath, and nervously move away.
Embra frowns, looking at her rapier, and forlornly puts it back.
Tae inspects the field, and, seeing no more enemies, sighs, wishing that the goblins HAD turned the crazy elf woman into a pincushion.
Eglath frowns, looking at his hands. He then turned to his companions.
"This... will wear off... will it not?"
Blythe heads off to look for their arrow, gingerly stepping around the puddle of goblin.
Tae put away her crossbow and turned to look at him.
"Yes, it should. In about thirty or so seconds." She then moves to inspect some of the corpses.
==== Spot Roll: 1d20 (Blythe) Result: 10 ====
Blythe is unable to find the arrow that flew off.
"You're probably the biggest dwarf ever, mister Eggy." Embra said, looking up at the small humanoid mountain.
Eglath looked down at the tiny female.
"Excuse me, miss... Embra, was it? But I believe you are confused. I am no dwarf, noble race that they are."
Nefele steps back into the small crowd, grinning nervously. "Did we win?"
"Really?" Embra said, looking genuinely confused, "I thought for sure you were a dwarf. My teacher was a dwarf and you look almost nothing like him."
Tae searches the corpses for anything of worth.
==== Chance Roll: 1d6 Result: 5 ====
Tae finds five silver pieces on one of the fallen humans, and moves on to another.
Eglath could only shake his head, before turning to the more logical people.
"Shall we bury the unfortunate dead... once the white elf is done looting their bodies?"
"I don't have a shovel." Embra said.
Tae kneels down before another one of the warriors. After a brief inspection she looks back at the others.
"This one is still breathing."
Blythe hurries over and examines the wounds. "Check the other as well."
==== Heal Roll: 1d20 Result: 4 ====
Blythe fumbles with makeshift bandages. "Agh. I should have paid more attention when they were discussing this sort of thing." Their attempts fail to heal the fallen warrior.
Meanwhile Tae moves to check on the warrior that fell as they arrived.
"This one is also breathing."
Eglath's enchantment wears off. The not quite as gigantic Goliath sighs in relief as he waits for his friends to help the fallen warriors.
Nefele trots up to Blythe's side and pats them gently on the head. She crouches beside him and offers him a dreamy smile. "Hello again, Blythe Redlock! I will see what I can do." She wiggles her fingers gleefully before placing them to the guard's trembling body, and appears very focused before bleating loudly.
==== Cure Light Wounds Roll: 1d8+1 Result: 3 ====
Nef slumps forward a bit, before straightening up and prodding the downed guard tentatively. "Perhaps not so much."
The guard groans as the magic imbues his body with life. He stops bleeding and rouses from his unconscious state.
Blythe grins up at the sheep. "Thank you! Can you help with this one too?" They move over to the other fallen guard and attempt to stanch the bleeding.
==== Heal Roll: 1d20 Result: 17 ====
Blythe's efforts are effective. The downed warrior woman stops bleeding and her health seems to stabilize.
Nefele stumbles to her feet to chase the redhead. "It seems you have improved greatly from your last attempt!" she titters.
Blythe grins slightly. "She'll still have to be cared for, though, unless you can do that magic-thing again."
As they work on the fallen warriors, a woman sticks her head out from a space beneath the fallen wagon.
"Is it - is it safe for me to come out?" She asks.
The male warrior, while conscious, seems barely lucid at the moment.
"Probably, unless you're another goblin." Curiously, but cautiously, Embra approaches the wagon.
Eglath rolls his eyes.
"Clearly you are no goblin, so yes, you are safe. Please come out and tell us what happened, and how you came to be here."
Not So New Category / Storyline / Re: Chapter One - Imperia - The Yellow Mug, Pt2
on: April 18, 2013, 10:11:39 pm
You stand there in the rain, not doing much of anything. The guards succesfully shove the Merleon prisoner into the cage with other prisoners, and go on their way after securing the pen up with numerous locks and chains. Once inside, some of the male prisoners advance on her, lewd grins on their faces, but she snarls at them, baring her sharp teeth, and a few of them fall back, cowed. Three of them, however, continue on, determined to get what they're after.
Most people outside the pen have fled the area, leaving the muddy path to the northeast and the cobblestone road bare.
Herp shrugged to himself, ignoring the rain. The woman fought hard, but in the end, nothing worth of note. He decided to move on. He headed down the path to the Guild hall. Maybe there was some work to be done. No one around here wanted to employ his barber skills.
The Merleon woman manages to defeat one of her attackers with a surprise attack from her long tongue and slams both fists down on another as he attacks, dropping him, but the last one tackles her and holds her down with loud grunts and growls.
"Stop strugglin', wench!" One of them snarls as he backhands her in the face. "If I'm gonna be some blue blood's dog for the rest o' me life, I'll take what bit o' pleasure I can right now!"
"Go to hell!" The Merleon growls as she struggles in vain.
Seeing the victor, though, Herp decided to leave. The woman had fought, but she had lost, and to the victor go the spoils. There was no need to stay around and watch what would come next.
Picking the direction he believed the Guild hall to lie in, Herp turned and started walking northwest, certain that he would arrive at his destination at some point.
After several minutes of walking along the muddy road, he found himself at yet another intersection. To his left he could see a district similar to the previous one, only there were no slave pens. Further down the road he was on one could could see several stone buildings with signs hanging out front that identified them as shops. To his right was a road that went between the slave district and the marketplace.
Herp looked at all the options he had in front of him, not knowing which ones to take. He stopped in the middle of the road, paying no mind to the dirty looks he got from people around him. After all, in this city, he had expected as much. He was probably rather intimidating anyways.
He scratched his chin thoughtfully, before deciding to head towards the stone buildings. Either way, he could probably ask one of the shop owner's for directions. He walked down the street, noting the names of the stores.
As you walk along the street, you see signs with names like Craftsman's Nails, Crusty Market, and Squire's Gathering. Humans stare at you with open scorn, but the few other non-humans are indifferent or even regard you with polite smiles.
The half-orc decided that he didn't know at all where he wanted to go, so he went into the nearest shop, Craftsman's Nails, looking for the shop owner. Finding someone who he believed knew his stuff, he walked in. "Could you direct me to the guild hall? I have seemed to have lost my way."
The man looked at you with a frown.
"And just why should I tell you that, sub-human?"
Herp smirked. Oh bigoted humans. They are so silly sometimes. "I would leave faster? I mean, isn't it better for your business if I was to leave as soon as possible? I don't think making a commotion out this is necessary."
==== Roll: 1d20+1 (Diplomacy) Result: 21 ====
The man looks up at Herp, then nods.
"Yes... yes, you're right. I'm sorry, sir, please pardon the rudeness. I'll do what I can to help you out. Here, wait a moment, would you?" He said, before walking away. He went to the back of the store, then a moment later, returned with a map. "Okay, sir. Sorry to keep you waiting. This is a map of Imperia," He said. "I've circled the Guild Hall district for you, and the X marks where you are now. Please accept this as a token of my apology for the earlier rudeness."
Herp grinned and looked at the map, before taking it from the man. "Thank you so much. I knew you would understand." With that said, he walked right out, making sure not to bother anyone on his way. Had to uphold his end of the deal.
Shaking his head in amusement at his young ward's jest, Eglath finally stepped out of the Tavern and into the street. Looking around briefly, he was easily able to spot the Guildhall as described by his companions.
With all luck, he would be able to find some work, perhaps even something slightly more prestigeous than hunting Goblins.
As such, he strode over to the entrance of the Guildhall, intent on entering.
Even though Naida had called it a 'guild hall' the place next to Kira's The Yellow Mug is little more than a stone building with a single door too short for Eglath's full height. The door is closed, but the lone window emits artificial light, indicating a presence inside.
Eglath steps into the tiny Guildhall, ducking his head and sword to fit under the small doorframe. Immediately, he tried to locate who might be running the place, and where any jobs might be posted.
Finally with some semblance of an idea of where she is going, Embra leads Blythe back the way they came and then up the road they should have turned on, the archer following the elven girl until they reach their apparent destination. By now the sun is mostly set and the roads dark; lit lanterns hang along the walls of several buildings, some of which are grand halls with second and even third floors, the tallest of which however has five. The roads are populated only by adventurers and guards, the latter of whom each carries a lantern of their own as they patrol the streets.
Directly before them (at the end of the road) is a two story building. There was wooden sign above the door with a lantern hanging over it, which read, The Yellow Mug, Tavern and Inn. From inside, one could hear a boisterous crowd of people, laughing and talking, as well as the cheery tune of a young songstress, even over the constant rain.
Lightning flashed in the distance and thunder sounded overhead. They've arrived in time to see a giant of a man entering a comparatively small building next to The Yellow Mug.
===Momo, Vex===
"So... it's around here somewhere, right?"
"Of course it is, don't you trust me." Embra says looking toward the human archer with an exagerated look of faux-offense.
"I'm not saying I don't trust you. I just don't know where to go from here."
"Wherever your dreams take you!" Embra says majestically, wrapping her arm around Blythe's shoulder and using her other hand to present the world to the half-orc. After a moment, before Blythe could react, Embra pulled him aside to the door of The Yellow Mug, "And my dreams are taking me here, so come on."
After stepping inside the small building, Eglath sees a single bulletin board to his left. Unfortunately there is only one request form posted on the board. It reads as follows:
HELP we ar beset by gobins. we canot pay alat but rely ned help!
There are more details but the writing is too small for you to see from where you are.
At the other end of the small room is an old, bearded man, sitting before a desk. He is garbed in purple robes with golden trimmings. The man reads a large scroll that is set out before him, letting out a few thoughtful "Hmm" like sounds, and pays Eglath no heed.
Eglath frowned at the non-existant reward for the 'quest'... not to mention the poor language skills displayed. What kind of guildhall would even let such a job be posted?
Turning his attention to the bearded fellow. "Excuse me sir, but are there any other jobs available? Or, at the very least, is there a bounty on Goblins that would make this job here worthwhile? Even a handful of silver for each Goblin skull could be of benefit at this point."
Blythe and Embra step inside The Yellow Mug.
A small crowd of men and women - the vast majority human - were seated at tables throughout the modestly sized room, clothed in the garments and armor common to adventurers rather than the garb of peasants. There was a large lit fireplace in the center of the tavern, and one could feel its heat on their cold, wet body the instant they were inside. There was a staircase against the wall to the new comers' left, leading up to the inn's rooms.
The songstress, who stood in an empty corner of the room, was an elven maid. She sang a cheery song to the tune of a human bard's lute, adding to the tavern's atmosphere. More than a few of the men in the building were focused directly on her.
Across the room from their position at the door was a bar, behind which a door to the kitchen could be seen. Seated at the bar were a Vinean woman and a woman with elven features, but pale gray skin. The Vinean woman is talking to a fairy, while the elven woman of unknown heritage is eating a meal.
Elsewhere, the old man in the tiny guildhall doesn't seem to hear Eglath, as he simply continues to read his scroll.
=== Vex===
Embra goes up to the bar and sits down, "Howdy! Who's the inn keeper here?"
"Hmm, so I see," Eglath muttered to himself.
Stepping forward, the Goliath loomed over the old man's desk.
"Good day old man. It appears that either you are hard of hearing, or a bigot, so in either case, I shall speak loudly for your benefit."
With that, Eglath took in a large breath before leaning forward and slamming his hands onto the desk.
==== Roll: 1d20+5 (Intimidate) Result: 21 ====
The old man blinks as he looks up at you, then jerks back, surprised by your presence.
"Hmm!? Where'd ye come frae? It's nae braw tae sneak up oan auld fowk, y'knaw! Yoo'll gie thes puir auld codger a heart attack!"
Meanwhile In The Yellow Mug, The Vinean looks over at Embra.
"Well, another loud one has arrived. How quaint." The fairy chuckled at that and she continued. "Kira just went back into the kitchen. She'll be out in a bit, don't worry." She hopped up from the stool and walked around the bar, and the fairy that had been conversing with her followed. "Until then, what do you want, plebians?"
The would be knight shook his head, feeling slightly abashed. "Well, hard of hearing it is."
Now that he had the old man's attention, though, he nodded more polietely.
"Sorry about the shock, sir," he stated somewhat loudly, "I was just inquiring if there were any other jobs asides from the Goblin hunting. Or, barring that, if there was at least a bounty on Goblins to make it worthwhile. Do you know the answer to either?"
"I want... to find the man who killed my father!" Embra said, dramatically, but after several moments she looked momentarily lost, "No, wait... can I change my answer?"
"I think I would prefer to avenge my mother... or maybe my sister? Or... maybe I could try and find a handsome prince to wed? Or... maybe I could find a beautiful woman who's heart I can win? Or maybe a tasty ham? Or maybe a ham carved to look like a beautiful woman's heart?" Embra muttered to herself nonsensically.
"Personally, I've always had dreams of world domination," The vinean said as she joins your nonsensical banter. "Countless servants at my beck and call, fear striking the hearts of whomever hears my name..."
"Oh, th' goblins is it? Aye, aye, th' goblins... if it's th' goblins, 'en th' entire village is payin' fur 'at a body, aye, th' entire village. Ah hink it was a village. it's th' goblins yoo're askin' abit, reit?"
Deciding to avoid all ambiguity, Egllath pulled down the flier and handed it to the man.
"Yes, the Goblins attacking the village. It does mention they can't pay at all, though. As such, I was wondering if this city had a bounty of goblins that could make the job worthwhile."
"My name is Embra Ilphukiir, you?"
"Hrm? Th' goblins! Aye, th' goblins. Ah min' thes, th' goblins ur attackin' villages an' nearby travellers an'... whit? it doesnae pay?"
The old man raised an eyebrow and began scratching his head as he read the flier.
"What ur ye oan abit? It says it can pay reit haur! Nae a lot, but it says they'll pay! Honestly, learn yer letters properly, laddie!" The old man looked down at the smaller handwriting. "It seems th' entire village has scraped together everythin' they ain tae pit up a boonty ay fife hunder gauld tae whoever kills th' goblins fur them! Hmm... Ah micht tak' thes a body myself..."
"Naida de Terrea the third, also known as Naida the Great! No, perhaps it should be... Naida the Terrible!... Naida the Great and Terrible?" She hmm's. "The Great and Terrible Naida... Pah!" She waves a hand. "Plebian! You are in the presence of the next duchess of the duchy of Terrea, Lucania! Bow down!"
At the old man's words, Eglath inspected the sheet once more. "Hmm, 1500 gold? It appears my grasp on the value of money is yet not fully developed. That sounds like much money indeed."
Shrugging, pleased at the turn of events, Eglath rolled up the bounty and tucked it into his mail shirt.
"Alas, good sir, I hope you don't mind if I pluck this job from your hands. I do have a young one to feed, after all, and I am sure that my reputation is far less reknown than your own."
"No thank you." Embra said simply, before looking toward the weird looking elven woman, "So, who are you?"
Tae considered ignoring the crazy seeming woman, with the hopes that she'd simply be left alone, but then remembered that if anyone was likely to be a guide to Tindharia, it would be another elf.
Instead she turned to regard the other woman with a polite smile.
"I am a simple traveler," She said. "My name, if that is what you want, is Tae Syl'esril."
"Oh? Ah didne hink a brute loch ye coods hae snagged a hen - 'at is, Ah see, Ah see! Och aye, laddie, 'en by aw means!" He suddenly seems to remember somethin'. "Oh, an' laddie, th' reward is fife hunder gauld. Nae fifteen, fife hunder. Honestly, they dornt teach th' kiddies loch they used tae..."
Embra looked between the plant woman, the elf woman and the fairy for a moment before finally settling on Tae, "So, hot-buns." Embra started, crossing her legs to look casual, "Do you know where a dashing and experienced adventurer-ress... could find some work for coin?"
Embra paused for a moment, "I do everything except windows. And prostitution. So preferably work involving lost empires and ancient treasures. Or possibly rescuing royalty from evils uncovered by the folly of mortals? I have a half-orc I can make do stuff if that helps."
Eglath scratched his head in confusion. "Locks? No, I wasn't really taught about locks... or ladders for that matter."
A bit confused at the odd turn of conversation, he looked more closely at the sheet. Ah, so five hundred it was. Not as grand, but still enough to let him live for a time at least. And only Goblins to squash to gain it.
Bowing politely, he nodded to the old man. "Thank you for your assistance, sir. I'll see if I can find a locksmith to send your way, since you seem to be having some trouble in that regard."
With that, the Goliath warrior made his way out of the small guild hall. A short walk took him back to the inn, where he hoped his ham was ready... and that it hadn't all been eaten already.
Tae shrugged.
"Not much, I'm told, but someone else went to go get the details just now."
Kira walked out of the kitchen, carrying a plate with two slices of ham on it and another mug of Ale. She immediately stopped on seeing Naida standing behind the bar. Naida quickly turned to look at her, and reacted with the expression that a child might offer if caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
"Naida! I thought I told you not to pretend you work here anymore! The last time you did you offended every customer that came in through those doors!"
She quickly made her way to where Elle and Eglath had been sitting, setting the plate down, before grabbing Naida by the arm and leading her away from the counter. She quickly looked over at Embra.
"I'm sorry, m'am! She didn't insult you, did she?" She asked.
"I did not insult anyone! Personally, I think I was doing a good job of helping out!" She said.
Kira sighed and shook her head, before pushing Naida through the swinging door and out from behind the bar, Tannim following her out and sniggering all the while.
"Please, miss, allow me to personally make it up to you. I'll let you use her room tonight," She said, looking at Embra. "It comes with two beds, so even if you have a companion, it should be fine!"
Naida looked at Kira with a frown.
"My room? But Kira! I didn't even-"
"Shoosh! You haven't even paid for your room in a week!" The pregnant woman said with a frown. "I know we're friends, but you can't keep doing this!"
===Vex, Momo===
"Hey half-orc, I got us a room!", Embra said, shouting over at Blythe.
Blythe shrugs. "That's good. What about work?"
Embra turned, without waiting for a response, to the vinean woman, looking stern. "Miss dragon duchess, you should be grateful to your boss, because I'm pretty sure I was going to sue you for emotional trauma or something, and it is only by her good graces that you're getting off with such a light punishment. So let that be a lesson to you."
The Vinean woman looks at Embra, flabbergasted.
"I... you... wha? Dragon?"
===Vex, Momo, Lathis===
"Oh the lies and slander that she was in the process of telling, just before you arrived. Why I had never heard taller tales. About her plans for this fine country and inn once she had taken them for herself." Embra said dramatically, "And to think you would betray this fine woman who only wants the best for you, for shame miss duchess, for shame!"
Swinging open the door, Eglath strode back into the inn. Happy with himself, he began to make his way to where he had left Elle.
He noted a few new faces, but ignored them completely at one glaring fact.
Immediately, he stomped across the room and dropped a fist on the bar.
"Where is Elle? I have been gone for scarcely a moment and she's vanished?!"
Kira blinked.
"Oh, that girl? Well, she's-"
And then the door to the kitchen swung out as a small figure charged out!
Elle stood there, wearing a pot on her head, and wielding a top as a shield and a ladle. She ran, yelling all the way, around the bar, before stopping at Eglath.
Elle attacks!
==== Roll: 1d20-2 Result: 1 ====
She swings the ladle, hitting Eglath on the leg as hard as she can. Eglath, however, feels naught but a light tapping as she assaults him.
"Elle is ready for her knightly training, Mister Eggle-ath! On guard!"
===Lathis, Momo===
"Aha, now there is my girl!" Eglath boasted loudly. Lifting his own blade he held it in a salute before him (the tip of the blade scratching the ceiling) he then dropped into a defensive stance. "Let us see what you can do before we start training!"
Blythe's eyes widen at the large sword held by the even larger individual and they step back to watch this 'training' with an incredulous grin.
Elle blinks, then grins.
"Here Elle comes, Mister Eggle-ath!"
Kira, however, frowns.
"Hey! No playing inside! You're paying for anything that breaks!"
===Vex, Lathis, Momo===
Embra stares at Eglath, a delighted look and mouth hanging open in a grin.
With a boisterous laugh, Eglath nodded and set his sword against the bar. Patting Elle on the head he gestured for her to sit down. "Very well, we can eat first, and then if the weather turns better, we can play outside when I return."
He then turned to Tae and Kira, pulling out the bounty sheet. "I think this should give us enough coins to make ourselves comfortable for a time. And Kira, I promise that I will pay for any damages that my young squire causes from my share of this bounty... with only goblins to scrape off my boots, it is as good as completed already."
"It's a dwarf", Embra whispered conspiratorially to Blythe, obviously referring to the gigantic Knight in front of them.
Blythe giggles a bit
"Elle already ate," The little girl said.
Naida growled.
"P...pah! I'll get my revenge on you yet, plebian woman!" She said. "Kira! I'll not forget this insult! Mark my words, you'll regret this!" She then turned and stomped her way towards the exit.
Kira sighed and shook her head, then turned to look at Eglath.
"Hmm? The rain doesn't stop here, sir." She said.
Tae raised an eyebrow as she stood up from her completed meal and walked over to join them.
"Those are the details, then? How much is it good for? Because we... -may-... have found ourselves a couple of extra companions to help out." She turned to look at Embra and Blythe. "You two are sellswords, yes?"
Eglath looked from the lovely elf woman to the two sellswords she had been talking to. He was... somewhat disappointed by what he saw.
"They are a bit... small... are they not? We may be better off taking Elle with us than these two, at least she is properly armed with a ladle."
Following the map, he soon found his way to the guild hall, and there were a lot of buildings. He decided that he would try and find work in the morning. After all, it was still raining and he probably needed to find a place to stay. He walked to the nearest inn and went inside.
After he enters, Herp sees a small crowd of men and women - the vast majority human - were seated at tables throughout the modestly sized room, clothed in the garments and armor common to adventurers rather than the garb of peasants. There was a large lit fireplace in the center of the tavern, and one could feel its heat on their cold, wet body the instant they were inside. There was a staircase against the wall to Herp's left, leading up to the inn's rooms.
The songstress, who stood in an empty corner of the room, was an elven maid. She sang a cheery song to the tune of a human bard's lute, adding to the tavern's atmosphere. More than a few of the men in the building were focused directly on her.
Across the room from his position at the door was a bar, behind which a door to the kitchen could be seen. At the bar you see a woman with elven features, but pale gray skin, a very tall goliath, an elven girl, a man... or perhaps woman? with red hair, and a dirty ragamuffin clad in rags and wearing a pot on her head like it's a helmet, while wielding the top to that pot as a shield, and a ladle as if it's a sword. Behind the bar stands a heavily pregnant woman, her head shaved bald. She wears a brown leather vest over a white long-sleeved shirt, fitted black trousers, and black boots with heels.
===Vex, momo===
"I'm an adventurer!" Embra said enthusiastically, pointing at herself.
"I have a sword," She patted her rapier and thought for a moment, "I guess I'll sell it to you if you want, but you'll have to name me a good price. I was going to use it to kill some goblins."
"I'm... yeah. We were hoping to kill some goblins."
"I... see," Tae said. "An adventurer. Well, I am naught but a traveler seeking the land of her father. I know a bit of magic, but hardly enough to call myself an... adventurer."
Eglath gave Embra a 'look'. "Yes... that is a very nice sewing needle you have. If you have an actual sword, I might be interested in purchasing it for Elle here."
Turning to regard Blythe and his timid response, and Tae and her lethargic reply... he finally turned back to Elle.
"Alright, Elle, you can be my partner after all. I'd feel my honor far less tainted for taking a child into combat than taking the likes of these people with me," he declared with a broad grin.
Tae smiles at the large man, hiding her annoyance.
"If you like, I can demonstrate my magical abilities here and now," She said. She looked over at Kira. "Nothing will be broken, I assure you."
The bald woman sighed, then shrugged.
"If it is, you're paying for it," She said.
Tae nodded, then turned to look at Eglath once more.
"So, how about it? Would you be willing to help me out with my demonstration?"
Herp walked over to the group of non-humans, recognizing two from the group he just happened to be walking with earlier. At least he thought he was. They were all there for guards and slaves incident. He plopped himself down on a stool near the bar, waiting for a point in which he might enter the conversation.
Blythe scowls a bit at the sewing needle remark. "Hey. I'm not sure what you're making up for with a sword the size of a house, but a goblin killed with a blade (or arrow) through the heart is no less dead than one whose head has been taken off by a chunk of mountain."
Eglath burst into laughter at the small man's retort.
"Ah, so he has a bit of fire in his heart after all, does he? Perhaps there is some potential here after all?"
He turned back to Tae. "And save your sorcery for another time, M'lady. I am certain there will be more than enough goblins to play target for your cantrips."
Pulling out the flyer, he held it up for all to see. "I offer open invitation for any interested in coming on this bounty. Please note, however, that the reward is a mere 500 pieces of gold. The more of us that go, the less money, and glory, for each of us."
Tae bit back a snort at his refusal to be used as a guinea pig. She couldn't care less about what he thought about her, just as long as he didn't try to impede her joining the quest.
"I require funds, however short they may be. As this is the only method that presents itself to me, I will gladly take it."
Herp didn't have to wait long for his opportunity to come. And he had just sat down too. A goliath offered anyone who wanted to join on a quest. He was looking for a quest. And more specifically, a quest that involved battle. He turned to address the goliath, standing up.
"The name's Herp Derpington, Servant of battle. If I may, I would like to join your group." He offered his right hand to the large humanoid.
"We're in." Blythe turns back to Embra "Good work. Your methods are unorthodox, but apparently effective."
Eglath studied the Half-Orc and his proffered hand. With a single nod of his head, he took the hand and shook it.
"A fellow warrior. Most excellent, you will make a fine comrade to help protect all of these tiny adventurers."
With that, he turned back to Elle. "Now, you remain here and Kira will... hopefully... take care of you for the, hopefully short, time that I am away."
"Elle will hunt goblins too!" Chirps the little girl. "Elle is properly armed with a ladle!"
The Half-Orc showed a wide grin, giving the Goliath a firm handshake. He turned to regard the liddle girl, clad in kitchen ware. He almost laughed at her motivation. Maybe he made a bit of a snicker.
"Now, now, young lass. I'm sure you can hunt some goblins. Pretty sure you could take out quite a few with that ladle of yours." He paused, making sure to choose his words carefully. "However, that weapon of yours isn't durable enough to survive too many more than that."
"That's okay! Even if it breaks Elle can just stab them with the broken part!" She declared. "But, Elle has been wondering for a while now... what's a goblin?"
==== Roll: 1d20+2 (Untrained Knowledge Check, +5 circumstantial modifier) Result: 16 ====
"They're small orange people that raid villages and swarm enemies. They tend to be pests, but are pretty cowardly in the end." Blythe Said.
Embra stared at Herp, looking profoundly distressed before asking, "Why is that bear talking."
Herp stared at the elven women in confusion. Was he just called a bear? All things considered, at least it wasn't bigotry about his orcish ancestry. He didn't particularly care though. Instead he shrugged.
"Very well, my mostly sane companions," Eglath declared, clearing his throat, "We should rest for the night, and be off in the morning. I fear it is too late to travel now."
"Elle wants to go too..." The little girl said. "Can Elle go? Please?"
"No, you can't. It's much too dangerous," Kira said, looking up at Eglath. "Don't worry about her, she'll be safe here."
Elle pouted, then walked over to the bar and sat down as she sulked. She quickly glanced around to see if anyone was watching as she reached for Eglath's mug of ale.
Quickly, Eglath scooped up his mug and finished it in a single draught.
"Tsk tsk. Perhaps next time, young one. If we are successful, I will be able to purchase you a proper sword and helmet, then you will be prepared to come adventuring. Until then, you can stay here where it is safe."
"So, what's for dinner?" Embra wondered, cocking her head and looking toward the inn keeper.
From her seat in the corner, Nefele bleats in vicarious excitement from the bustle of the tavern, before covering her mouth embarrassedly.
"Lamb chops?" Embra wondered.
Blythe cocks their head curiously and wanders over to the table, their attention drawn to this curious girl. "Hi! I've never- That is, I'm new to- Not to be rude but... what are you?"
Nef presumably looks up through her thick curl of bangs at Embra's comment before retrieving her shepherd's hook from its place against the wall and banging the butt nervously against the floor. The larger sheep at her feet rouses, and clops closer to her before settling again.
To the human she offers a gentle smile, cocking her head to the side. "I am a shepherd," she answers evenly, raising her crook for emphasis, "And this is my good friend, Mahome." She kicks out her cloven feet, which hang above the floor, and turns to her companion, bleating noisily.
"A-ah. Yes, of course. What is a sheep gi- shepherd girl doing at an inn in a city? And, ah, why do you have a sheep inside?"
"If I leave her outside, she will surely be eaten. Lamb, by some means, is a human delicacy of sorts, it seems." She turns towards Embra at the statement, before continuing. "We are lost," she trills mournfully, "We took a wrong turn."
"Lamb is quite ta- quite common for humans to eat, yes."
She chortles. "I will keep my eyes on you from now on," she says, raising her staff to point a bit to Blythe's left, "And you, human, how far from home are you? You are an adventurer, I assume?"
"I... am not at all far from home! I suppose I am an adventurer, though, yes. I mean, I'm a wanderer? And I'm picking up work. So... basically."
"So, basically," Nef mimics, placing her crook to her side again. She clicks her shiny, black fingers together amusedly. "I am not from a place where adventure and wandering is considered work. You have plans to go out, though?" She straightens up and rests her hoof-hands on the table, one ear quirking excitedly. "Where will you go?"
"Wherever this job is. It's a small village nearby, if I recall correctly. We just need to take care of a goblin problem and then get paid. After that, hopefully, there'll be more work."
Nefele grins in earnest. "That is surely a lot of hope to have. And what good could come of it." She hops out of her chair and totters awkwardly towards them. She extends a paw from beneath her shawl and offers it to the redhead. "I am Nefele Metous."
Blythe shakes the proffered... appendage... and smiles. "I'm Blythe. Blythe Redlock."
Forgetting her manners, Nef raises their hand to her face and observes it, before sniffing it thoroughly.
Blythe stands there awkwardly, uncertain what to do.
She realizes the situation and reorients herself smoothly, offering a sheepish (pun completely intended) smile. "Forgive me." She pats the human's hand before placing it back at their side. "How long before you set off with your friends?"
"Not until morning, it appears. Unfortunately. I was really hoping to get going tonight, since I can't afford a room."
"Do you have a place to stay?"
"I don't."
The youkai nods and reaches into one of the pockets on the cardigan she wears under her shawl, before frowning and reaching into the other one. Finding nothing, she unbuttons it, and reaches inside into the pockets on the sweater just a layer beneath it. She brightens and pulls out a small handful of silver pieces, and holds them out in a loose fist.
Blythe hesitates, then accepts the money. "I will pay you back as soon as I can. Thank you. Will you still be here when we get back?"
Nefele holds onto their hand for a moment, gazing down at it absently. "No, you see, there is no need to pay me back, so long as you... fulfill a small condition, yes?" She smiles up at them, and pinches her hoof fingers together slightly, nodding.
"Er... as long as it doesn't interfere with my existing plans, certainly."
She closes their fist over the silver pieces. "I will come along, then, yes?"
"Oh. Well, a battle is not place for a shepherd and her sheep. Plus, we're going to be fighting goblins and goblins like ambushes. It'll be quite dangerous for someone who's not a trained combatant."
Nef stands tall and puffs out her chest, looking vaguely irritated. "You are cruel to misunderstand me, human!"
Blythe steps back, startled and then baffled. "I didn't mean any offense. I just wouldn't want you or Mahome to get hurt."
She bleats sharply, and clops back to where her staff leans against the wall to retrieve it. Upon returning, she strikes the butt of it against the floor again, causing it to spark upon impact, and mimics a guard, standing straight and holding her breath for a few awkward seconds. "I will have you know," she finally speaks, "I am well-trained!" Her arrogant facade falters slightly. "I should... cast grave misfortune upon you... for your insolence!" Mahome bleats dismissively a few feet away.
"Oh, you're some sort of sorceress? ...And a shepherd?"
Nefele grins and clasps her crook with both hands. "Perhaps I am not so well-trained as a sorcerer. I am a witch." She raises a hand and wiggles her fingers playfully. "Mostly I am a shepherd, but sometimes I have to curse those who try to eat my sheep."
"Oh. Well in that case I can't really deny you. The large fellow did say it was an open invitation. I'd still like you to not get hurt, though, yes?"
"The large fellow..." She gazes out over the crowd blearily and focuses on Eglath. "Thank you, Blythe." She smiles gently at the redhead and pats their arm, before tottering off over to the goliath.
Eglath, however, was in the midst of his own conversation.
"So Mr.? Ah whatever." Herp said, addressing the formidable goliath in front of him. "I'm curious as to whether or not you have seen any amusing performances? Not just the usual bardic tales, but those lengthy productions put on by a professional group. I haven't seen one since my childhood, and I'd like to know how they measure up."
Eglath noted the Half-Orc's inquiry and considered it. Taking the time to take a seat next to the hearth, gesturing for Elle to join him and warm up by the fire, he shook his head.
"Nay, not for many years. It was quite quite rare for humans to come through my tribe's home. Though, my people do possess a grand oral tradition. We did have a grand story teller whom I enjoyed listening to during my youth."
Elle quickly runs over and sits beside him, listening in to the conversation.
Tae decided to sit down in a chair and listen to the discussion, hoping to learn something about them that she may be able to use when dealing with them.
Herp nodded, understanding the other warrior's position. He joined them by the hearth, leaning himself against a nearby wall.
"Stories are great. I heard many about the honor and greatness of the warriors of Kord while at the temple. I do often think about them to keep myself in check. However, seeing one such story acted out through the elaborate motions of trained actors is amazing. Though, that could just be the nostalgia." Herp rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he remembered the performance in question.
"Hmm," Eglath scratched his chin. "That does sound quite entertaining. I think I might like to see such a show myself."
He looked down at the child at his side. "Have you seen such a performance, Elle? What kind of stories are told?"
Elle blinked up at him.
"Elle hasn't seen anything like that before..." She said. She looked up, bringing a finger to her chin. "Elle's mother used to tell her stories before she went to sleep though, is that the same?"
Herp nodded to the young girl. "Yes, they are generally the same. They are just different mediums of telling a story. If the performances are professional enough, you might even believe you were watching a real battle!"
That caught Eglath's attention. "Can you tell us of one of these performances you have seen? Though I imagine it would be less entertaining without the performers, I would still like to hear a story of battle and glory"
The half-orc frowned and scratched his head. "I wish I could, but I have forgotten almost everything about it. All the things I can remember were the elaborate fight scenes. A lot of beautiful movements. However, from a warrior's perspective, there a lot of wasted movements. Still, to a child her age," he said, pointing to Elle, "It would be fascinating. I can't say for sure how pleased I, at this time in my life, would enjoy it."
Elle considered his words for a moment, before frowning.
"Is Mister Ugly saying it's only something little kids would enjoy? Hmph! Elle is grown up! Elle is already ten years old!"
Tae hid a snicker at the girl's utter lack of tact.
"Lass, mayhap you should reconsider the words you use to refer to people you've only just met," She said.
Elle looked over at her.
"Eh? What should Elle call him then?"
Tae looked over at the half-orc.
"I believe you said your name was..." She frowned. "Herp... Derpington?" She shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I've never heard of such a name. Where did you say you were from, sir?"
It was then that Nefele approached.
Tae noticed the newcomer out of the corner of her eye but said nothing as she approached.
Elle on the other hand made a show of looking at her, eyes alit with wonder.
"It's an animal sub-human!" She said, pointing at the approaching person.
Nefele grins upon seeing the little girl, and bleats at her.
Eglath looked up at his young ward's enthusiastic declaration.
A large eyebrow rose in... uncertainty.
"Greetings... Lady Lamb. I would appreciate it if you did not bark at my young companion. She is quite young and impressionable."
Elle bleats back at her, punctuating his statement.
She raises her hands and steps back compliantly, bowing a bit. "Forgive me, it is a bit of a tic of mine." She straightens and cranes her head back to regard Eglath. "I am to be joining your adventure," she says certainly.
Tae considered the young girl's statement.
'Did she hear his declaration?' She thought with a frown. 'The gold was evenly divided between five, but with six...' She narrowed her eyes. 'At this rate, I might need to arrange for one of them to have an... unfortunate accident if I am to get anything worthwhile.'
Eglath shrugged, sitting comfortably on the floor next to Elle and Sir Herp Derpington. "I did say that all were welcome. If you feel up to the task, then I would nary venture to deny you."
He stared pointed at Elle, "You, on the other hand, I am fully willing to deny you, so do not even think of arguing again."
Elle narrowed her eyes.
"Mister Eggle-ath is just underestimirating Elle..."
She nods graciously. "Bless you." With that settled, she clops back over to Blythe. "Should that be enough for your stay tonight?"
"I'm sure it'll do fine. Thank you."
After a night of meetings, this new group of bold adventurers sets out on their first journey, following directions written on the request sheet. They leave in the morning for their destination.
Not So New Category / Storyline / Chapter One - Imperia - "To the guild hall!" (Embra, Blythe)
on: April 15, 2013, 02:30:07 am
===Vex, momo===
Embra paused after hearing the guard shout and after several moments she raised her free hand into the air and declared, "To the guild hall!", and with that she began to awkwardly drag the human archer off in a random direction that she had seemingly decided was the direction of the guild hall.
"Can, uh, can I walk? That sounds like where I was headed. You don't need to drag me."
"Nuh-uh! Half-orcs are notoriously violent. You've only been in this city for a few minutes and you already almost killed someone."
"Look, you can carry my arrows but this is very awkward."
Embra paused for a moment, then stepped back and released Blythe's head.
Blythe staggers briefly, catching themself on the ground with their hands, but quickly staggering. They hand their quiver to Embra. "Don't run off with them, though. I don't want to have to make new ones just yet." They then follow wherever Embra leads, thinking that'll get them to the guild hall.
Still set on her chosen completely at random direction, Embra shouldered the quiver of arrows and immediately shuddered under the force of encumberation before beginning to move toward the West.
You pass through the district, evading wagons and the men and women (and occasional warforged) loading and unloading goods to and from them. Slave drivers use their whips to encourage those not putting out their best work, eliciting the occasional cry of pain, while the merchants close their deals with one another.
I take it you're here looking for work as well?"
Eventually, after many long minutes of walking and talking amongst yourselves the scenery changes, as the workers, wagons, and merchants are replaced by adventurers and other travelers, including merchants heading in from the district you passed earlier. Most of the buildings have signs indicating them as taverns.
===Vex, momo===
Mood Music: Theme of Groose
"-and that's why I'm here!" Embra said.
Blythe looks around, distracted. "Well. Good for you, then. I don't suppose we're close to the guild hall?"
"You weren't listening at all, were you?" Embra said, looking at Blythe, arms crossed.
"No! No, I was. You were talking about, um... your... family...?" Blythe flushes "I'm sorry. Between my hunger and the incident back there I'm just really distracted. I'd like to get some work before it's dark so I can afford a place to sleep."
As you stand there bickering, people walk by you. Several of them growl at you for standing in the middle of the road.
===momo, Vex===
"Let's get out of the road. Where's the guild hall?"
Embra shrugged nonchalantly, "I don't know? Maybe around here?"
"I thought you knew..."
"Why would you think that? I've never been to this city before. Or country for that matter."
"I had no way of knowing that! All I knew was that you acted like you knew where you were going! It could be on the other side of the city by now!" Blythe raises their voice, starting to get agitated.
"Ugh", Embra groaned, "Never trust a half-orc to know where they're going.", Embra muttered, her hands on her hips.
"I was following YOU! YOU'RE the one who led us here!"
"Me?!" Embra said, looking aghast, "I just said that this is my first time in this city! Why would I try to lead the way anywhere?"
"You said 'to the guild hall' and dragged me off. How is that NOT implying you knew where you were going?!"
"I distinctly recall nothing of the sort! I can't help it if you have some sort of faulty memory!"
Blythe places their face in their hands and takes a deep breath. "Okay. Okay. Let's just find the guild hall and find some work."
"Fine couple of wenches I see here," a passing passerby stinking of alcohol says with a distinctive slur and a perverted smile.
"Where?" Embra wonders, looking around.
The drunken passerby is gone, however, and doesn't hear your question.
You stand on the side of a crowded road lined with stone buildings whose windows glow with artificial light from inside. Rain is pelting your bodies relentlessly, and the air is cold. No one seems to care enough about you to say anything, however.
"HEY! Anyone willing to show me to the guild hall in return for, uh..." Blythe trails off as they look through their pockets. "A silver piece?"
Several people laugh at you, but no one responds seriously.
===momo, Vex===
Blythe sighs and backs up against a building, trying to take shelter from the rain, then turns to Embra. "Well that's all I've got. Any suggestions?"
"You've got a silver?" Embra wondered absently, "Well... I am running a little low on coin. It seems like an easy enough job. I could probably lead you there if you paid me. So, what do you say mister half-orc? Lead you to the guild hall for a silver!" Embra offered.
Embra attempts to bluff!
==== Roll: 1d20+5 (Bluff) Result: 25 ====
"Oh. You had me thinking you didn't know how to get there. Nice one!" Blythe pulls out the coin and tosses it to Embra. "Lead on."
"Alright then." Embra said, pocketing the silver coin. "Let's go!"
As you walk through the rain, you come across a trisection in the road, a fork as it were. The road you are on continues to lead straight ahead, while there is also one leading to your right.
Embra continues to walk straight ahead.
You continue on your path, eventually coming to an intersection. From across this intersection you hear the sounds of barked orders and the echo of marching boots over the pitter patter of rain. Standing out amidst the brick buildings is a fortress of stone with narrow windows and flat roofs, with visible crenellations. From within the fortress you can hear the distant cries of men training and the clanging of metal. Numerous city guards can be seen walking in and out of the garrison.
Embra looks around for a moment and then decides to continue forward again.
The road curves a bit to your right as you walk; you can see another district coming up. There are crowds of people, even larger than in the other districts you saw on your way in. There are rows of buildings, their storefronts displaying various wares, and an ostentatious auction hall can be seen towards the center of the district, the majority of the crowd gathered there. You can hear the buzz of conversation and hollering from inside the auction hall even as you approach.
===Vex, momo===
"An auction hall?" Embra wondered, staring at the loud, ostentatious building. "Let's go inside! You can buy me something for a present!" Embra declared, grabbing Blythe by the wrist and attempting to pull him inside the building.
"I most certainly cannot. I just gave you the last of my money. Did you miss the part where I need work just to have a place to sleep this very night?"
Embra folds her arms across her chest and huffs, "Well, that'll teach me to accept a date from a Half-Orc. But still, I want to see what's for sale. I can help you find someone who will pay for your baby shooting expertise afterward." Embra said. Pausing for a few moments she added, "Plus it's still raining."
Blythe sighs. "You'd better find someone..." But they follow Embra in.
You approach the auction hall with the intent to get in, but there's massive crowd in your way. It seems, even at this time of day, with the sun setting and darkness spreading over the land, the auction hall is as lively as ever.
Embra, as politely as she knows how, pokes the nearest human in the side or stomach, "Excuse me, why is this place so busy? What are they auctioning?"
The man frowns at Embra, stepping away as if disgusted, entirely forgetting her question.
"Ugh! Don't touch me, subhuman!" He spat. He looked over at Blythe. "You! You need to keep your animals properly chained up or they'll spread their diseases!"
===Vex, momo===
Embra glared, wrinkling her nose, "I wish I brought some sort of smoke bomb or something...", she muttered. Embra silently gave up on the idea of entering the auction house and continued forward, through the obvious shopping district.
Blythe gives the man a scowl and follows Embra on to... wherever she's going
As they continued walking, they came upon a rundown neighborhood. The homes were falling apart in some places and leaning in others, with poorly done patchwork to cover up holes in walls and ceilings. There were a few wandering up and down the road, some of them dressed in rags and obviously homeless, with others only slightly better clothed. Those that were moving and not meandering about like the homeless, did so in a hurry to get through the area.
Embra continues straight.
After about five minutes of walking, they came to another fork in the road, but were immediately beset by a powerful stench.
==== Roll: 1d20-1 (Fortitude Save, Embra) Result: 5
Roll: 1d20+2 (Fortitude Save, Blythe) Result: 12 ====
Blythe is not too adversely affected by the stench. However, Embra feels sick to her stomach just from being there.
===Vex, momo===
"This place is gross." Embra gagged out as she moved quickly through the district.
"I suppose. It's not that bad, though."
You come across another fork in the road after about a minute or two. You are still in the horrendously bad smelling district.
===momo, Vex===
"Say, are you sure you know where you're going?"
"Definitely, probably, maybe.", Embra says, sounding strange as she pinches her nose. She continues walking straight.
After several minutes you leave the smelly district but come to another district resembling the one you passed through before it and another fork in the road.
Embra looks around, silently searching for the Guild Hall, or any sign thereof.
You don't see anything that indicates that the guildhall district might be nearby. You see poor people in dirty rags, a few peasants better clothed than they, and two guards that are patrolling the district.
Embra continues on then.
After several minutes of more walking, you leave the poor district and find yourself surrounded by more walls of stone. You see groups of people dressed like travellers walking about, moving in and out of the various buildings. Most of the buildings have signs indicating them as taverns and/or inns.
Embra looks around.
You don't see anything that indicates that the guildhall district might be nearby. You see groups of people dressed like travellers walking about, moving in and out of the various buildings. Most of the buildings have signs indicating them as taverns and/or inns.
===Vex, momo===
Embra frowns, still looking vaguely sick.
She looks back at Blythe and says, "Hey, stay here for a minute and try not to get mugged. I have to go in here.", pointing at a nearby tavern.
Blythe squints. "I'm coming with you. You're not running off with my money and arrows."
"What?! Accusing me of things?! I see how it is! You give someone your heart and soul! Pour out all of your most intimate feelings and emotions and memories!", Embra gasped, wrought with melodrama, "And then they just turn around and accuse you of being a rogue! Some sort of common thief, fit to lead stooges on hapless journeys in gigantic circles just so you can swindle them out of everything they own! Well, sir or madam! I am offended, and have nothing but scorn for your accusations of wrongdoing." Embra said, turning away and crossing her arms in a huff.
"No offense, but you're a stranger, you've definitely deceived me at least once so far, though likely as a joke, and you have no reason to be going into a tavern in a town where you adamantly assure me you've never been! I see no reason I shouldn't just accompany you inside to ensure your end of the bargain."
Embra giggled and spun back around, "Well alright then you big flatterer you!", she said with a grin, before completing her spin to face toward the tavern again.
"I'll just show you off to all my friends that I've never met before.", she said before skipping merrily toward the tavern.
"Alright, then." Blythe follows, mildly amused.
You make your way to the tavern. Once you open the door, all of its patrons and the barkeep turn to look at you. As you step in, the idle chatter of its patrons slowly dies out and you begin to feel a number of angry glares.
===Vex, momo===
Embra shoves Blythe's quiver back into his hands, "Hey, give me like five minutes before you shoot another kid, okay."
"Yeah, yeah." Blythe straps it back on and glances around at the surprisingly hostile faces.
"Hey buddy," Embra says, suddenly at the bar and looking at the person she assumed was the barkeep. She placed a silver coin on the counter, "Mind telling me where to find the local adventurer's guild?"
Though the barkeep was glaring at you at first, his mood changed when you showed him the silver. He shrugged and took it.
"You'll find a tannery district south-east from here. Can't miss the place, smells worse than an infected horse's anus." He said. "If you turn left on the second road after getting there, the guild hall district should be straight ahead at the end of the road. I don't know exactly where the guild yer lookin fer is, but go on before the customers start complaining."
===Vex, Momo===
Embra gets up from the bar, grabs Blythe by the arm and says, "Come on Half-Orc." and tries to pull him back out the door.
Blythe shrugs and follows
Not So New Category / Storyline / Chapter One - Imperia - The Yellow Mug
on: April 14, 2013, 01:44:46 pm
"Just keep going this way," The fairy said, falling back to land on your shoulder again. She had pink hair and eyes, and wore a diminutive peasant's outfit. "It's a little harder to fly out here. Anyway, I can tell you're new to this place, so I'll warn you; some of the locals can get pretty brutal when it comes to dealing with people that aren't human." The fairy said. "By the way, My name's Tannim."
Elle picked up on the conversation and looked up.
"Elle's name is Elle," She said.
"And Eglath is my name, noble companions," the Goliath replied with cheer. Looking up to the grey sky above, Eglath enjoyed the feel of the rain on his naked skull... but not all people were as robust as himself. With a slight gesture, he unhooked his cloak from his shoulder and draped it over the young Elle's head, a veritable blanket for her small frame.
Turning his attention back to Tannim, he snorted loudly. "And fear not, my friend. I believe only the most foolhardy of bigots would dare to give trouble to a trio as formidable as ourselves."
Satisfied that all was well, Eglath continued to follow the fairy's direction. "So, tell me more of this place. Where might a warrior find a name for himself in such a city as this?"
Elle blinked as the comparatively giant cloak was draped over her, covering much of her body from sight. She continued walking like that without doing anything about it, following the sounds of Eglath’s heavy steps on the wet cobblestone path. Tannim snickered at the sight.
“We’re actually headed to such a place.” The fairy said. “Kira’s establishment is in the guildhall district. I don’t know if they’ll have work for someone like you though. You know what I mean?”
As you walk along the western road, you notice the area is less populated. There are less buildings around, and instead more natural surroundings; trees and flowers dot the landscape. Between the road and the wall, there are fewer buildings than trees, though this changes on the other side of the road.
“It’s not impossible, but if you want to make it here you’re really going to have to beat the odds.” Tannim continued.
The road curves a bit to your right as you walk; you can see another district coming up. There are crowds of people, even larger than in the other two districts you saw on your way in. There are rows of buildings, their storefronts displaying various wares, and an ostentatious auction hall can be seen towards the center of the district, the majority of the crowd gathered there. You can hear the buzz of conversation and hollering from inside the auction hall even as you approach.
“This is the marketplace,” Tannim said. “It’s just a few districts past here.”
Eglath pondered, briefly, stopping to browse, but the lightness of his purse dissuaded him of that notion quickly.
"Fear not for me. It is rare that the odds are stacked against me." He offered the fairy a crooked grin. "After all, I have been in the city scarcely an hour, and already have gained the companionship of two lovely young ladies. I doubt anyone else would have such luck!"
Giving another boisterous laugh, Eglath patted Elle gently on the head. "So, tell me of this Kira. I imagine her tolerance for us lower beings must make her less than popular herself. What does she do in this place?"
Tannim chuckled.
“I’m older than you, you know,” She said. “Anyway, I don’t know Kira personally. I heard she used to be an adventurer or something, but something or another forced her to settle down and she bought a tavern and inn outright, about half a year ago. She’s infamous for offering equal services to people regardless of their race.”
“Are you talking about the sub-human filth loving lady?” Elle asked from beneath the cloak.
"Perhaps, Elle," Eglath replied, his smile slipping a touch, "You might consider a different word from filth?"
He gestured to the fairy on his shoulder.
"After all, while I am quite filth coated, I do not think our companion appreciates such an unfair statement. You would not want to hurt our feelings, would you young one?"
“Yes, after all, my feelings are so very delicate.” Tannim chirped.
“Gasp! Elle is sorry! Elle didn’t know sub-humans had feelings!” She exclaimed, remorseful. She pulled the large cloak down a bit and wrapped it around herself several times.
Tannim groaned.
Eglath could only shake his head helplessly, a defeated grin on his face. It was obvious that his companion was quite inured to the constant abuse which had permeated the young girl's speech, so there was no need to try to scold her for something she could scarce even understand.
Instead, Eglath simply followed the Fairy's direction, taking a series of streets and roads, until they finally arrived at, the Goliath could only assume, was their destination.
"Elle doesn't really know what a sub-human is," The girl admitted. "The lady at the church taught her that a sub-human is anything that looks like a human, but that's it." She looked up at the fairy.
Tannim just shook her head and sighed.
"It's alright kid, don't worry about it."
And so Elle followed as Tannim led Eglath through the marketplace, the slums, the tannery, and the red light and a district filled with shanty homes and huts until finally they reached the guildhall district and stopped before a lit up tavern.
There was wooden sign above the door - which was a foot too short for Eglath - with a lantern hanging over it, which read, The Yellow Mug, Tavern and Inn. From inside, one could hear a boisterous crowd of people, laughing and talking, as well as the cheery tune of a young songstress.
"Here you are, as promised." The fairy said cheerfully. "Now, I believe you owe me something?"
With thick fingers, not terribly well suited to the task of handling tiny, human currency, Eglath dug a single gold coin from his purse and nodded in agreement.
"Indeed I do, fair Fey. Take it with my gratitude for showing me the way through this labyrinthine encampment." He shook his head in amusement. "Never before have I laid eyes upon such a sprawling community."
With that, Eglath ducked his head down and stepped through the door, casually handing the coin to the fairy on his shoulder. Once inside, he stretched to his full height and let out a boisterous belly laugh.
"Now, where is a warrior and his motely team of mercenaries to find a drink and a meal in this establishment?"
Elle followed Eglath into the building.
"Elle really wishes she hadn't passed through that stinky place," She grumbled as she stepped inside, then looked around in awe.
"You and me both, kid." Tannim chirped as she accepted the comparatively large gold coin. Despite the size difference, she was able to hold it easily (with both hands, anyway).
A small crowd of men and women - the vast majority human - were seated at tables throughout the modestly sized room, clothed in the garments and armor common to adventurers rather than the garb of peasants. There was a large lit fireplace in the center of the tavern, and one could feel its heat on their cold, wet body the instant they were inside. There was a staircase against the wall to Eglath's left, leading up to the inn's rooms.
The songstress, who stood in an empty corner of the room, was an elven maid. She sang a cheery song to the tune of a human bard's lute, adding to the tavern's atmosphere. More than a few of the men in the building were focused directly on her.
Across the room from their position at the door was a bar, behind which a door to the kitchen could be seen. Seated at the bar were a Vinean woman and a woman with elven features, but pale gray skin. The Vinean woman was talking to a heavily pregnant woman, while the elven looking woman was drinking something from a mug.
The tavern's guests had a mixed reaction to Eglath's entrance.
The ones dressed up as peasants and common folk - locals - lost a bit of their liveliness, while the adventuring types simply continued on.
"Now there's a stout lad!" called out a gravelly voice to a round of laughter.
The pregnant woman at the bar grinned. She had light skin, was bald and wore a brown leather vest over a white-longsleeved shirt, fitted black trousers, and black boots with heels.
"If it's a drink and a meal you want, then you've come to the right place!" She called back. "Come have a seat!" She said, gesturing down at the stool beside the Vinean woman.
"Finally, a friendly face," Eglath joked with Elle. He then moved across the room, careful not to knock anything, or anyone over. "As he pulled up one of the fragile looking chairs, he unsheathed the massive blade from his back, setting the nearly 8 foot sword against the bar before he gingerly sat down.
"Thank you for your hospitality, madam, it seems that not many in this town are so tolerant of sub-human filth." Glancing down at the woman's swollen belly, he smiled all the wider. "Also, congratulations on your own blessing."
Elle followed after him, hopping up onto on the stool that the woman had gestured when she noticed Eglath grabbing a chair.
The woman winced when Eglath mentioned 'sub-human filth'.
"Someone called you 'sub-human filth'? Geez, I'm sorry you had to go through that." She said with a sigh and a shake of her head.
"Verily, the humans dwelling in this city are an uncouth lot." The vinean woman sitting beside Elle said in an airy voice. "Present company excluded, of course." She added when Kira turned to look at her expectantly.
"Yes. I wonder -who- could have -said- such a terrible thing..." Tannim murmured suggestively.
Elle however didn't seem to notice the pointed statement.
The barmaid's expression changed to a prideful smile and she rubbed her distended belly.
"Anyways, thank you! Though it wasn't the best timing... or with the best man... " She grumbled the last part, "... I'm lookin' forward to bein' a mama!" She said with a nod.
"Elle is hungry," The little girl declared suddenly, holding up her wet cup with three copper coins in it. "Elle and Mister Eggle-ath are going to buy food!"
The pregnant woman chuckled.
"That's right, food and drink, is it?" She said, turning to look at Eglath. "Were you in need of a place to stay as well?"
Eglath looked to the girl at his side, then to his nearly empty coin purse. "Alas, though my generosity is boundless, the rather more pragmatic nautre of my finances is somewhat"
Giving a weary sigh, he dropped the purse onto the table. "However, I did promise a meal to my young friend, so we will start with that. If your rooms are affordable, I may take one as well."
Absently, he flicked the small satchel with a pinky. "Beyond just food and board, though, perhaps some advice would be helpful as well. I do need to find a way to fill my coffers in this most unwelcoming place if I am to stay for more than a few nights."
"Advice, hmm?" The barmaid asked with furrowed brow. She glanced over at the pale gray elven maid sitting a few stools over. "I was just asked a similar question, but I'm afraid I couldn't tell you for certain. They might have some work for you at one of the nearby guildhalls. But, I'm sure you'd like to eat, so... tonight we've got sliced ham, jerked buffalo, and corned beef for five silvers, roast goose for seven and squabstuffed pheasant for eight... We've also groul of the beast for two, if that's what you need." She said, recalling what he'd said about his finances. "And we've ale for four coppers and mead for a silver to quench the thirst."
Elle's mouth was hanging open, drool dripping out, and revealing two prominent canine teeth that gleamed in the tavern's artificial light. She quickly looked up at Eglath.
"Elle wants the ham! Please get Elle the ham!"
"Four servings of ham, the same of ale," Eglath requested, before looking down at Elle, "... and some milk if you have it," he added with a grin.
He then turned his attention to the woman sitting several stools down. Even the difference in species, height and several orders of magnitude in mass, he could not ignore the nearly supernatural beauty of the pale skinned female.
If only she were about two hundred pounds plumper...
"So, I am not the only newcomer to town this day? Excuse me, miss, but have you received any further tips that may help me as well?"
"Elle wants ale too! Please get Elle the ale instead!" Elle cried out.
"Milk for you, little one." The barmaid said with a snort as she turned around and walked into the kitchen to deliver their order to the cook.
"Awwww!" Elle groaned.
Tae glanced over at the giant that had addressed her. Had he deduced that she was the newcomer just from the short conversation he'd had with the barkeep and the Vinean woman? Perhaps there was some intelligence hidden within that massive frame. Perhaps she could use him. He certainly looked to be a strong fighter.
He might make a good meatshield.
She turned to face him with a congenial smile.
"I find myself in much the same situation as you, sir. Unfortunately I've heard nothing else that could be of use. But maybe we can work together on that front, share any information we gather with one another?"
The vinean woman looked from one speaker to the other.
"Searching for employment, is it?" She asked. "If that's the case, then you're out of luck. Jobs have been quite scarce in this town of late, due to various reasons. Last I checked at the guildhall next door, the only available request was something about goblins harassing some poor little hamlet in the hinterlands. It's low profile stuff, I doubt the pay is worth it."
Eglath scratched his chin, deep in consideration.
"Hmm, hunting Goblins?" Donning a large smile, he lifted on of his large feet. "I have just the implement for such a hunt right here with me."
He turned back to the fair drow.
"I do not know what you seek, but even a few coins is enough to make myself happy, and perhaps a small amount of reputation as a bonus. Would you be interested in splitting such a bounty?"
He turned back to Elle. "Though I think you might have to stay in town while I am away, little one. It is hard to keep all of you tiny people in sight when I stomp pests!"
Elle looked up at him.
"Elle's strong too! She might even be stronger than you, Mister Eggle-ath!"
Tannim chuckled.
"Somehow, I doubt that."
Tae watched the interaction, feeling a pang of nostalgia.
"If it's with competent allies, I wouldn't mind splitting the reward. It's only fair." She said.
The vinean woman raised an eyebrow.
"What's this? You're actually interested in such work?"
Eglath chuckled gently, patting Elle on the head.
"I am sure that one day you will be stronger than I... but probably not for a year or two at least. Perhaps you should stay behind for now... just to be safe."
He turned back to the Vinean woman. "I don't suppose she could stay here, could she? I can leave some gold to pay... if only for a few days. With any luck, hunting goblins might at least fill our pockets with silver."
Turning back to the drow woman, he gestured to the door. "What say you? Shall we try to snatch this bounty before any other Ragamuffin adventures attempt to steal it from beneath our noses?"
Elle puffed out her bottom lip in a pout.
"Elle is strong! Elle is the strongest!" She declared, looking around the room.
"Hmm? If you can pay, I'm certain Kira will allow her to share some space. Though it pains me to say, it might be more economical for her to simply sleep near the fire down here." The Vinean woman said. "Perhaps the little waif could use some clothing, for that matter."
Tae considered it.
"Goblins or no, I'd feel more confident with another ally or two to aid our cause." She said.
Elle finally stopped her search on seeing Eglath's Fullblade. She narrowed her eyes and pointed a hand at it, and cried out, "Float!" as she stared at it in concentration.
The massive blade lifted into the air. It didn't wobble or anything of the sort; its movements were precise and controlled. The blade slowly rose up towards the ceiling and began spinning around its centerpoint like an animated baton.
"See!" The girl said through her teeth, "Elle could lift two of those! She's sure of it!"
Noting the incredible feat of defying the natural order of the world, Eglath did the first thing he could think of.
Falling backwards, his chair shattering to splinters at the sudden shift in bulk, Eglath collapsed to the floor, his eyes wide in shock.
"By the Ram-God, what sorcery is this?" Looking back from his sword to the mysterious young girl, the Goliath could only stutter in shock. "H-how are you doing this?
"Oh!" The vinean woman raised her brow as she watched. She clapped a few times. "Impressive, lass!"
A number of people in the tavern were also watching, spellbound.
"Blimey! Wouldja lookit tha'! 'sa flyin' swerd! A big 'un, at tha!"
"What? It is! Nice trick!"
Sounds of awe spread around the room and there was a round of applause from those less utterly awestruck. However, Eglath's question caused Elle to look over at him... and the floating weapon immediately fell to the stone floor with a great, loud clang.
"Uh... Elle... Elle doesn't really know!" She turned to look at the massive sword and frowned. "She just points at it like this and... makes it move! She can't do it more than once or twice a day... but it's fun!" She stood up and reached down to try and pick it up by the hilt. She grunts and groans as she tries to lift it."Hweh? It's heavier than Elle thought!"
It was at that point that the barmaid returned from the kitchen with a small plate in one hand and a mug in the other. On the plate was a slice of ham, dark rye bread, and a fork.
"And just who was making all that noise?" She demanded as she carried the meal over to Tae and set it down before her. She then made her way to where Eglath and Elle were seated, setting the mug down.
"Uhh... Not Elle!" Elle chimed.
"Interesting..." Tannim muttered. She had fluttered off of Eglath's shoulder the instant he'd begun falling backwards and now hovered in the air above. From her position she surveyed the room, while most of the guests went back to their business.
The barmaid spotted Eglath on the floor and raised her eyebrows.
"And just -what- happened to you?"
Eglath shook his head, running a calloused hand over his skull.
"Nothing, nothing. Unfortunately it appears you may need to invest in a hardier breed of chair in the future if I am to become a regular patron here," he joked uneasily.
Rising back to his feet, the Goliath first picked up his sword before leaning against the bar itself.
Giving Elle another look, this one a more appraising glance. He felt a bit foolish for his surpise. He had never seen a display like that back in his tribe, but judging by the casual reactions of all present, it was a fairly common ability.
"That was... quite impressive, Elle. Still, I think it would be safer for you to stay here for now. It would look quite badly on myself, taking someone so young into a battle and all."
He turned back to the barmaid. "Do you suppose, if I left a few gold coins, that Elle could stay here until I get back from hunting goblins?"
Tae began eating her meal in silence, listening to the discussion with disinterest.
Kira raised an eyebrow.
"You don't say. You're paying for that, you know." She considered his question. "I suppose, if you're paying, I could put her up for a bit..." She said. "But I wouldn't exactly be able to tend to her every need. I do have a business to run, after all. I agree, though, it'll be much safer for her to stay here."
Elle sat down on the stool again.
"Elle could hunt goblins too..." She grumbled.
"I don't doubt it, lass. But I'm certain you'll have more fun frollicking with the other children in the streets here." The vinean woman said.
Kira tsk'd.
"Human children shouldn't be playing in the rain, Naida, they'll catch a chill."
"Oh? Hm. Then I suppose she'll have to play inside. Still, it'd be irresponsible to let her go on such a trip. We'll take care of her, Sir.. Eggle-ath, was it?" She asked with a smile.
Elle held up her bowl. She focused on it as they spoke, and murmured,
"Change colors,"
after a moment, the misshapen clay bowl turned bright red and she cheered.
Tae watched the girl with a frown. Her studies in Arcana had covered a variety of topics in history and legends, but she had not yet managed to study practical applications of magic and was not quite familiar with identifying the spells of other mages, so she couldn’t quite tell what the human child was doing.
“Look!” Elle said suddenly, holding up the bowl with a toothy grin. It continued to change colors.
“Oh? Magick, is it?” Kira raised an eyebrow. “Surprising from a child so young, but you’d be hard-pressed to impress any of the adventurers in this tavern.”
Elle puffed out her lip.
“Elle can do more than this!”
“I don’t doubt it, but if you break anything, little-one, it’s coming out of Sir Eggle-ath’s coin purse.”
"Eglath, actually, Miss... Kira, was it? My Fair fairy companion mentioned your name I belive."
He turned to Elle. "And while you seem to be quite full of tricks, I think that perhaps waiting until I get back would be a better time to see all of what you can do. Then we won't have to worry about being kicked out onto the street my wicked humans," he fired a teasing wink Kira's way. "So what do you say? Will you stay here in the nice, warm inn until I get back, and then I can see about training you in the knightly ways?"
Brushing off his chain shirt, he nodded to everyone else present, as he prepared to make his way to the Guild Hall to secure work.
Elle's eyes widened at his question.
"Mister Eggle-ath is gonna teach Elle to be a knight!? Ooh! Oooh! Can Elle get a sword like Mister Eggle-ath's if she's a good knight!?"
Kira chuckled at that and shook her head.
"She's certainly an energetic little brat." She said.
"The Guildhall you're looking for is next door, by the way," Naida said with a nod.
Tannim hovered down to Elle's face.
"Forget about bein' a knight, kid, that's no fun at all. But, I bet you and I can have some -real- fun if we team up!"
"There is no truer companion than steel, Fairy," Eglath boasted with a grin. "So stop filling Elle's head with such silliness."
He then turned his attneiton to the young girl. "And I'll just be gone for a few moments, across the way. Make certain that at least one of those hams is still here when I get back!"
And with that, he made his way out the door, intend on the Guild Hall, and the first step on his grand adventure.
"Okay! Elle promises to eat only three hams!" The child cried as he stepped outside.
Not So New Category / Storyline / Chapter One - Imperia - An Averted Crisis (Herp, Embra, Blythe)
on: April 12, 2013, 11:45:15 pm
You stand before a gate with two men at edge of Imperia, the capital of Tilduran. Both of them wield halberds and wear a guard's tabard over the clothing of peasants. Their armor consists of a simple chain shirt. You can see that they also carry a longsword and crossbow each.
Though the sun has only begun to set, the clouds are thick and it is raining. The guards notice your approach. They favor you with suspicious looks and narrowed eyes, but say nothing as you pass them by.
As you walk along the muddy road, you come to a four-way intersection.
To the right, you see impoverished dwellings, from simple huts to shacks cobbled together with rotting wood. Very few humans can be seen in this area; instead, dwarves, elves, and other types of non-humans can be seen, garbed in soaked peasants clothing. The occasional pair of guards - identical to those outside the gate - can be seen, patrolling and standing watch. Beside the only brick building in the area, there are caged pens full of prisoners - again mostly non-human - wearing dirty rags (if anything at all), chained together.
To the left you see buildings of stone brick. Large wagons populate the roads, which are paved with cobblestone, unlike the muddy road you are on and that of the area to your right. The men and women are mostly human, and garbed in clothing of the merchant class. City guards patrol the area as well, while hired soldiers stand protectively over their employers as they conduct their business with city merchancts. Men and women dressed as if they belong in the district to your right work hard, carrying goods from the wagons into the brick buildings, the occasional overseer snapping his whip on their hides so as to motivate them to move faster.
Though you came to Imperia hoping to see the famous City of Rain, the first thing you see is this. You know that you can find work suitable for an adventurer here, but are not sure where to find it. It is raining and the sun is soon to set, you are beginning to feel the fatigue of a long day's travel.
As you look around, you notice other people seem to be standing in the area as well, looking just as lost as you.
Blythe looks around at the others and asks of no-one in particular, "Do you know this city? I heard there might be work here, but...."
As you stand there in the rain, you notice two guards escorting a Merleon bound in shackles towards one of the caged pens in the district to the right. As they near it, however, the Merleon suddenly shoulder-rams into one of the guards, knocking her off of her feet, then turns and slams their shackled hands into the other guard's face, stunning them, and again, to knock him down.
The Merleon then turns and starts running towards you as best they can despite the shackles on their ankles.
"S-stop! Get back here!" The first guard shouts out as she stands up and gives chase. "Somebody stop that criminal!"
Blythe loosens their bow and nocks an arrow, stepping to the side to have a clearer view of everything going on
It wasn't hard for Embra to notice the commotion in front of her, it wasn't exactly subtle. Neither was it difficult for her to decide what course of action she should take, knowing her frail constitution and foreign nature to the city.
The merleon woman continues running in your general direction, with the guard hot on her heels. Several people in the area turn to watch as the spectacle unfolds. As she nears, the escapee looks over her shoulder at the pursuing guard with a scowl.
Blythe, in an action they might later regret, lets fly at the guard.
==== Roll: 1d20+4 (Attack Roll) Result: 6
Roll: 1d20+4 (Attack Roll) Result: 14 ====
Both of Blythe’s arrows miss their target and fly off. One of them hits a young elf boy in dirty rags watching the unfolding event, in the chest, while the other smacks into the wall of a building. Blood spurts out of the elven boy’s wound and he cries out in pain as he falls back. While other people scream and begin fleeing the area, the elven woman standing beside him looks down at him in plain faced horror.
The Merleon, still looking over her shoulder, crashes into Herp and immediately falls down to the ground.
“Hey!” The guard shouts at Blythe as she nears. “Watch where you’re shooting, you lunatic!” She stops before Herp and immediately kneels down to grab the fallen Merleon with a snarl. “You slimy little vermin!” She growls, standing up with the prisoner as her partner catches up and helps to restrain the merleon.
The guard turns to look at Blythe.
“You need to work on your damned aim! If you had hit me you’d be in a mountain of trouble right now! You’re lucky no one got hurt! If you’re that bad of a shot, then don’t even try to help!” She turns to look at Herp. “Thank you for your assistance.” She says.
“Let me go! Let me go!” The merleon woman screams as she struggles.
Blythe lowers their head. "Sorry."
Herp Derpington, follower of Kord, God of battle, stumbled back when someone crashed into his front. He really should have been paying more attention to where he was walking, but the clouds looked really nice today, and he really couldn't help but look at them as he walked with his newly found companions.
He didn't growl, as the other person was equally distracted by the guards giving chase to her.
"It was no problem, I just happened to not notice." He frowned slightly at the fish women's screams.
"Mind if I ask the reason for her chains?"
The guard glared down at the merleon woman.
"This filthy -wretch- murdered human orphans at a -cathedral- in cold blood while trying to steal from the religious offerings. Apparently one of the surviving children scared her off with magic, I don't know the details." She spat. "If you ask me, her punishment was light. Indentured servitude for murdering humans, children no less? I guess the life of an orphan is cheap, but she should be butchered and fed to the dogs if you ask me!"
The Merleon growled.
"It wasn't me! It was a doppleganger, or a shape shifter of some kind! I'm telling you, I'm innocent!"
"Yeah, that's what they all say," The guard growled as she and her partner began leading the violently struggling merleon woman away, towards the pen.
Meanwhile, the elven woman, who has knelt down over the child, snaps out of her shock.
"P-please, someone call a healer!" She cried out, looking around desperately. "My boy... someone... anyone! Please save my boy!"
The boy for his part is silent and unmoving. Some blood is leaking from his wound, but the rain washes it away before it can pool up.
Embra's eyes focused on the elf child immediately after the scream, and a frown almost immediately crossed her face. Looking back at the prisoner and the guards, she avoided them as best she could as she dashed over to the injured boy and his weeping mother. Leaning down, Embra examined the boy with wide eyes and a quivering lip, glancing back up toward the mother and saying, "T-this is horrible!", her hands balled up and raised up to just below her chin, "What sort of... unforgivable monster could have done this!"
Blythe shoots a venomous glance at the back of the retreating guard and sprints after Embra. (Run - 80')
Herp continued his frown. What the guards said bore more weight from his opinion. He didn't exactly possess much deductive skills, but from his point of view, it was less likely that a doppelganger would just murder a bunch of orphans.
"Makes sense. I have no reason to question it. I was only curious. Though, in the honor of the fight, you could have given her a chance to fight for her freedom." The half-orc shrugged. Not many people followed the ways of his Lord, but the least he could do was offer her a chance. However slight it was.
The elven woman looks up at Embra.
"P, please, can you h-"
She then spots Blythe and begins screaming.
"Please, no! Don't hurt him anymore! He's done nothing to you! Please!"
Meanwhile, the two guards turned to look at Herp incredulously.
"I beg your pardon?" The woman demanded.
"You big oaf." The man spat, pulling on the prisoner rather violently. "The craven wretch didn't give those kids a fighting chance now -did- she!"
The merleon growled.
"It was an accident! If they hadn't snuck up on me - I mean, I'm innocent! Damn it! It was a fake! I wasn't even there!"
"Yeah yeah, shut up," The guards growled as they pulled her away.
"No, no, I didn't mean to! I just want to help...." Blythe steps back and raises their hands nonthreateningly.
Embra grabs onto the woman's hands and slaps her semi-gently across the face, shaking her slightly, "MA'AM!", she shouts, "this is no time to be focusing your attentions on scary looking half-orcs!", she said, pointing behind her at Blythe, "Your son needs help!", she finished, giving the woman another shake or two for good measure before releasing her and looking back toward the injured child. It was time to do what she had absolutely no idea how to... heal the wounded.
Blythe notes Embra's actions and kneels down to help, determining that the boy's injuries are more urgent than the mother's fear.
The half-orcish follower of Kord flinched when the insult came in, but ignored it for now. It wasn't the worst he heard, but it was still an insult. He was taught to wait until battle to unleash his rage. That's what the temple focused on for a number of years, and he wasn't going to allow his natural tendencies to break through. He was barely able to catch what the merleon said, but it wasn't really all that important.
"It was only a suggestion. One you definitely don't have to follow up on. However, now I have an urge to try something." He paused, maybe for the dramatic tension. He then pointed at the guards before speaking. "I challenge one of you to a duel! Winner takes the servant."
The guards turned to look at Herp incredulously once more.
"Are you daft?" The woman asked. "Even if we were to accept such a preposterous challenge, she's not ours to wager!"
Though Embra's attempts (if they can becalled that) to help do nothing, thanks to their experience with bows and arrows, and their quick thinking, Blythe manages to remove the arrow and stabilize the elven youth.
The boy's mother watches, confused, as Blythe works. When Blythe is finished, she asks,
"W, will he be alright? Will my son yet live?"
"I... I am not a trained healer, but I think he will be okay now. Give him plenty of rest and it should be able to heal on its own from here. I am sorry."
Embra, pulling together all of her charisma, courage and know-how, confidently shrugs, "Maybe?"
Herp dropped his point, and shrugged. "Not really daft. Just wanted to give it a shot." He really didn't want to cause any more problems. Any farther and he might be killed for interfering. Given the size of the city, and the amount of soldiers, it wasn't worth pursuing any farther.
After a momentary awkward pause, Embra cought into her hand, "Well...", she started, "I'm glad that your son isn't dying anymore, now I think I should probably get this half-orc out of your hair before anything else terrible happens."
Picking herself off the ground, Embra awkwardly attempted to put Blythe into a headlock, "C'mon half-orc.", she said, pushing awkwardly against the ground in an attempt to move the both of them away from the scene.
"N-no! Don't be so half-hearted! Fight them! Fight them!" The merleon cried.
"You shut up already!" The female guard growled. She turned to look at Herp. "Hmph. Well, as thanks for helping us recapture this scum, let me tell you one thing. Your kind isn't welcome here, sir. I don't know what you've come for, but if you're looking for work, then go -straight- to the guild hall district. And stay out of trouble!"
"Th, thank you!" The elven woman said. "Oh, thank you!"
She then watched confusedly as Embra grabbed Blythe in...a headlock.
Blythe doesn't resist and, puzzled, allows themself to be pulled off.
Not So New Category / Storyline / Chapter One - Imperia - Eglath's Arrival
on: April 10, 2013, 11:54:23 pm
The sun has begun to set, the clouds are thick and it is raining.
You stand before a gate with two men at edge of Imperia, the capital of Tilduran. Both of them wield halberds and wear a guard's tabard over simple clothing. Their armor consists of a simple chain shirt. You can see that they also carry a longsword and crossbow each. The guards notice your approach, and favor you with suspicious looks and narrowed eyes, but say nothing as you pass them by.
In the distance, you can see a towering mountain in the center of Imperia, atop which a dull gray fortress can be seen. Buildings of gray brick dot the landscape, their designs monotonous and repetitive.
As you walk along the wet and worn cobblestone road, you come to a four-way intersection.
From your left, the sounds of barked orders and marching boots echo out over the pitter patter of rain. Standing out amidst the brick buildings is a fortress of stone with narrow windows and flat roofs, with visible crenellations. From within the fortress you can hear the distant cries of men training and the clanging of metal. Numerous city guards can be seen walking in and out of the garrison.
Beyond the street to your right you can see groups of people dressed like travellers walking about, moving in and out of the various buildings. A door opens to one of them, revealing a tavern filled with guests, and two muscular men throw a rotund man out into the street, causing heads to turn.
"And stay out!" One of the two men declares, earning uproarious laughter from inside the tavern. He slams the door shut, and the rotund man in the street curses at the closed door with a drunken slur. When he's satisfied, he stands up - very carefully - and begins his stumbling trek across the road. He manages to dodge several people despite his irregular movements, and almost falls numerous times, but manages to cross the street and enter another tavern.
A small human girl of no more than ten approaches from that direction, clad only in a single cloak that drapes around her shoulders. In her hands she bears a cup with maybe two or three copper coins in it, which she holds up towards everyone she passes. Most people simply ignore her, though a few tell her to scram.
The girl has long black hair that goes down to her back, and pale white skin. As she nears, you can see that her body is thin and scarred, and the irises of her eyes are red.
A grim frown creased the Goliath's broad face at the sight before him. Without a moment's hesitation, he lifted his gold purse to look within. What had once been a tidy sum was now nearly deplenished from his long journey. Still, there was yet enough.
Banishing his displeased expression, Eglath donned what he hoped to be a comforting smile, and slowly knelt before the young urchin. Gesturing her over, he overed her his smile and a small chuckle besides.
"Do not fear child. I am new to this place, and do not know my way around. If you could help me locate an establishment where I might slake my thirst, I could see fit to buy a meal for my erstwhile guide as well."
The girl is surprised by your beckoning, and this combined with your massive frame causes her to jerk back in fear. However, your invitation melts her fear away, and she stares at you uncomprehendingly for a moment, before finally her mouth hangs half open in awe.
"M...meal?" She asks, her eyes widening. She uses a hand to adjust the ragged cloak around her tiny frame. "Y-you would buy Elle a whole meal?"
Quite pleased with his results so far, and the fact that he had succeeded in not terrifying a small human child, Eglath chuckled lightly.
"Yea verily, young one. I'll buy you a meal fit for My stomach." Standing back to his full height, he looked around playfully. "Now, where would be a good place for us to find such nourishment?"
Elle looks up at you, somewhat surprised by your full stature. However, when she considers your question, she looks troubled.
"They won't feed sub-humans around here..." Though she says this derogatory term, there is no malice in her voice, or her attitude towards you. "Elle doesn't know where they will... b-but she can ask someone!" She says this last bit with the obvious hope that despite her lack of knowledge, you will still buy her some food.
"Sub human?" Eglath questioned with humor in his voice. Glancing down at Elle he laughed loudly, from his belly. "But how can someone so much TALLER than you humans be considered to be BENEATH them?"
Shaking his head reufully, he shrugged his shoulders. "Truley, I have heard as much in my journeys through the human lands, and am not surprised. If you can see fit to lead me to an area of this town not so enamored with its own delusions of superiority, perhaps I can spread a small amount of decency and generosity in this bereft settlement."
Elle blinks at your initial question, as if surprised. As you go on, she looks a bit confused and holds a hand up to her mouth.
"Elle doesn't understand... What's a... super...superority?" She asks. "And the lady at the church told Elle that all the human looking people but aren't human are subhumans."
She tilted her head, furrowing her brow, as she recalls the main issue at hand.
"Umm... hmm..." She turns her head about, as if looking for something. "Elle has heard of a woman who loves sub-human filth. Maybe she can help you?"
Lifting one of his mighty arms, Eglath took in a great sniff.
"Hmm, perhaps there is some truth to this 'filth' speak. I could certainly use a bath!" Laughing once more, not caring if anyone else around them was bothered by his boisterousness, the tall warrior then casually gestured into the town.
"Then lead on, my young guide. Take me to this woman who is so kind to filth such as me, and gain your reward in a bounty of food you have not likely seen for days!"
Elle's eyes widen as you describe the reward she would get, but then she looks troubled.
"E-Elle doesn't know -where- she is though," She admits. "But wait here!"
She immediately looks around, before running to the nearest person, who happens to be a guard.
"Mister Guard!" She calls out.
Her shout gathers some attention, and the man looks down at her, somewhat annoyed.
"Mister Guard, where is the sub-human filth loving lady?" She asks with wide eyes.
The man raises his eyebrow.
"What? How should I know? Get away from me, you little rat," The man said, waving her away. "Shoo."
She then scampers off towards the next nearest person.
While Elle continues to ask people for the woman's whereabouts, a small fairy suddenly lands on your shoulder.
"I heard everything. You're looking for Kira, hmm?" The fairy prompts. "I can tell you where she is... for a price."
Eglath suppresses a frown, but does not react to the poor treatment of the child. Rather, he merely follows quietly, making sure to keep just close enough to intervene if someone takes offense at her inquisitive nature.
Only to jump in confusion at the new presence on his shoulder.
Maintaining a neutral expression, Eglath kept his eyes on Elle, even as he replied to the fairy.
"And what price would you exact for such information, fey?"
"I'd think one gold coin should be enough," The fairy said. "What do you say?"
A shrug was his reply, though not enough to dislodge his passenger.
"A pittance for such a gift. Very well, lead me to this 'Kira', and then I shall pay you your reward. You have my word of honor on that."
Eglath then gestured to the young child. "Elle, our meal awaits. Let us away with our tiny new friend."
Elle stops running towards the next nearest person, hearing your statement, and turns around to look at you.
"Huh?" She notices the fairy and is surprised. "Now it's a teeny tiny sub-human?"
The fairy scoffs.
"If I could easily carry more I'd ask for the entire coin purse." She snorts. "But follow me." As she leaps off of your shoulder and starts fluttering off towards the western road, Elle sidles up to you. She empties her cup of rain water and counts the three coins inside, then looks up at you.
"Elle is ready to eat!"
Nodding to himself, Eglath tucked his coin purse into his mail shirt, then followed along, interested to see where his new, even tinier guide would lead him.